
Posting Ban Explained

There are many reasons why you are not able to post a deal. Here is a check list and some explanation.

Why Am I Banned?!

Are you a newly registered user?

For users from some overseas countries, there may be a temporary ban on posting of greater than 24 hours. Please be familiar with OzBargain and observe how this community works before deciding whether you wish to participate.

Are you in the penalty box?

If you are currently in the Penalty Box, you will not be able to post deals, comments, forum topics or vote. You will have to wait until the penalty expires, or use the Talk with a Moderator Forum forum.

Hover your pointer over “My Account” to reveal whether you are in Penalty Box.

Is the domain permanently banned?

The domain of the URL of the deal that you are trying to post might be permanently banned by the moderators. Domains are permanently banned if

  • The store owners/representatives have violated the OzBargain terms and conditions of use.
  • The website is spammed here.
  • The link is a URL shortener or redirection website.
  • Moderators wish to draw store representative's attention, or the past deals are under investigation.

Please use the Talk with a Moderator Forum if you think a domain should not be banned.

Is the domain temporarily banned?

The domain of the URL of the deal that you are trying to post might be temporarily banned by the moderators, with an expiry date for the ban. Domains can be temporarily banned for various reasons including:

  • The store owners/representatives have not been following guidelines or have been bypassing restrictions.
  • The store has posted too many deals that have attracted almost no votes and has been automatically banned by the system. This is the same for all merchants and no appeals will be entertained.
  • There are too many people posting duplicates of the same deal.

Has the store representative posting limit been reached?

Store representatives are allowed to post only

  • 1 deal per 24 hours.
  • 2 deals per 7 days - provided the votes on past deal are not too low. This can be reduced to 1 deal per 7 days, or 1 per 14 days, or 1 per 30 days, depending on the vote average of past deals.
  • If the past 2 rep posts for the domain made the front page (20+ votes), the representative is allowed an extra post per week, making it 3 deals per 7 days.

See posting limits for details. If you have already reached the limit, you will not be able to continue to post deals from your own store.