Iwgp » user profile

Member Since 06/12/2020
Last Seen 07/02/2021

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Probably get a similar response to you but mine is due to a leaking pipe in the wall. If your damaged carpet is due to the large crack…
08/12/2020 - 00:25
Thanks for the advice. It’s a fairly new building so quite concerned when I came across the wet patch that won’t dry. Submitted a…
06/12/2020 - 20:18
Thanks for your response. Could possibly have the same problem as you. Did your strata pay for the plumber to fix the crack and repair the…
06/12/2020 - 20:14
Was wondering how you fixed the wet carpet stain? I seem to have the same problem. Did your strata get involved in resolving the issue?
06/12/2020 - 00:26
Iwgp joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
06/12/2020 - 00:21