Apple iPhone releases on the 19/09/2014

Where is the cheapest place to buy your iPhone 6?


        • +1

          @wtfnodeal: What's 4 wheels on cars got to do with it??? (Other than if Apple made cars they would be suing the other manufacturers for having 4 wheels as well!)

        • @McFly: LOL, totally agree Apple is dodgy about sueing others. My point here is if there anything else with the nexus 4 comparison with iPhone 6 worth mentioning other than those on the list? What about battery life, apps on the play store and camera etc? It is a biased comparison unless you compare everything side by side not only some specs not others.

        • @wtfnodeal: i think the comparison was based off of what Apple are/were marketing. The 'new' iPhone 6, with an all 'new' 4.7" Retina HD display; hyping NFC payments, 3rd party keyboards, widgets, battery stats (iOS 8 specifically, not so much the new iPhone) etc. These features have all being in Android for years (as per the Nexus 4 direct comparison). So yes, the battery 'may' be better (both are shit to be honest) as well as the camera. Though it's all these basic features that Apple are making such a big deal of, which in fact are not such a big deal.

          And obviously, as expected, 3 years later, the camera and battery SHOULD be better on the iPhone 6, as well as the CPU and GPU, this is a given with how technology progresses over time.

    • -2

      How many Nexus 4 phones were sold again?

      • +1

        Don't know… don't care.
        How many Justin Bieber songs have been sold?

        • +1

          McFly!! Damn that's the argument I like to use when something I don't like is popular haha; you got me, well played.

    • +2

      I love this but the creator should have added the cost of both phones for more hilarity.

  • -3

    In China, outside of their factory, duh

    In Australia, big w usually sell Apple products a little cheaper. Keep an eye on them.

    I also know some people selling brand new sealed ones at a discount around Sydney. God knows where they get them from, maybe grey imports, its the beauty of life

  • Dear mobile phone warriors,

    How would you compare the onscreen keyboard of apple vs android or other OS. Personally i have always preferred apple's OS because the autocorrect works much nicer without needing to select the word i need to type before continuing to the next word. It also seems more fluid, but that is only my opinion, and hence i am seeking yours.

    • +5

      if you prefer a phone or OS because of a keyboard that's just plain silly - android (and now also Apple) have support for 3rd party keyboards, so you have access to hundreds of different keyboards (though apple at the moment won't have many for now).

      • +1

        I am not referring to the keyboard style, and I haven't tried swype. What I am saying, rather is that I usually type many messages (>100 characters) without having to look at my keyboard. If I tried with an android I usually get stuck at the first word because I have to tell it which word I want to type before continuing, whereas I can type block text on the iPhone without looking, and without much error. Does anyone understand what I mean?

        • +1

          I don't think you understand the concept of 3rd party keyboards - it's not just the style that changes, it's a whole new app. For example SwiftKey will use different prediction algorithms etc compared to the stock google keyboard and so on. SwiftKey learns how you type over time to increase the accuracy of predictions. This is just an example, and other keyboards will predict differently. The style/theme is just a bonus.

        • you don't HAVE to tell it which word, you can just keep typing, it is just showing other close words in case you made a typo. I believe the new iOS keyboard is the same.

    • There might be a better way to do it in Android, but I found changing keyboard easier with iOS (as there is a button to change the keyboard on the onscreen keyboard).

      I like Android keyboards, but changing between keyboards can be a bit annoying. It is a bit annoying when you want to type in 2 languages.

      • I use both IOS and Android, and much prefer the Android keyboards. Not sure if you ever tried something like SwiftKey Pro, which is popular, but I personally like Swype. It has multiple languages so you can easily flick between them at a press of a button on the keyboard (as per Apple) - but the Swype ability is what really cements it for me.

        • Yeah, on the odd occasion I use an iphone I start swiping and then find it doesn't work so well for some reason!

        • Individually, the Android keyboard is better. However, there are times where I need to switch between keyboards. iOS seems to be better at this (most likely because Android cannot "borrow" the same method - even though iOS appears to be copying Android lately).

          If you only need to type in English, certainly Android is better at the moment. However, when you need to type in other languages, while the Android keyboard for those languages are quite good as well, the English mode of those keyboards tend not to be as good as the Enligh only ones.

        • @netsurfer:


          Which keyboard are you using right now? :p

    • choose the right keyboard or word prediction in android, it will work better than iphone's …….

      check on

      the iphone auto correct causes a relation split before.

  • -4

    thinking of buying 3 or so… do you think they will sell out? keen to sell a little extra on the other 2 to help pay off the one i want to keep ?

    • +2

      The ghost of Broden will forever haunt this fair web site.

  • does anyone know what the final value fee (ebay) is on buy it now purchases?

    • sure you could google it or look on eBay FAQ but it's around 10% + around 2-3% for PayPal

    • 10%

  • -4

    junk-shit-phone-mart . com . au

  • +1

    OP's question: Where is the cheapest place to buy your iPhone 6?
    Answer: United States (choose a state with no sales tax)

    • Pretty sure they're network locked over there.

      • -1…

        I was joking about my comment. Though, there is a bit of extra Apple tax here. Some people will probably mention US state tax will even things out a bit.

        LTE / 4G bands might be an issue again. Also, warranty could be tricky.

      • -2

        "theStinge 1 hour 47 min ago new
        Pretty sure they're network locked over there."

        Piss easy to get a cheap unlock code…………..oh wait, its apple …bend over.

      • Verizon may not lock it.

  • What time do iPhone 6 preorders open?

    • Pre-order starting 12 September.

      • But at what time?

        • 5pm for telstra, assume others are the same?
          (only know from an email I got from them, love my nexus)

        • 5pm for all 3 carriers
          Can also see iphone with price on kogan now

        • @usama91:

          And they are all sold out ………………………-=(

        • @Temptation: I think that's just showing up since pre orders aren't open yet

        • @usama91: How can we preorder if we don't know the plans? Or is this something we only find out after preordering?

          If this is the case I think I might just buy it outright…

        • @iSamurai: plans will be released at 5pm

    • What time do iPhone 6 pre orders start at store?
      Apple store website currently done for updates, 2.30pm.

      • +1


  • I think buying from dicksimth is the cheapest for Australia stock right now by using the 5%wish gift card.
    Start from 19/09

    • Are they doing day one? Are they not on contract? Also don't these gift cards usually have exclusions like the iPhone?

  • +1

    I've had to learn to love the iphone after being an android lover as I work in an apple only environment and I found using the nexus was a pain in the arse (plus work pay for my phone and its bills).

    I'll probably snaffle a 6+ when we upgrade but I fully concur with those saying they're horribly overpriced.

  • +1

    Everyone will have different opinions on the value of objects. I remember my best friend at high school was alarmed that I spent more on a saxophone ($1600) than he did on his old Ford Falcon.

  • Where is KOGAN's new Apple stuff and how do I order it?

  • How do you actually PREORDER?

    What's the URL for PREORDERs?

  • Usually how long do I have to wait if they all sell out? towards the end of the year or a month or so?

    • They usually do back orders and you join a line that could take a few weeks. Might be different this time, you never know!

      • All good, managed to order one due 09/19 :)

  • haha, virgin, Vodafone and telstra websites struggling with the rush by the looks of it sigh

    • +1

      Apple Store website still seems to be down as well

      • wow…what the hell! haha

        • yeah appple store is down

  • +3

    i tried Telstra ,Vodafone ,virgin ,apple all down . what's wrong ?

    • +1

      my ie & chrome browser not working, but i tried fresh install of firefox - just secured one from apple store and already got email confirmation (delivery 19/09)

      • +2

        Apple website is now working but I seem to be stuck after I pick the specifications I'm after - the page just reloads and there is no next step in the ordering process. Anyone else encountering this?

  • +1

    The Telstra main website is down but here is a direct link to the Telstra shop which has always been up:…

  • Apple store should be up now

    • nope, not showing anything on the page for apple site
      EDIT: working now

  • +2

    Reserved my iPhone 6 64GB Steel Grey for 8am-9am at the Perth store.

    Recommend this if people are having issues on the site. You can choose other times after 9 if you have work and need to organise for breaks.

    Contacted Apple. This is what I was told.

    • This is the first time they have done reservation in Australia so they aren't sure how the lines are going to work.
    • Was told that there will be people in store helping people not after an iPhone and that if it approached the end of my reservation time to go and contact an Apple member and they will help me out.
    • Was told the line isn't normally that long and that they will have lots of people on hand to help out. They expect it to die down really fast.
    • Was also told that if you are buying outright I wouldn't need my carrier information.
    • Was also told that card and licence was sufficient ID and that they don't usually ask that much for ID, it's more for them to find your phone on the system and carrier info.
    • They can recycle your old iPhone if you wish and give you $ back but the pricing on that is not confirmed at the moment.
    • They can also set your phone up with you if you want. That in my opinion is very selfish of those that do it as it holds others up and that staff member up

    I will be getting there about 6:30 for my 8-9 pickup of reserved phone. Will be going with brother who is also purchasing at same time so we can jump out and grab drinks for each other as needed. Will also be bringing tiny fold out chairs to sit on because i'm lazy HAHA. Any other suggestions?

    I haven't gone to a day one Apple release before so was wondering how long the lines tend to be and how long they normally take to clear. Also how much staff tend to be on duty?

    • Day one lines are HIDEOUS at the George St Sydney store, no idea about Perth though.

      • Yeah. Ive just read a story saying they are handing out reservation cards on the day though. So hopefully that means I already have one with my name on it and they will be pulling those that have turned up and have reserved to the front of the line.

      • It's the same with the Perth city store, I remember the lines for the iPhone 5…

    • There should be a second line just for reservers, you definitely don't need to get there that early I would think.

      On another note, my reservation is booked for 7-8am at the Bondi store, though I'm under the impression they only open at 8? Weird…

      • Yeah must be for that store only. The earliest on Perth store was 8am-9am and I was probably one of first to reserve just after 3 my time

  • Though I'd leave this here:

    Iphone 6 vs. Nexus 4 (2012 phone)

  • +1

    Buy when you will soon leave Australia and claim 10% for tax return at the airport.

  • Gee I hope you don't get mugged frysie, IIRC it was the gold ones that got the premium.

    • me too lol ; ill have to meet in public areas

  • Myer will be the cheapest using several tricks.

    • What tricks? I thought dse with 5 percent would be best?

    • How would you do it in Myer? I wouldn't mind some myerone points on top of my Amex ff points :)

    • Myer Christmas Club for one thing. But the timing will only be good for 6 Plus model if stock issues are true. Plus, it seems a bit late now to add enough. TBH I thought the timing was better but it's actually meant for iPad timing.

      Ebay 15% off for Myer Gift Cards is another option.

      Regardless you would also get nearly $25 worth of points from a 128gb plus purchase.

      I believe staff discount could possibly be used too if you can find an employee willing. Then GST refund if traveling overseas.

      • Ebay 15% off for Myer Gift Cards is another option.

        Gift cards are excluded.

        I believe staff discount could possibly be used too if you can find an employee willing

        Could say the same for big w, dicksmith, etc.

  • Thinking of upgrading from my iPhone 5 (currently on $60 Virgin plan).

    I use about 2GB of data but I only make around $50 of calls. Should I go post-paid or pre-paid?

    • If you try data itself i'm pretty sure it's expensive. Probably go for one of the new virgin plans. There is a plan for $60-65 iphone 6 64gb plan with 2.3gb included data + $300 calls.

      That comes up to around $1500 for 24 months. Pretty sure that is cheaper than prepaid.

  • Apple cash reserves falling dangerously low- buy buy buy.

  • So if you don't make a reserve you cannot queue for the 19th Sep?

    • There will be stock available for walk-ins on the 19th

      • but will they have all models, cause on the reservation page, all 6+ are sold out

        • +1

          They will, but if too many people are in the queue before you, and they want the same model you want, there will be a good chance you will still go home empty handed. Also, some people buy multiple phones.

          If you are after an iPhone 6 Plus, you need to be at or near the beginning of the queue. For iPhone 6, gold is the most popular. On the other hand, iPhone 6 16GB Space Grey and 128GB Space Grey are not in very high demand.

          Apple stores are not the only stores selling iPhone 6/6+'s on launch day. Other big retailers like JB Hi-Fi will also be selling them. However, Apple store staff tend to be the friendliest (well, they least they pretend to be). Also, the 14-day no question asked satisfaction money back guarantee from Apple store is nice.

          Good marketing from Apple, with so many fan girls and fan boys yearning for a large iPhone for years, launching larger phones in 2014 is really a smart move (as this year's CPU performance only improves slightly for both Android and Apple - the large display shifts the attention from that fact). Crippling iPhone 6 slightly to make iPhone 6 Plus more attractive is a bit un-Apple like though.

        • thanks for the answer, I have never queued for an iPhone before but this time I may do it for the 6+, when should I start to queue if I'm after the 6+ you reckon?

        • @voldemort:

          I would be saying you would need to be in the first 200 or so to get the plus. With there being reservations there is likely to be lot less day one stock that isn't reserved. You are gonna want to be there like 2-3am as people get there from 8pm the night before.

        • @voldemort: If you are after a particular model of iPhone 6+ (e.g. 16GB gold iPhone 6+, 64GB gold iPhone 6+) and you want to buy it from an Apple store, I reckon you need to queue up as soon as they start allowing you to queue.

          Other options:

          • Check with big retailers like JB HiFi, find out whether they will have them in stock on launch day, and get there 10-20 minutes before opening (most people prefer to queue at Apple stores to get the glory).

          • If you don't mind signing up for a Tel$tra plan, go to the flagship store in the CBD early. Previously, even Apple store have plenty of iPhones with plans available after all the outright ones were sold out. Optus and Voda probably have some as well, but Tel$tra flagship stores normally have more.

          Honestly though, pre-order on Friday right away would have been a better option.

          Apple A8 CPU/GPU has more improvement on the GPU side (which makes sense due to screen resolution change, GPU improvement is more important), but the CPU speed improvement is much less than previous years (This year's Android CPUs are in the same boat).

        • @voldemort:

          Should line up now =)

  • +1

    Kogan has them up on ebay. Get 15% off tomorrow.…

    But 4 week wait. Big Q is… will they drop more than 15% in a month.

    • good find
      I think price drop rarely happen to aapl products in 1 month

    • Does it really have a QHD display?!

      That'd be great, much better than the real iPhones!

      • +1


        4.7 QHD IPS Display Screen
        960 x540pixels, 16 Million Colurs
        Capacitive Multi Touch Panel
        Scratch Resistant Display Screen
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