ribbon » user profile

Member Since 01/12/2022
Last Seen 03/07/2023
Badges 1

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can i biy 2set and make it a combined 4 sitter? any gaps ?
01/05/2023 - 23:20
sorry to hear that mate, so far im really happy with my reolink cams. most pro reviewers on youtube recommend them too, so for now won't…
07/04/2023 - 13:29
better apps and intergration with other value for money reolink cameras. had eufy in the past for their battery cameras and never…
07/04/2023 - 12:54
$50 would be the most i pay for these, not that comfortable IMO
06/04/2023 - 20:34
would just choose a reolink [lumus](https://www.reolinks.com.au/product/lumus/), cheaper and better.
06/04/2023 - 20:32
been told it was an error price, hardly will us see that price again
12/02/2023 - 02:06
ribbon was awarded a badge.
12/12/2022 - 10:38
ribbon joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
01/12/2022 - 22:29