bawlingonabudget » user profile

Member Since 02/08/2010
Last Seen 5 hours 16 min
Location NSW

Recent Activities

that's very good to know, thanks for sharing. One last note re the strategy you mentioned - am I eligble if I do it that way? I don't want…
30/08/2024 - 00:24
interesting....that is where I'm at as well as I'd prefer to fly with SQ > Air Canada. so with that example, what you're saying is (put in…
28/08/2024 - 23:11
This is very helpful. So all in all, after what you're saying, probably makes most sense to stick with Air Canada?
26/08/2024 - 13:45
Out of curiosity, I'm about to enter my 2nd year on this card (reached the 60k spend). Is there much difference if I decide to switch from…
22/08/2024 - 14:34
Out of curiosity, I'm about to enter my 2nd year on this card (reached the 60k spend). Is there much difference if I decide to switch from…
22/08/2024 - 14:33
Out of curiosity, I'm about to enter my 2nd year on this card (reached the 60k spend). Is there much difference if I decide to switch from…
22/08/2024 - 14:31
Out of curiosity, I'm about to enter my 2nd year on this card (reached the 60k spend). Is there much difference if I decide to switch from…
22/08/2024 - 14:29
Out of curiosity, I'm about to enter my 2nd year on this card (reached the 60k spend). Is there much difference if I decide to switch from…
22/08/2024 - 14:29
$3997. HSBC are investigating it now. I was purposely holding out till Jan so I can get the 2 years of Gold Status. This early trigger of…
11/11/2023 - 20:42
well the thing is I didn't even reach the $4k spend and I got it pretty quickly, it's rather bizarre
11/11/2023 - 17:10
could you elaborate on this? don't quite follow. If I'm understanding this correctly, lets say I was to renew in Jan 2025 and then decide…
08/11/2023 - 18:10
yes, essentially you get 12 months of Gold Status and 23 months of Gold Status if you end up paying the annual fee in the second year.
08/11/2023 - 18:08
Yet to get my points although I didn't even reach the $4k spend (currently at $3997) so I'm trying to make them withdraw my Gold Status for…
08/11/2023 - 14:17
unfortunately no. the second you cancel your HSBC card is when you lose Gold Status.
08/11/2023 - 14:15
I just got nominated (email came in 1st Nov) and it says it'll be actioned by 15th Nov fyi.
01/11/2023 - 14:10
I am about $3 short of my $4000 spend (as I am planning to reach it by Jan 2024) and they've sent the 'Star Alliance Gold Status'…
01/11/2023 - 14:09
if you check the star alliance webpage for membership renewals, Aeroplan states that the gold membership is valid for the following…
28/10/2023 - 20:52
correct - reach your $4,000 spend in Jan 2024 and you'll have it until 2025 granted that you pay for the annual fee in the following year.
27/10/2023 - 12:19
I just signed up for Uber One (the PayPal deal) I tried selecting the $18.90 burger with addons and the price still comes out to $20+…
17/10/2023 - 15:35
strange..... I ordered 1 burger and had add-ons and the figure still amounted to $20+ Is there something I'm doing wrong?
17/10/2023 - 14:53
hey for someone who has no idea with how to "grade" powerbanks, could you explain to me like I'm 5 what the mAh, watts and cells mean and…
13/10/2023 - 18:51
how many payslips did you have to upload? it's so strange them asking for payslips
04/10/2023 - 23:57
thank you sir! You've helped me out heaps in the pointshacks community forum too - great to see you helping out the community!!
04/10/2023 - 16:42
do we have to sign up to Star Alliance Rewards Program to nominate Air Canada as the Status Airline? I'm confused at this step....
29/09/2023 - 14:15
hey can I DM you in regards to making a claim for 'Accidental Damage' for the Citi prestige card?
21/09/2023 - 21:27
how quickly did the send you a confirmation email? I called yesterday and the charge is 'pending' at the moment - no email yet to be…
04/08/2023 - 11:15
I just booked a room for Phuket (well on hold for 18 months) even though I hold an AU card despite the T&C's saying its reserved for…
03/08/2023 - 18:22