Butt Scratcher » user profile

Member Since 30/01/2012
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Badges 2 5
Location Sydney

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It's definitely a downgrade compared to the prior generation, since it had metal build and used real leather. You don't need to seek…
17/07/2024 - 15:43
Tempting, but I've got the 598SE. Probably not worth buying even at this cheap price
16/07/2024 - 01:28
It usually works fine for me. But for some reason during that period, the transaction tracked but not the bank bonus
26/06/2024 - 03:36
Time to switch i guess. Previously, whenever they jacked up the price, it would be something like $5 cheaper than what they are offering to…
13/06/2024 - 23:27
As the other person mentioned, it's typically caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise. One day of light usage on "medium" isn't…
03/06/2024 - 17:25
I don't think it deteriorates that fast. I previously had the original watch for 3-4 years, it went from 6+ days to 5+ days. Currently…
22/05/2024 - 20:31
Nice! It's not spicy enough for me either, but I prefer the way it's fried
14/05/2024 - 16:15
Such a shame my local store stopped offering hot and spicy all year around. Is this single redemption or can we get it multiple times…
14/05/2024 - 13:18
I bought one from aliexpress for around $5-6. These are suspiciously light compared to the other gan chargers I've got. Another 65w gan…
12/04/2024 - 21:42
Weird that SA doesn't bother interpreting the test, but expect a personal interpreter to help out. I would've imagine that it would be more…
11/04/2024 - 10:56
It just seems strange to be to have the charges dropped but still plea guilty. So I was hoping for further clarification
10/04/2024 - 00:39
That seems really weird to me. If the charges were withdrawn, you shouldnt need to plea guilty. But you did pay a fine and court fees, so…
10/04/2024 - 00:23
You are kinda proving yourself wrong... That definition just proves that a 3 point turn is not the same as a u-turn
09/04/2024 - 19:34
Apparently it's basically identical in feature and performance (despite lack of AI cores) to the s24. Definitely not worth upgrading if you…
05/04/2024 - 11:59
>So I'm a pretty active & therefore sweaty guy. Have suffered long term, from headaches, possibly caused by me being constantly dehydrated.…
03/04/2024 - 22:43
I think I had a similar problem, haha. I bought a fabric earpad, I always knew that it would worsen the passive isolation, but it was quite…
01/04/2024 - 22:08
I think the soundsurge 90 is still great among newer budget headsets I've tried so far. Worth replacing the earpads if yours has worn out…
01/04/2024 - 20:23
It's regulated in australia, because you can have too much. Above 1k you need to seek medical advice before purchasing it from australian…
23/03/2024 - 23:06
Are "coupons" where you don't actually enter the coupon, but tick a box, track? e.g.…
23/03/2024 - 14:59
Might be for the best TBH. I've got some of their laptop sleeve and backpack made from fabric. The colours and pattern looks nice and all…
19/03/2024 - 23:24
I haven't been paying attention to PC for a while, we are at gen 5 pcie now? 12,000 MB/s speeds are pretty insane, no wonder it has a…
17/03/2024 - 11:51
It's one of the most used/studied supplement, even among elite athletes. So far it has been proven very safe. Some people do respond to it…
17/03/2024 - 11:36
Nice! $8 lunch sorted. A bit of a shame we can't stack it with daypass
17/03/2024 - 11:28
Lol, they did. I checked a few minutes after this deal went up, and it was definitely opened at the time. +$3 delivery to my place wouldn't…
17/03/2024 - 11:21
I got excited for some cheap creatine for a moment, but looking at the contents... Creatine only makes up 10% of the volume. So it's more…
16/03/2024 - 19:43
Im not talking about the taste. From a hydration perspective, it's far from ideal IMO
15/03/2024 - 11:49
I'm not surprised... Seems like they are mainly marketed at children. Like the worst possible audience you could aim for, since they don't…
15/03/2024 - 00:32
>Weird people get butthurt when devices take care of themselves and slow down rather than explode and stop working etc Happens on a lot of…
03/03/2024 - 15:44