SydneyHer » user profile

Member Since | 31/05/2020 |
Last Seen | 26/11/2024 |
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SydneyHer commented on FreeStyle Libre 2 Continuous Glucose Monitor 14-Day Trial Patch $15 Shipped (RRP $125, Limit 1 Per Household) @ FreeStyle Libre
My husband is type 2 diabetic. He gave up on libre due to high failure rate and lack of support. The best atm is dexcom 7

SydneyHer commented on 40-70% off RRP Selected Skin Care, Fragrance, Make-up + 5-Piece Gift + $10 Postage ($0 w/$250 Order) @ L'Oréal Friends & Family
Received this past sale closure on Wednesday morning

I use Soundcore space a40, Soundcore had sale recently. Excellent

SydneyHer commented on Best Fake AirPods
I never targeted apple headphones but Soundcore space a40 is amazing in every way

SydneyHer joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!