fmcg » user profile

Member Since 03/02/2021
Last Seen 05/02/2021
Location ACT

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but my concern is then having such clauses then any building inspector can then mention the faulty details and be not liable due to the…
04/02/2021 - 00:45
ohh ok ..i did talk to some lawyers who are specialized in such cases and some of them who seems honest said that Buildings reports are…
04/02/2021 - 00:41
Thanks , it did mention the standard details where can be asbestos with % and the year house built , however no inspection was done for…
04/02/2021 - 00:38
Hi there. I bought a 50 year old house recently in an auction and after moving in I came to know two major issues in the house, which was…
04/02/2021 - 00:11
fmcg joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/02/2021 - 23:10