dbo » user profile

Member Since 13/10/2014
Last Seen 01/09/2020
Location sydney

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dont suppose it has torx as well?
08/01/2015 - 09:50
thanks for the tips - SSD sounds like the go to refresh the old macbook. cheers for your suggestions.
19/12/2014 - 08:51
dbo posted a forum topic Cheap HDD for a Macbook 2006
I am trying to revive an old macbook 2006 for the family after the HDD died recently. I dont want to spend much (this is Ozbargain after…
18/12/2014 - 15:14
yeah the same thing happened with me too.
20/11/2014 - 09:26
Hi Rep, got any good deals for Syd-NYC in early Nov?
13/10/2014 - 11:29
dbo joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
13/10/2014 - 11:26