Gobi2020 » posts

Kia Cerato - Does Using Premium 95 Octane Cause Increased Fuel Consumption?

I bought a Cerato a few months ago and have been putting in 95 octane fuel as the dealer suggested. He said it was better for the engine. I have just noticed that the car seems to use a lot of fuel …

Stack money in Offset or put it in a vanguard fund

I have been putting money in my offset to reduce the interest charged on my mortgage as much as i can. So i have been getting a guaranteed return on my money of about 2.7% which is the rate of my …

Router with decent content filtering

Im looking for a home router with content filtering to prevent my kids from watching rubbish youtube. id want a router that can filter content by device. Any recommendations welcome.

I Need Help Choosing a Car (Budget $20000)

Alright, I’ve been looking at buying a car for the past 2-3 weeks. I’m overwhelmed with the options and I just don’t know enough. The missus has started working and I need a car to pick up and …

Paid a Deposit for a Car, Cancelled within Cooling off Period

Two days ago, I paid a deposit for a car I thought was a great deal. However, on reflection it wasn’t and thinking through what happened that day, I was stupid to do that. I asked for a test drive …