Meeee12 » user profile

Member Since 22/09/2019
Last Seen 18 hours 46 min

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This type of thing won't work well for much longer as you stick it to someone else's car and use it to stalk them.…
21/05/2023 - 17:13
It will start making a really loud and annoying beeping sound, but will continue to supply as much power as it can.
03/10/2019 - 09:39
I have just noticed that the feeds only allow you to grab the first page of results. Looks like I am going to have to screen scrape. :(
25/09/2019 - 16:58
I really prefer not to screen scrape, if you could add start date and coupon code as well as maybe targeted, out of stock, associated and…
25/09/2019 - 16:30
That would be great, thanks. Targeted and out of stock also need to be added, as well as user tags such as associated, store rep, L and P…
25/09/2019 - 09:45
I would like to build an app using the rss feeds, but I cannot find the start date or coupon code in the feed information. This deal is tag…
24/09/2019 - 23:18
Meeee12 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
22/09/2019 - 18:28