OzSikh96k » user profile

Member Since 14/05/2022
Last Seen 22/09/2023

Recent Activities

What is the benefit of using a FUPs card?
18/09/2023 - 23:59
I saw inquisition get a lot of hate so put it off for years. Finally decided to just play it and have had a blast I'm about 80 hours in and…
18/09/2023 - 18:18
Cheers mate I saw shop back has 95% on cyber ghost and PIA - what do you think of those ?
18/07/2023 - 22:00
Can you please link the 97% one or where I can find it?
18/07/2023 - 21:55
You can also get $5 off through the app on meals
15/12/2022 - 14:33
Athletes foot have them for $150 right now, thinking of buying. As my I have flat feet and overpronantion, heels been hurting a lot recently
01/11/2022 - 15:49
OzSikh96k joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
14/05/2022 - 22:47