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Moho Animation Software 40% off - Pro (US$239.99) and Debut (US$35.99) @ Lost Marble

expired Moho Animation Software 40% off - Pro (US$239.99) and Debut (US$35.99) @ Lost Marble

Lost Marble is having a Black Friday sale (40% off) for Moho Pro and Debut till 30th November 2022. Moho Debut/Pro is a 2D (vector) animation software with some cool rigging features. Product …


StackSocial Office 2021 for US$49.99?

First came across a cnet article: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/just-64-scor... Visited stacksocial, and found there was a separate deal for just office 2021 for $USD49.99 …

Clip Studio Paint Ex $79 USD/~$113 AUD (62% Discount)

expired Clip Studio Paint Ex $79 USD/~$113 AUD (62% Discount)

Happened to stumble across this sale. Version Was (USD) Now (USD) Now (AUD) Pro $47.99 $25 $35.93 Ex $209.99 $79 $112.85

IndieRoyale: the Difficult 2nd Bundle

http://www.indieroyale.com has a new bundle (currently ~$3.50) Prices on Steam/Desura ($34.96) NightSky: $9.99 http://store.steampowered.com/app/99700/ Fate of the World: $9.99