• closed

Winners for 04/10/2007 - MiCCAS and yousuf



Closing Date 04/10/2007


Description wii remote jacket
No. of Prizes 1

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit
Entry Methods n/a
Prerequisites n/a

Here are the winners for this week's OzBargain competition:

Congratulation to the bargain hunters of the week!

closed Comments

  • Hey seeing as though I just submitted a deal this morning, does this mean i'll be in the draw for next weeks?

    • If its BEFORE 12pm (AEST - Thursday) - NO [You have to submit another deal to be in the running for next weeks, but you are the draw for this week.]

      If its AFTER 12pm (AEST - Thursday) - YES

    • Hmmm. Not really.

      I just counted the ones from mid-day Thursday to mid-day the next Thursday. So if you have submitted a deal earlier today, it was actually counted as last week's batch so sorry you did not win. I know that it gives advantage to those who submitted after mid-Thursday but sorry I have no better solution.

      Well. Maybe you can submit more this week and might have a chance to win :)

      (Edit: when I said "not really" I was replying ih8parties)

      • I think there should be a different system, because its basically encouraging people to hold off until after 12pm thursday to submit. It also disadvantages people who submit late in the week (eg thursday morning).

        • Hmm.. but it'd be hard to organise that then, wouldn't it??

          Anyway, thanks Scotty for the prize :)

      • I was thinking, maybe a rolling 2-week period for the best deal, that should negate the disadvantage of posting on Wednesday and Thursday morning. I actually have been waiting for Thursday to post another deal too.

        • Sounds like a doable request. Also the winning post from the previous week cannot win again if it also happens to be inside the 2-week window.

          Any other opinion on this? Please comment — or at least before I implement the poll module :)

  • Yes I think kcyw has a point. Anyway its worth a try. Although holding off on promo's until Thursday midday could create issue anyway, in that someone else posts the deal.

    Alternatively you can just start the count for the week following from thursday am, as it's very unlikely it will get enough votes to win that day. If it did it would be amazingly popular, and probably deserves the win anyway And as a winner would also be out for the next week

  • Alright. Maybe I will give it a try next week to see how it goes.

    So for next week (11 Oct 2007), for the popularity context, I will use the two week running total, and MiCCAS' deal on Free Wii Remote Jacket will not be able to compete.

    So for ih8parties — you still have a chance :)

  • As the society grows larger, the smaller the chance to win. What a competition it has become. I hope Scotty wins a 1M lotto so then everyone can get a piece of $20. :)

    • Hey hey. That probably won't happen as I don't buy lotto tickets in the first place. What's worse — I have just lost a major advertiser (Text-Link-Ads) because I do not agree with their Terms of Services (that's another story for another day). Their monthly payment pretty much funded all the prize money so I'll probably find some alternative in the next couple of days. However I doubt anyone will be willing to pay that much without going down to the black hat stuff, which is why I dumped TLA in the first place.

      Also, if everyone can get 20 bucks then it won't be called a competition, will it? :)

  • I'm confused, how does this "rolling two week" thing work exactly?

  • Basically you have 2 weeks to get to the most popular.. so…

    ih8parties creates a post called "Half Price Dell Computers" and gets 10 votes
    John created a post called "70% all Dell Computers" and gets 15 votes.

    They are both posted the same day.

    The first Thursday scotty will look at these two posts, and any others that were posted in the previous 2 weeks. He will award it to John (if no other is higher).

    The next Thursday, John's post has one so it's not counted but as long as no other post is higher, ih8parties can win.

    It's basically the same as before, but instead of the 1 week period it's now a 2 week period. Hope I haven't confused you.

    • Thanks MiCCAS for the explanation.

      It basically give good bargains a second chance to prove itself. It might be more fair but it can be more confusing. Imaging in my future announcement here, that "this week's best deal is actually last week's…"

      • bwahahah yeah I was confusing myself just trying to explain it :P

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