Malmsey » user profile

Member Since 27/03/2020
Last Seen 18 hours 41 min
Location Melbourne

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You consistently ignore the point I’m making and cherry pick statements to obfuscate the matter. 1. If someone as exceptional as Tesla…
30/03/2020 - 00:40
I see you've bought Scotty from marketing's BS logic using stats without context to make a point. The article below breaks it down for you:…
29/03/2020 - 15:30
Alluding to the fact that you may be out of touch with reality is not presumptive. I’ve seen so many here touting that old fable of the…
29/03/2020 - 13:27
Wow... The presumption that those who apply for welfare have never paid taxes. I'm happy for my taxes to subsidise those in need. Please…
29/03/2020 - 11:34
This is the typical attitude of an Australian who has no sense of empathy for those who were not born with a silver spoon in their mouth…
28/03/2020 - 00:11
Malmsey joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
27/03/2020 - 21:51