Road rage and general idiots out there: your experiences?

TL;DR: have you ever been on the receiving end of road rage? Or on the giving-end of it? lol

What are the most ridiculous, stupid or plain dangerous things you've witnessed on the roads?

Long version: So after a frustrating day of lengthy driving from one end of Sydney to the other, and back again twice today.. I'm seriously fed up with sharing a road with some of the people out there (in vehicles and pedestrians).

My day didn't involve road 'rage' as such, but the minor experiences have left me unsurprised that some people lose their cool on the roads.

Two incidents today in particular really pissed me off:

  1. In a small car park, wanting to turn right into an 'aisle'. Middle aged lady in a tiny hatchback is to my right in the aisle I'm turning into - I had the right of way. Anyway, as I'm turning, she starts beeping hysterically, throwing her hands up in the air, freaking out while I'm turning right and her car is past being perpendicular to mine. No-one is behind me, so I stop, wind down my window as we're driver-side to driver-side… and ask what's wrong. She points at the front corner of her car, as if to say my car is about to shear off the corner of her car. There was a 2 foot gap between the front corner of her car and the side of mine. I told her that, and she promptly stopped flailing her arms and shut up… and I continued on my merry way. The dude in a car behind her watched the whole scene and was having a good laugh. I'd hate to see that woman in a bigger car. Boggles the mind how people with no spatial awareness manage to obtain licences.

  2. I was on the North Shore, approaching a roundabout on a relatively busy street. No cars on or approaching the roundabout so I didn't plan to come to a stop. A young male wearing headphones was approaching the middle island just before the roundabout - wanting to cross the lane I'm in. He obviously wasn't paying any attention and nearly walked into the side of my car but caught himself before he made contact. He then walks behind my car, turns around and kicks the other side of my car. My blood instantly boiled. I turned left just to follow the twat down the street he was walking - pulled up to the kerb, wound down my window and yelled at him lol. Batshit crazy response, probably, but to freaking kick my car when he decides to cross a street like it's a pedestrian crossing when it's not… a part of me wishes he did get himself hit.

  3. Young driver hogging the outside lane of the M2 doing 60km/h (100km/h limit) because she's busy chatting away on her mobile phone.

aaaand breathe.


      • +7

        It's not BS at all, if you're behind someone, it's your responsibility to make sure you are a safe distance away and you are attentive enough to not hit the person in front of you. They have every right to hesitate. As with most things, it's better to be safe than sorry.

        Sometimes their hesitation is actually dangerous. Over the weekend, I was a passenger in a car that was coming down a busy main road with a 90kmh limit. Lots of cars in both lanes. Another busy road had an offramp/onramp onto the road we were on - the ramp was longgg with clear visibility of oncoming traffic and a long merging opportunity.

        We were in the left lane. The merging car was well ahead of us, so were were slowing down giving him plenty of room to merge in. He didn't… he slowed to a crawl til his lane practically ended, but kept crawling and indicating. We slowed more. He seemed to speed up a bit and appeared to be planning to merge in front of us. Then he braked again. So we started speeding up as the room ahead was decreasing, and he obviously wasn't going to merge any time soon. As we sped up, he let off his brakes again. Bloody confusing. My driver wasn't being aggressive at all - very patient in fact - but the traffic behind us wasn't happy about slowing down for us hesitating because this guy was hesitating. He has right of way, he's just meant to merge without even checking lol but he threw everyone off.

        It's a hazard. We could've both decided to take off at the same time and crashed, and you can't expect the traffic behind us to be slowing down as they're flying through at 90kmh or more (notorious road for speeding - always police hiding around the bend of where we were).

        So no, I don't believe it's better to be safe by hesitating. Different situations mean that hesitating can have pretty different consequences.

        • +3

          Even though they might be doing the wrong thing and even though it might be an annoyance to you, it's still your responsibility to not rear-end him. If you rear-end someone and call up your insurance and say it was his fault because he stopped suddenly, they'll probably say too bad and that it's your responsibility to maintain a safe stopping distance. And then you'll have to pay the excess :P

        • +1


          And those people are probably going to get themselves killed or badly injured one day. What if it was a massive truck that rear ended them? Truck driver pays an excess fee with money, while you pay with your life.

        • @paulsterio: So what do you propose would be the best course of action in the real-life example I provided?

          Should we have come to a stop to let him go? Because that's what it would've taken. I guess it's hard to convey exactly how things were at the time, but this guy was definitely not preparing to merge despite us slowing down significantly.

          Tbh, if I was in the same situation behind the wheel myself, I would rather continue going and graze his and my car, than come to a grinding halt on a 90kmh main road with traffic slamming into the back of me at high speed. Just because other drivers should keep a safe distance and start braking when they see me braking ahead, does not mean they're going to predict or prepare for me suddenly stopping all together.

        • @waterlogged turnip: I notice paulsterio hasn't replied to my question yet……

        • @waterlogged turnip: In your situation I would gesture to the driver that it was safe to go. I find good communication goes a long way on the road. Usually when I want to make it clear that I'm fine with someone merging, I simply just give them two flashes and they get the message that I'm not going to slam into them.

      • Have no issues with people going under the limit, but don't block others who wish to do the limit or overtake. ie stay in left lane if there are two, or if you are getting a que of cars behind you. Pull over as common courtesy to let others past.

    • +9

      "Also people who tailgate, even though you're already slightly speeding at 63km/hr in a 60 zone."


      I imagine these are possibly the same people that often claim people are driving slow in the fast lane! I've sat in the right lane doing the maximum (maybe a little bit over) and cant count the number of peanuts that tailgate, sometimes even flash lights etc to get past. Because I don't want to do 120Km/hr and risk my life and licence I am a slowcoach in the fast lane!

      People who speed up when you are merging onto the freeway, come from 150m back to make sure you cant get in front of them then slow down once they cut you off!

      People in carparks who see you are 1/2 way backing out of your spot so rather than wait 20 seconds for you to back fully out and get on your way they speed up and squish past behind you (often scaring the cr@p out of you).

  • +4

    Too many drivers let their emotions control their ability to drive.
    Just a few weeks ago, I was driving along when two drivers were in a verbal fight due to one "cutting off" the other, even though they basically just changed lanes. They proceeded to yell at each other while at the lights. When the lights changed to green, they started driving into each other, leaving very little room in between. I had to horn at them in order to wake some sense into them. Once I did, they both went to the opposite sides of the road and sped off.

    • +2

      You've just described my mother.

      If someone merges in front of her leaving juuuuuust a little bit less room than she's happy with, she'll not only beep them, but hold down the horn for as long as humanly possible… then obsesses over the car/driver - she'll try to pursue them and either try to get side-by-side with them to death stare the driver and wave her arms about throwing middle fingers around lol… or worse, will speed up ahead of them, then cut THEM off without indicating, mind you.

      The only other thing she doesn't do is suddenly brake as soon as she's cut them off. One day I won't be surprised if she does throw that into the mix.

      She's mental. Being in the car with her is frightening at the best of times.

      Rage issues is an understatement… (probably where I 'learned' my bad habits, ie. getting frustrated with other drivers easily. I'm quite aware of how I could become her if I let myself get too emotional, so it's something I really try to avoid. Most of the time, crap that happens on the road doesn't bother me, luckily. Unless I'm having a bad day lol)

      But yeah. Amazing how drivers will place themselves in more danger than the original issue (like being cut off) just to get revenge, huh.

      • +4

        I hate people who carry on like that as its obsessive. people make mistakes so live and let live, when its done to me I don't carry on, I let people in and avoid accidents. e.g I watch out for people entering roundabouts (when Im already on it)

        people will be quick to use their horn and forget to use there brake.

        the road ragers are usually the hypocrit road hogs themselves, e.g see someone wants to over take so they speed up. see someone wants to merge so speed up to cut them off - your not getting infront of me attitude. and they have no valid reason they are just jerks which you experienced with the merge lady, and I do however get annoyed at those people because they are intentionally causing accidents because 'I have right of way so its their fault, I'll make them pay' attitude.

        calm down people, at the end of the day when your fighting for your life in hospital, your try telling the grim reaper "but I had right of way" see how far that gets you. You try telling centrelink that your crippled "but it wasn't my fault" and see how easy is too live on a disability pension. There is no point arguing because no-one but you cares, not the other driver not the government and no-one is there to play parent, your an adult now and you have to solve issues not chuck tantrums.

        Carrying on only makes the driver stressed and distracted and more likely to get in a accident: A BAD DRIVER

  • +1

    people at traffic lights who just floor the accelerator even though the next light 100 meters up the road is about to turn red by the time they get their , i.e. only accelerating and then braking.

    just take it easy.

    people who keep accelerating when the light has turned amber in the distance; take your foot of the accelerator pedal and just roll.

    • +6

      Meh. Doesn't affect other drivers, so just let them burn their fuel needlessly lol.

      • I have no problem with these people, except when they have seriously loud engines which are painful for my ears!

    • +2

      I find in nsw if they gun it they make it through the green still, if you go slow you will end up in every red light along the road.

      I know when my fan died accelerating and constantly stopping in traffic made the engine overheat and I expect the same thing happens to people who do that, my question is will that do damage in the long run?

    • +1

      most times, if you get to the speed limit and sit there you should make the next light. I know that on my daily drive this occurs quite often. If I'm driving after the peak hour rush, i can travel along Blackburn Road (VIC) for a 10km stretch just getting green lights. It's also economical jut sit at cruising speed, so get to the limit and stay there.

  • +1

    I am amazed at the numbers of drivers who overtake me when i am sitting on the legal speed limit.

    But then i realise they are just trying to beat me to the next red light just down the road 200 metres.

    I always lose!, they get to the red light first!

    What can i do?

    • +12

      For a 20 min trip driving the speed limit to my mates place, if I can catch (speeding) 1 light before it turns red, I get a run of greens that cuts my travel time to 12mins

      Lights follow a pattern, if you drive around 5-10km above the speed limit, you eventually get onto the next light pattern. If you fall behind/get pushed back, you can actually gain extra reds.

      • +4

        Sadly, I must concur.

      • +2

        This. I do the same if I'm getting red light light after red light in a row - I will purposely do a couple of k's over the limit while continuing on that road just to miss the next red and get all green lights.

        I don't know if it takes 5-10kmh over to beat the pattern though. I've often just done slightly over (and not even for the whole length between lights, either.. just for a few seconds here and there does the trick) and managed to breeze past and see the lights go amber in my rear view mirror. That's presuming there's no traffic in your way, limiting your ability to do just over the limit as 'needed' like that though.

        • I hate that, its usually due to people going slower than normal, putting you back a step

          The problem with this tactic is those that chase it continuously, ie why not drive 20km over the limit… this doesn't work well as you'll just end of 'next' to the person you speed past at the next red lights, to benefit you actually need to go WAY over the speed limit

  • +1

    Ford Fairlane (1990) summed it up nicely: So many assholes… So few bullets… ;)

  • +8

    My pet hates mostly boil down to selfishness:

    People who apparently can't see emergency vehicles.

    People who think they know the road rules but clearly don't.

    People who think that they have a right to drive in the right lane.

    People who speed up to stop you overtaking them.

    People who change lanes then drive at the same speed as the car in the next lane.

    People who are convinced that their speedo is accurate when it clearly isn't.

    People who have no understanding about how dangerous it is to cut off a truck.

    People who don't turn on their headlights in poor weather.

    People who indicate after they've started to turn.

    People who have no idea or just don't care that their brake lights, or tail lights, or indicators, are faulty.

    People who actively try to stop you merging when you have the right of way, then beep at you!

    • +3

      This is turning into the 'What grinds your gears?' thread. lol +1

    • +2

      People who don't indicate at all even though they see you waiting for them…

      People who brake suddenly and start turning without any prior indications

      If assault wasn't a punishable offence, I'd chase them down…

      And +1 for

      People who speed up to stop you overtaking them.

      But I'd also add "and suddenly go at your current speed just so you can cut in."

  • I was stuck in traffic and ambulance coming up rear last week,

    your supposed to pull over and stop, not pull over into the left lane and keep going so the cars infront of you cant pull into the left lane.

    Thankfully it just takes one person to stop and the cars behind cant keep creeping forward blocking the rest from pulling over but then those jerks pull out after the ambulance and cut everyone off from remerging into the right lane again

    Edit: And that is actually both sides of traffic because sometimes emergency vehicles need to cross into oncoming traffic lane.

    • -2

      I was stuck in traffic and ambulance coming up rear last week,
      your supposed to pull over and stop, not pull over into the left lane and keep going so the cars infront of you cant pull into the left lane.

      If you weren't in the right lane in the first place, you wouldn't have had to pull over.

      Thankfully it just takes one person to stop and the cars behind cant keep creeping forward blocking the rest from pulling over but then those jerks pull out after the ambulance and cut everyone off from remerging into the right lane again

      Why does everyone have to get back into the right lane again?

      • If you weren't in the right lane in the first place, you wouldn't have had to pull over.

        I was approaching a roundabout to turn right so why would I be in the left lane?

        and yes you do still have to pull over in the left lane, everyone is supposed to pull over.

        Why does everyone have to get back into the right lane again?

        Your just trying to bring up a strawman argument so I am not going to play games with you. Clearly you have an issue with being oppositional to authority

  • +6

    People who merge onto a highway doing 60km/h. It's just asking for an accident to happen.

    • +3

      Eight mile plains is a big one for this, literally people doing 20/30km/h trying to merge on the highway.. Like wot?

    • Some busy ramps onto highways in the cities are unavoidable due to the sheer volume that has to merge during the ramp and then the distance to the highway is typically not enough to pick up the speed. I typically just avoid the left lane when I know there's a busy ramp coming up, slows you down and slows them down.

      • in my case i believe their is plentiful amounts of room to gain speed. as shown here:
        People who cant match the speed hurt my head!

  • +5

    Here's a strange one. People who intentionally indicate right, when they are going straight through a roundabout, as if to indicate that they are not turning left.

    So they indicate right as they approach the roundabout, go straight, (and indicate left as they exit the roundabout as they should). Meanwhile the poor guy on the opposite end of the roundabout has to slow to a stop coz they think the other person is turning right!

    I've seen quite a few people do it, I'm guessing maybe it was a rule back in the day or maybe someone thought it was a good idea and it caught on… does anyone know??

    I can see the logic in letting people on the left know that you aren't turning left (coz some people don't know how to indicate at all) but its silly because it adds confusion to the equation which causes accidents.

    • How about people who don't indicate at a roundabout until they've already entered it?

      Seen that too many times..

      • +1

        In NSW you should only indicate approatching a roundabout if you are turning left (left blinker) right (right blinker) or doing a uturn (right blinker).

        You should indicate left to get off the roundabout at the turn before yours, unless it is impractical or safe to do so. The impractical/unsafe clause is for people missing arms, not speeders.

        • In NSW you should only indicate approatching a roundabout if you are turning left (left blinker) right (right blinker) or doing a uturn (right blinker).

          What else did you think I meant?

        • @waterlogged turnip:

          Sorry mate, it sounded like you were contradicting Riczter.

    • It is a rule in NSW to indicate right and as you get passed left exit you have to indicate left and exit straight.

  • +7

    don't know what to say…
    1 1/2 cups milk
    1 egg
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    2 cups White Wings self-raising flour
    1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
    1/3 cup caster sugar
    25g butter, melted
    Related Recipes
    Step 1
    Whisk milk, egg and vanilla together in a jug. Sift flour and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Stir in sugar. Make a well in centre. Add milk mixture. Whisk until just combined.
    Step 2
    Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Brush pan with butter. Using 1/4 cup mixture per pancake, cook 2 pancakes for 3 to 4 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface. Turn and cook for 3 minutes or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture, brushing pan with butter between batches. Serve.

  • +1

    I was taught that the car that is merging does not have right of way as its their job to decide safe gap/timing and merge safely, your supposed to maintain your speed, not speed up or slow down as that causes accidents.

    Can someone please verify this (NSW)

    • +4

      It depends on the line markings…

      Case 1) Left lane is visibly terminated by dash line markings:
      | |
      /| |
      / | |
      / | |
      | | |
      | | |

      Driver on the left has to give way - i.e. negotiate and merge appropriately

      Case 2) Center lane marker just stops and road narrows.

      | |
      / \
      / \
      / | \
      | | |
      Driver who has their nose in front has right of way - i.e. first in wins.

      In either case, a truck in the wrong will wipe out a car in the right.. Courtesy and common sense make the world of difference and maintaining safe and flowing traffic… Unfortunately both are rare in Sydney.

      Edit: formatting fail…. Just check here…

    • +1

      If the person merging has to cross a line, they have to give way. If they don't have to cross a line, the person in front has the right of way.

    • Whilst true in some cases, I tend to think of it as karma, if you slow down a little to allow a car in today, someone will let you in when you need to merge some other day. If you prefer the selfish I don't give a crap approach, I ask you to try driving in a major city in China, fun times.

  • +1

    I used to be a dangerous driver until my mate showed me the website,

    • +4

      I enjoy watching CCTV/dashcam footage of bizarre things that happen on the roads, though only when it doesn't end in people being seriously injured or dying obviously. The near-misses are the best kind - as weird as it is to say that.

      I definitely noticed a change in my attitude since seeing lots of dashcam footage. Made me realise just how fragile we can be, and how unpredictable things can be out there (and also interesting seeing what's led to the incident, and how drivers have reacted either for better or worse).

      Makes you wish they showed this kind of stuff to teenagers. Perhaps it would make a difference… or perhaps not. Though I do think we could all do with an ugly smack of reality now and then. We're quite sheltered by the media here… the worst we see is photos of car wrecks post-accident, which I suspect feels too 'unrealistic' to most of us who have never been in a car accident before.

      Seeing the process of real people driving along in normal, familiar road conditions, then something coming out of nowhere and seriously endangering them, though - could have a better impact. At least it did for me.

  • +3

    Drivers who cut queues. LINE UP LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!

    For those who believe in righteousness, truth and justice, we feel we need to right this wrong, so give them a honk and maybe overtake them to 'take back your position'.

    Then BANG, that same car is now tailgating you, flipping you off. One thing leads to another and now you want to kill each other.

    True story.

  • +4

    I was driving home from Margarete River with my girlfriend, going along my merry way back to Perth. Speed limit was 110km/h on country roads, so I had the car on cruise control though watching carefully. I could see a car in the distance waiting at the intersection to come onto the road I was on, obviously I had right of way. He did the unthinkable and decided to turn, despite me being about 7 seconds away, maybe less? I immediately put the breaks on but was going way too fast to stop in time. I had to swerve around and violently beep my horn whilst our eski went flying in the back seat with all of our assorted dips and cheese splattering on the car upholstery. It was safe to say I was angry and was going to pull over to try to talk to the other driver, but I was tired so I just raged by myself whilst I drove home. It was funny though, the other car was heading back to Perth too and it was apparent he was keeping his distance from me (even if I slowed down) after the incident. Almost like an admittance of his/her guilt.

    • +2

      It was me! Sorry…

    • +12

      Sorry to hear about your cheese and assorted dips :(

    • +1

      Unsecured loads can be deadly.

  • +1

    Hello, she who has had a bad day on the roads, and in the carparks, of Turnip Town.

    I have only skipped through the thread, but I am assuming a shared-desire for a steering-wheel-button-push rocket launcher.

    I would, however, have done more than just shout at your car-kicker.

    At the end of your post - good to see that you remembered to 'breathe'.

    Even as a particularly high-functioning turnip (full range of emotions evident + the typing, the driving and the bargain-buying), you may still lack an autonomic nervous system. This is a concern, as the remembering to 'breathe' thing may well be very important for your future OzBargain and beyond turnip adventures…

  • (do cucumbers look calm? whatever..)

    After time in the fridge being cooled, cucumbers can look calm. After being cut and put in salads/placed over people's eyes/squashed in sammiches, they are no longer calm, but in fact seething-to-the-seeds with hatred.

    Exception is the 'telegraph cucumber'. After that plastic treatment, they are always angry.

    Very occasionally, in supermarket carpark altercations, they get to vent their vicious rage, by proxy, while being used as substitute truncheons.

    Circle of Life.

    Any other questions?



  • I'm surprised by no one bringing up the amount of people who don't know how to indicate through a roundabout. The amount of people who I come across that put their right indicator on to go straight, or don't indicate when they exit drives me insane. Or people who throw their indicator on as they enter the roundabout so I have to slam the break (mind you I've slowed down at this point so it's not a heavy slam or anything). Lastly people not giving way to the right or not slowing down at all. There's one roundabout where I've had to swerve out of the way or slam my breaks on halfway through a roundabout so I don't get T-boned because they don't even slow down to check properly.

    • Glad its not just me.

    • +2

      Watch their wheels. It will give you a better sense of which way their car is moving.

  • +2

    People who traying to fallow an ambulance to avoid the traffic.
    People who are afraid to pass a big truck while you are behind them

  • +2

    There are far too many to list! The thing that bothers me most is how people who are in the inner lane of a roundabout exit onto the outer lane, I'm in the outerlane and I have been almost hit many many times because people just decide to swap lanes upon exiting. YOU CANT DO THAT. Also people who don't look when changing lanes, people who cut infront of me with little space. Also, whilst I was parking today (parallel parked) a car decides to pull in in the small behind me, the space is so small it'll probably only fit a small car, and they had a full size sedan. He freaking HIT MY CAR. I started shouting at him then he swore at me for being in his way and being asian and drove off. I wanted to run him over with a bulldozer. GRR

    edit: People who STOP in the middle of roundabouts/ give way to the left and decide to go when there's a car coming. Also people who hesitate to pull out then when my car is about 20m away they decide to pull out infront of me and brake. Also people who try and purposely distract me whilst I'm driving.

    • -1

      You can change lanes in a roundabout, but it has to be safe (no car in the other lane) and you need to indicate.

      • +2

        I think that changing lanes whilst exiting a roundabout is dangerous. People don't look and end up pulling into the lane that I'm in so I have to go up the curb to just avoid getting hit.

        • I agree.

    • Your edit point! The new second round Britannia roundabout in Adelaide. People always stop halfway around the second one! (Actually first too sometimes) They seem to forget how a roundabout works just because these ones are bigger than usual….

      The thing is designed fine it is just the idiots who are trying to use it as though the rules are different for it!

  • +1

    Doof doof music so loud that there is no way they can hear car horns or emergency vehicles. Agggh

  • +1

    Not sure how it started I think someone was hogging the rh lane on the freeway. After he moves over, in retaliation guy merges in front of him and goes hard on the brakes. This catches guy behind by surprise and he locks em up at 100kph. Amazingly no contact and didn't loose control. Must of had at only an inch to spare.

  • +2

    People who beep at you just because they are seriously impatient. e.g Like literally a sec or not even the after light turns green. or behind you expecting you to hurry up and turn when theres not enough gap from oncoming traffic for a safe turn.

    • +1

      People who beep at you just because they are seriously impatient. e.g Like literally a sec or not even the after light turns green.

      I hate when drivers have a delayed response to a green light when you're a few cars behind them, and the traffic light only turns green briefly (letting only a few cars go at a time). A one or two second delay is enough to force one car behind you to sit through another damn light cycle again. It's frustrating.

  • +1

    Here in ACT traffic is light. Good news? No. This resulted in people developing a bad habbit of not indicating at all, whether turning or lane changing. I've witnessed this particularly in those trade people driving a van or ute.

    Don't let me start on using mobile while driving, few weeks ago a young lady was fixing her makeup by using a small mirror (makeup case?) behind me.

    And after 4pm on some Friday afternoon, everyone literally tries to kill each other. The road becomes a battlefield and several times I have seen bottles/cans already in peoples hand at driving seat, though they have 2 days of weekend ahead to do the deed. Why some people can't wait till they get home, I'll never understand…

  • +3

    All that and you don't even have the fun of being a passenger In a Learner driver vehicle. The joy of
    being patient whilst two cars reverse.into each other from opposite sides of a car park lane, even though I sounded off a warning toot. All that and I couldn't tell you who reversed into who first, even though they were both at fault for not looking properly.

    Then the Police car that shoots out from a stop sign on our left, wIth no warning, flying across four lanes of traffic to get to the right hand turning lane. Oh yes; they did put the siren on, after the fact.

    I asked my son to always slow, to point of stopping, at one particular T intersection (give way sign only) as there is not good visibility until you are right on the verge (hill, trees, parked cars bIth sides) on a busy suburban street, as cars often speed down centre of road, alongside a secondary college too, approaching from other side. Yes, we have had the road rage enthusiast exploding behind us, even though to have continued left would have caused an accident with car to our left travelling on wrong side of street to avoid parked cars.

    Our drives are about avoiding accidents (not Learners fault) all the time … Do not as they do but as I say … Honesty, I just assume most drivers are on drugs, and that is definitely not age or gender specific. About time some licencing restrictions were enforced for those larger 4WD vehicles; to weed out those who cannot park or remain in their own lanes. Seems to me that people are taking some perverse pleasure in scaring us both to the point that Learner doesn't always want to drive; says it all! I love and appreciate driving but it is becoming a bit of a nightmare at times.

    • +2

      Your post reminds me of a few things

      Visibility is very important. There are some places where a car can be hidden for a full 2 seconds when making a right turn (the rest of the road is still visible).

      Also remembered this granny in a toyota land cruiser. Her intent seemed to be keeping the right wheels ON the dotted lane lines.

      • I always say it is the easiest thing to do to have a car accident; the trick is to avoid them.

        My son stopped just as I instructed him to; not to proceed left until he was sure it was absolutely safe to do so. Yes, too many places on that T that oncoming cars, etc. can be hidden. House almost opposite that T that usually has 2-3 cars parked outside there and often 1-2 on the left side (college side). Yet, for all our looking, the car flying towards us from our left was still a surprise; the road is not level and dips markedly to the right. Lesson learned in ignoring total idiots expressing themselves in less than friendly manner, when you have to concentrate on the road.

        Ps. This person continued to rant and gesticulate when we turned off further down that street … still didn't appreciate the fact that had our vehicle continued it would have resulted in an accident. Perhaps he really didn't see at all … I do think drugs may have been a factor.

        It is scary enough for a L plater without these total nutters out there but most people (thankfully) are normal. Yes, I realise it is a total pain for people to be behind a L plated car travelling just a few ks under the speed limit (well they have to in a test) but most are understanding and do overtake eventually when the opportunity arises. Definitely scarier these days than when I got my licence; the young have my regards there.

  • +2

    Favourite story of mine…
    I was going from Sylvania to Sutherland. It's a 3 lane road, 60kmph.
    I saw a guy coming from behind me, most probably doing 70 or 80 in reasonably heavy traffic.
    He swerved his car left and fishtailed the back end, so the car was sideways. He then drove sideways across 3 lanes and fishtailed right. In the process of doing these crazy moves, he effectively navigated through and around several cars, while turning the car sideways twice.
    Needless to say, he got through the traffic unscathed.
    This was about 20 years ago. It was about 1km before you do a hard left turn and go up the hill to kirrawee/Sutherland.
    It didn't involve road rage, but I'm beggared if I know how that idiot didn't kill themself or someone else.
    When I was in Sydney, I used to do a lot of driving (yeah, it goes without saying).

  • +5

    Saw this the other day. Driving down a residential street, two cars are in front of me.
    The one in front indicates, slows down to turn right into a side street.
    Hoon behind him (old model commodore, doof doof music blaring) decides it's too slow for him and would rather overtake.
    And overtakes on the RIGHT. As the first car is already midway through turning RIGHT.

    Not sure how, but the hoon managed to miraculously hit the gas and go extra wide to avoid a collision.
    The first car though, pulled over in the side street, obviously shaken from a near accident. Felt bad for them.

    The hoon meanwhile happily drives off, to terrorise other motorists. Absolutely appalling.

    • That happened to me once, only I managed to cause $10k damages to their BMW. Tried to claim I indicated left (had right indicators on and everything) but in the end insurance realized they had no case against me and just copped it. Apparantly he was on his way to a funeral and was late, lucky I actually reacted and didnt just completely veer into his side door of he might've had another funeral to go to.

  • +1

    My experiences: turning right out of my local supermarket, a bloke in a Holden craptiva I think keep honking and honking. Obliviously he expected me to turn right when there was (profanity) traffic and a tram in the way… That same night the road merges with another road but this lady decided she didn't have to look and went straight out… A long beep by me and hitting the breaks did get the customary 'I (profanity) up sorry wave" so she is forgiven in my books.

    Don't even get me started on people who don't indicate… - LANGUAGE WARNING!

    Something that really annoys me is people who don't know how to merge on the freeway. If you are a parent PLEASE take your learner driver on the freeway try and get up to about 100kph so they understand how it feels to go that fast. In my opinion the NSW and other state restrictions on L and P players for speed are stupid: you need to understand that at 110km/h you need to concentrate hard and how long it takes to slow down from that speed. Possibly fair enough on your Ps but not on your Ls. If you don't feel confident going that fast with someone on their Ls then book them a driving lesson. It is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing.

  • Please, people - cars have BRAKES not BREAKS!

    • +7

      Gimme a brake…

  • +3

    Theoretically, the law is always right. In reality, the law is an a55!

    When driving (or doing anything for that matter), you can be right according to the law - but why does that matter anymore when you're already dead - probably squished under a truck because you insisted that "you have right of way"? well…. "had" right of way.

    Keep in mind that there is no way in hell that every single scenario/situation can be legislated.

    We are humans and this is where common-sense, courtesy and co-operation comes into play. I ride a motorcycle and without these key things, I'd already be dead many times over.

  • I feel that people are getting worse and worse at driving as time goes on. I originally thought it was because I was becoming a better driver, but it's just that people are so much more selfish now.

    I remember when indicating was a right of way.

    I just leave the house 5 minutes earlier now, put my music on, and try not to get mad.

  • we need the input of that "PRO INDIAN DRIVER" from the other post lol

  • League of Legends players are full of people who have the potential to be road ragers.. so many people too proud of playing a game and driving.. lolz0r

    • Shaco OP

  • +8

    I always consider anyone going slower than me is a dumb idiot… and anyone going faster is a bloody maniac.

    (It's a joke OK!)

    • +1

      Why no + votes? What you have said might have touched some nerves (even as a joke).

      I am guilty of this egocentric thinking sometimes.

    • plus 1 from me :)

  • Didn't read the thread, but 2step on an evo with a screamer dump soothes road rage.

  • +4

    There's this one piece of road that makes me rage every time.

    Between Bunbury and Busselton the highway switches from 2 to 1 lanes several times in a 110 zone. I like to use cruise control at about 110, other people like to speed and sometimes overtake me so I like to keep left where possible because I'm not a dick. But every time (every %!@$ing time!), there's someone who wants to do 70 when it's one lane and 120 when it's two lanes and you can. It makes me so mad!

    "urge to kill … rising!"

    • So true, they should make it 2 lanes all the way from Bunbury to busso. At least we now have the Forrest hwy which is always a dual carriageway.

    • +2

      so I like to keep left where possible because I'm not a dick

      Yay! Unfortunately, I seem to have never driven on a road with anyone like you on it.

  • +4

    I am quite a patient and composed driver. I won't say I'm a good driver. Safe and not stupid sure, but not sure what classifies as "good"

    Top three things I hate.

    Tailgaters. On the left lane.

    Not sure if I should maintain speed to stay under the speed limit. Or to increase speed to maintain safety distance in case I have to stop suddenly and avoid an accident (regardless of who pays, who would really want an accident?)

    Unnecessary use of the horn.

    Most of the time honking does not have any result other than to express one's frustrations/annoyance and to punish the perceived offender with loud noises and a jarring shock.
    Granted its an importance safety device but so are the brakes. Holding down the horn will not magically make cars/people/animals disappear from the road.

    Slow vehicles that do not pull to the side to give way on long single lane roads.

    Have not encountered this much, but when I do, I have to share the road with a vehicle doing <70 on a >90 road for more 20 kilometres.

  • +1

    Springvale Road - From Princess Hwy to Burwood Hwy
    - Your 3rd point - I see it almost every day. There used to be a girl in a small car with stickers of flowers in back side, doing make ups all the way and blocking the right most lane. Some one from behind has to honk to get her move when you get green light.
    - 80 limit cars drive at 60 max while the road has heavy trucks going in the middle lane buses at left lane. This pretty much blocks all 3 lanes of the road. Some times there are no vehicles in front of them. If you are a driver who don't go above 50-60 no matter what the limit is or which lane you are driving on.
    - Some times there are heavy trucks blocking all 3 lanes. So very less number of vehicles can go pass the traffic light when it becomes green and contribute for the traffic congestion in next few minutes on the whole road. (90% of the truck drivers have common sense and drive on the middle lane unless they have to turn left or right within next kilo meter. However there are odd ones who drive 10 km stretch on right most lane while seeing the other two lanes are also utilised by heavy trucks)
    - Crown school buses driven by ladies after dropping the kids in school. The drivers are having a nice chat with the companion on the bus and drive very slowly in 10 km stretch on the street blocking the only lane which is not normally blocked by heavy vehicles. These buses normally don't go above 60 in 80 road. The only place I see they don't affect the flow of traffic is when they go pass the school zone in Glen Waverly. Instead of 40 they continue the same speed of 50 in this stretch. Amazing.
    - The light vehicle drivers who decides to take the right lane when they see the trucks in middle lane stopped at traffic lights. However funnily enough most trucks seem to be able to pick up much faster as the middle lane move far quicker when the light gets green. If you picks up like a truck and want to maintain 30km below the limit why do you have to move to the next lane when you see a truck ahead of you. It doesn't help you or the other drivers.
    - Very short cars hatch, use the techniques used by semi trailers while taking turns. I've seen some of them cross to the next line before taking the turn. Imagine if they get to drive a semi trailer.

    I am not a fast driver my self but I drive at the limit when the road is clear and during rush hours and when I am on right most lane/over taking lane. If I am not in a hurry I take a lane towards left and make sure I don't block the rest of the traffic. It's just common sense.

  • +3

    8am this morning, actually!
    I was approaching a 50 zone. I'd dropped to ~45 just before the 50 sign.

    A school boy, head down, was walking briskly across the path and about to reach the gutter…Had I not given a short beep? I may have hit him.

    He wasn't at a pedestrian crossing, yet he had no intention of looking to his right for approaching traffic. Why not left? Well, the immediate danger was to his right and there was a raised median in case he intended to, oh I dunno… break stride and check for certain death!

    To his credit, he can't have been listening to music as he heard my horn, which was only a half second tap-beep.

    Idiot pedestrians.
    Unless you're disabled, your body is the most responsive thing you'll ever possess. From thought to nerve-endings firing and muscles reacting is a tiny fraction of a second.
    Slowing a car down takes considerably longer. It's just physics, people!

    • +3

      Kids are stupid, they learn and hopefully become competent adults.

      Can't get too upset about a kid doing something stupid. Give him an earful and move on. I can't count the number of times I was careless and my mum gave me a serve. Helped me to be more mindful in future.

      • Nah, look at any shopping centre carpark. Heaps of adults think they have right of way over a car. That's what those kids turn into I reckon.

        • Well I/we have nearly been skittled quite a few times at shopping centre car parks!

          Either on a painted zebra crossing, it's not exactly rocket science, is it?


          Walking along a footpath that crosses the carpark driveways; pedestrian has right of way!!!

  • This has happened to me over the last year. There's been numerous other ones, and some even worse. However, these are the ones that really stood out to me. Probably due to the fact that I was trying to get somewhere really important, I'm not quite sure. Maybe I was in a bad mood that day so little things were getting to me. But these are the ones that have happened to me within the last year.

    Brisbane, driving back from the Gold Coast.
    Two cars, one car was a smaller car (not sure of brand) the other was in a 4WD, it was raining so couldn't see the badges or even their license plate. The 4WD was annoyed, so the smaller car did something the 4WD felt was unreasonable. The 4WD was tailing the smaller car, all of a sudden, the 4WD attempted the Pit manoeuvre on the smaller car, and started ramming him from behind. All the lanes slowed down, and we were all watching this crazy idiot try ram this guy off the road. The smaller car quickly took the left exit, and the 4WD sped off.

    Brisbane -> Gold Coast.
    Some lady sitting in the right hand lane, going 70KM in a 110km zone. All lanes were free, and she refused to move over. As I approached her I flashed my lights for her to move to the left so I could overtake from the right, as overtaking from the left is not technically allowed. She didn't move over, so I had to overtake from the left hand lane. She flipped me the bird, and I could see her mouth words. She then started flashing her lights at me.

    Repeat x2 this happened again a month later, same scenario, but was a man in some 4WD. Super aggressive.

    I went to visit my folks in Perth. I was driving their car north, some trucker was in the right hand lane going 80 in 100 zone on the new freeway that had just be developed. He wouldn't move over, so I beeped him. The guy driving then attempted to run me off jerking his car to the left, as if to hit my car, and going off his nut.

    People constantly pulling out on me all the time, in which I have to heavy break. Happens a lot so there's not one scenario, not all the time, but, a lot.

    Some things I can understand. For example, if someone's driving slow in the right hand lane, but the roads are quite congested. Obviously, that's okay. There's nothing he/she can do about it, as they may need to exit from that lane and getting over to it would be impossible. (In a perfect world noone would use the right hand lane except for overtaking but what are you going to do). I will never understand why people SIT in the right hand lane, going under the speed limit, while the other 3 or 2 or 1 lane/s are free. Why? I always move over from the right to the left. I never just sit in the right hand lane. It's inconsiderate, and some people just simply want to get home and want to go the full speed limit. Not 5k's under not 10ks under. A lot of people move into the right hand lane due to FEAR OF MERGING within the QLD region, this is just something I have noticed. Sure it's bad everywhere else as well, but within QLD, merging is something people literally fear. They all move to the right hand lane. If someone merges from the left they brake, or slow down. From my experience it's the merger's responsibility to maintain the speed of the merging road. So if everyone's going 100k's in the left hand lane, sorry buy you're going to have to go 100km at least until you've merged over on the highway, then you can go 90km. On that note if you can go 90k's and slip behind someone going 100 with noone behind that person, that's okay too.

    This is just my opinion. I don't know about anyone else, or their thoughts on right hand lane stragglers. To me it's inconsiderate.

  • +2

    I hate drivers that run the last few seconds of a red light because their lane is blocked in a few hundred metres and they want a bigger headstart on traffic. This is a Sydney city thing.

    Traffic light timings change. Running red lights is stupid.

  • +2

    Saw someone stationary at the traffic lights like 5 seconds after the light had turned green with a massive queue of about at least 10 cars behind this woman (she was Indian/Sri Lankan or something of that nature). She was the only car in her lane to get through the green light that was green for at least 7-8 seconds.

    Would've hated to be behind her (luckily I wasn't)!

  • After reading some of the above discussions advocating tailgating and speeding, it's quite clear that the driving test should include an IQ testing component, as a number of people here would surely fail.

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