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Confused with Career Options Need Advice

hi all i need help deciding what is right and long term satisfactory option. one option is that i have job offer of full time asst. manager at fast food which is 24*7 rotating roster and need to be …

Recommendetion for Any Good Fm Transmitter or Any Good Device Similar to That

hi all looking for device like fm transmitter because bought car it has audio cd player is so boring and only has max 14 songs so went to convert it to mp3 or usb or bluetooth cd - dvd player …


Any One Knows How much Is Uber Driver Making an Hour

hi any one has any idea or any body is doing a job as uber driver with your own car in perth as part time income ? freind is interested and need some guidance ia it legal to work with them and what …

Need Suggestions What Is Future after Becoming a Restaurant Manager ?

hi all working at franchise store as manager been 2.5 years now if i wanted to move on to make more money where else i can apply worked at fastfood restaurant all my life. with franchises buainesses …

Know about the balance transfer offer on credit card with 2% fees? How it works to pay off loan and saves money?

hi all i have loan of $10000 to pay and also have credit card which never been used has promo offer of 0% interest for 16 months onbalance transfer upto 95% amt with that is it really good to pay …

Looking for Casual Work after 10pm What Are The Options and Where to Find Them?

hi all wondering what options i can have if i am looking for casual night work after 10 p.m anyone have idea what types of job they are and where can i find it ? thanks for help in advanced; just …

Anything Cheaper Calling and Data Pan Then Voda $40 Unlimited

hi currently i am on voda 40$ plan unlimited calling australia anywhere plus 350$ international and 3 gb no contract wondering anything cheaper then this plan because not even using whole call …

Got Offered Ready Credit personal loan recently

hi all recently got approval ready credit thinking weather to early pay off all this ready credit borrowed amount VS taking 24 or 36 months to pay slowly do not know which one is best suitable …

Buying Guide

hi all wanted to buy a good mid size and standard notebook or tablets that I can keep at home for entertainment ,to use Skype and other ms office like application.have not been used any tablets or …


Banking admin fee

hi all I am new here asking if there is any benifits being with anz bank I have saving account super acc and everyday saving still paying 5$ admin fee both acc so total loosing 10$ month any long …