sneh2j00 » user profile

Member Since 27/06/2023
Last Seen 31/12/2023

Recent Activities

I reckon its worth the $7 a month when I only really shop at woolies, so In 3 months ($21 cost) i have saved $105 by using 10% off, scored…
01/11/2023 - 21:15
The app is broken. Pretty pathetic from a company of this scale. There is nothing sent back to the app saying the order has been completed,…
09/10/2023 - 08:40
I had a mainboard replaced 18 months out of warranty on a Dell laptop a few years back. It had already been repaced once while under…
03/10/2023 - 10:20
Update: Got the 'Thanks for your purchase' email 26mins later.
27/06/2023 - 12:24
I tried over 50x manually, nothing. Tried the Java script method, went through after a few mins using my normal adobe email, revolut…
27/06/2023 - 12:14
sneh2j00 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
27/06/2023 - 12:10