FirestarterAus » user profile

Member Since 02/03/2019
Last Seen 09/07/2024

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Real old thread sorry. How do you pay? My Australian cards do not go through when I try to buy from the USA Nintendo store...
09/07/2024 - 17:25
I sold Exodus for 65$ on eBay. $63 after eBay's cut.
03/03/2019 - 23:42
I 100% sold my OG One to them. One of the early ones that came with the Kinect (which I kept). Paid $327 with trade in for Destiny 2…
03/03/2019 - 13:31
I traded my OG Xbone in with 4 games I no longer play and paid $327. I might try and sell the 4 new games (cos cankley GoW is not for me)…
02/03/2019 - 18:35
FirestarterAus joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
02/03/2019 - 18:27