mannysr » user profile

Member Since | 19/07/2010 |
Last Seen | 26/08/2014 |
Location | Hobart |
Recent Activities

mannysr commented on Audioengine 2+ Speakers $199 + Shipping PCCG

mannysr commented on Wiggle Voucher 20% OFF List price
This is already the cheapest place to buy a lot of stuff so any discount is good.

G500 not available on mobile site by the way. Thanks!

Lets get the g500 on special, please!

mannysr replied to
Gavman on 24" LED TV - Tyagi LED24 - 24 inch (60cm) Full HD LED Television with built in HD Tuner $275 + ~$18 delivery

Hey dooface, check the guidelines for posting a deal, price in title isn't hard. Unless the rep thinks it would deter people when they…

mannysr commented on 24" LED TV - Tyagi LED24 - 24 inch (60cm) Full HD LED Television with built in HD Tuner $275 + ~$18 delivery
No price, no dice.. (Worst thing ever written)

32" Bravia for $550-$600 is much much better value.

Anyone know why I keep getting this from paypal when I get redirected? "Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the…

mannysr replied to
scrimshaw on Microsoft Office Professional Academic - TAFE or UNI Students - 7 Programs for $99

I only want it for laptop + desktop so thats perfect thanks.

mannysr commented on Microsoft Office Professional Academic - TAFE or UNI Students - 7 Programs for $99
Does anyone know if this still allows TWO simulatneous installs of office? The old deal did so you could have it on laptop and PC, very…

mannysr replied to
ThePistonHead on Sony PS3 120GB + Sony 32" Bravia Full HD LCD + 3x Blu-Rays + HDMI - $797 Delivered Big W Online!

I might be, send your email to [email protected] and I'll let you know tomorrow.

Obviously Anthony had no idea what he was talking about because yes, on a 49 cap 39 is calls and 10 is data pack. IPhone 4 gives 50% off…

Yeah it does, you will go to 2gb, good luck finding a Telstra rep competent enough to know what you're talking about though.

Good find.

Misleading title is misleading.

Agreed, competition is not a bargain, might be more chance of winning this than the lotto but it's still a competition (albeit a free one).

Be careful with these guys, know of people waiting up to 1.5 months for their M4s.

No TAS store also :(

mannysr joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!