kogancareers » user profile

Member Since 16/10/2012
Last Seen 03/01/2014
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

The fact that you're on OzBargain means you're one of the savviest shoppers in Australia. It would also suggest to us that you're very…
18/12/2013 - 08:57
For this particular role, application deadline is this Thursday. We are, however, constantly expanding the team so if you miss the…
19/11/2012 - 20:50
Our HQ is in Melbourne. That said, we operate with a lot of flexibility and all our processes utilise cloud services. For exceptional…
19/11/2012 - 20:49
You're right! The majority of travel is to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. Kogan also has an operation in the UK and our Products…
18/11/2012 - 17:49
Hey mate, we encourage everyone to apply. The younger the better - in a non-pedo kinda way ;) Our team is pretty young and we have a very…
18/11/2012 - 17:44
The fact that you're on OzBargain means you're one of the savviest shoppers in Australia. It would also suggest to us that you're very…
18/11/2012 - 15:24
kogancareers joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
16/10/2012 - 17:42