• expired

AmEx David Jones Offer (Incl Bank Issued) Spend $150 Get $30


The usual offer from Amex this time for David Jones Spend $150 Get $30 and open for Bank Issued too.

Register an eligible Card, spend $150 or more on that Card in one or more transactions instore or online at David Jones, between 11 December and 31 December and receive one $30 statement credit. This offer is limited to the first 15,000 Cards to register.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: (No referral entries)
Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +11

    With the powers (of my amex cards) combined, I am captain 20% off Ferragamo shoes for the missus

    • probably need 3 or 4 amex cards then… about $550 these days…

      • Yea i just registered 4 cards

        • can you use multiple cards in one transaction?

        • +1

          @sharkroman: I'm pretty sure they allow you to split transactions. If not, it's always easy to buy giftcards…

        • @derkyft: Gift card is ineligible in the T&C that I'm sure. But split transaction might be negotiated

        • +3


          Never had a problem getting Amex statement credit buying gift cards, i'm sure David Jones would be no different

        • @kearnsy: Same here. Like every other amex offer, they can't tell what you buy in store.

        • let me guess.. one is bmw amex and two or three anz amex?

        • @kearnsy:
          I would not buy gift cards online
          that might not work
          dan murphy
          vintage cellars

          got gift cards for all amex offers for them

        • @superbass: Nope, two platinum edge, qantas discovery and anz platinum :)

        • @sharkroman:

          T&Cs defines eligible transactions as:

          The following transactions are not considered eligible spend for the purposes of the Offer:

          1. Purchasing a merchant's goods through a third party. For example through an online aggregator (e.g. PayPal) or retailer
          2. Returned items; and
          3. Transactions which are subsequently cancelled or refunded.
          4. Purchasing online gift cards from a merchant

          So gift cards bought in store should be fine.

        • +1

          @kearnsy: i purchased gift cards in store and received my $30 credit 5 days later. I can confirm that it works on both my David Jones Amex and ANZ Amex.

    • Worst superhero ever

    • -1

      What exactly makes these shoes so special to justify the price? Serious question, I'd like to spend on my missus, but not just to get rid of money, whatever I buy has to have value too…

      • +1

        Some things we just wont understand I guess. I too don't understand why they love shoes so much, but she's never asked for anything so I thought this might be a nice surprise, given that she always can't keep her eyes off the shoes when we walk past.

        Your missus might like something else, everyone is diff :)

    • and I'm 20% off Loubies here.

  • +1

    Been buying DJ gift cards in the last round of promo and buying other gift cards of late, no issues.

    Good way to buy Miele or Asko discounted as they generally misses out on all the discounts.

  • Thanks for sharing…now what to buy…

    • There'll be a lot more choice after Xmas.

  • What Gift cards does DJ sell (other Then DJ cards)

    • Pretty sure it's just DJ's.
      Aside from itunes/google play cards that is.

    • i think they sell dicksimth card as well
      last time i check

  • yes, registered both cards. Lovely

  • +2

    dont forget qantas mall for extra qantas points 10 points per dollar

  • Do DJ price match? Thinking someone else must have 20% off Itunes somewhere.

    • Yea they price match. They matched HN's price for me on this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/126112

      • Great, anyone know who has 20% off itunes atm?

        • +1

          I don't know anyone who has 20% off but K-mart has 25% off ;)

        • @jamestownfx: thank you, much appreciated.

    • Yes DJ will price match.
      HN have 25% off 2by $30 i tune cards till xmas eve.

  • ferragamo is on sales with 30% off from last week…..there was a The Star promotion last night, 20% off gift cards….will happen again next xmas!

    • likely that his missus is after Varina flats which is rarely on sale or very limited in size or colour when they are on sale…

      • You sir, know your stuff. The pre-xmas sale at DJs had 20% off Ferragamos.. but when I called asking for the Varina flats.. they said they were on special.. but when I asked for the Red, they go "ohhh everything BUT that colour is on special" Fuuuuuu

        • i know nothing … but it sounds like our missus or women in general need similar shoes….
          Let's just hope they don't go for custom colours (contrasting ribbon colours)

  • Thanks I have activated that offer.

    I have also saved spend 50 get 25 back for DJ on my Amex earlier. does that mean I will get both credits?

    • Yeah I'm curious too about this…

    • You should do but has the other offer not expired? Seems a bit odd to be running two promotions concurrently.

  • +5

    One thing to keep in mind if you are in Sydney, the DJ store in cbd has Dicksmith managing their all electronic stuffs at top level, they accept DJ gift cards so this makes a really good deal with purchasing iPad and iPhone from dicksmith inside of David Jones store Sydney.

    • Thanks, do they sell iphone 6+?

      • I saw iphones there so yeah they most likely have it. Give them a call to find out maybe.

  • What gift cards are available in DJ? Do they sell other stores' gift cards?

    • i dont think so , unlike myer

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

  • will the Engineer Australia labeled AMEX entitled with this offer?

    • Try it and see. Mine registered.

  • Is dick smith card valid at woolworths?

    • not any more

      • :(. Thanks anyway.

  • What's the best way to buy a Mac using this ? Looking to buy the &1849 model but dj is out of stock online And also says out of stock for click and collect . Can I get it from dicksmith using Amex and get the offer ?

    • If you are in Sydney then head to DJ in city, top lvl is where all the electronic stuffs and they happily accept DJ gift cards, I am sure you can do back order there with deposits.

  • +1


    $199 on sale. less $30 from this offer. Less $50 cashback

    Total $119 - not bad for a machine with aerocino

    • yeah was thinking about that one too!

  • Just a tip.
    Went straight to Amex login and deal not showing….thought I had missed it.
    Registration is only through the Amex Connect link…8 cards done…thank you soooo much OP
    Be quick or you will miss it..

    • +6

      "8 cards done.. Be quick or you will miss it"

      Mainly because of people like you

      • -8

        Thank you amanvell for your intelligent comment

      • -3

        lol…a neg as well

    • Did you get a registration email confirming for each of your cards ?

      • no email but if attempt to re register message comes up already enrolled

  • This deal came up last year, but it was $250

  • Just registered my Westpac Amex!

    Thanks OP :-)

  • Hi, a silly question. Is it $30 max per card ? Thanks

    • only one credit per card

  • +1

    Four cards registered. Now the real challenge - finding something I'd actually buy from DJs. :)

    • just get 600 dollar DJ gift cards…then take your time spending those 600

    • As a side note, I only received an email confirmation about one of the four cards…

      • Actually scratch that. I just realised GMail collapsed all the registration emails.

  • Just bought $150x 2 DJ gift cards.but still hasn't got any email confirmation about that $30 credit.anyone has same issues?

    • Online or in store?

      • online may be rejected.
        instore is NOT excluded

        • I bought them in store.the confirmation email always take second to send ,but not this time.I'm afraid gift cards may excluded . Anyone bought gift card from DJ store like me ,but didn't confirm email either?

        • @justinh1018:
          chill, sometimes takes longer than a second.

        • Me too. I bought gift card yesterday but I didn't see any email confirmation within 24 hours.

  • Can someone confirm it works with DJ gift card purchase in store?
    Yes, I've tried with all other Amex deals (including recent Myer one) with no issues but just want to be sure as DJ cards may take longer to find something worth buying unlike a Coles Myer card.

    • Terms and Conditions,

      The following transactions are not considered eligible spend for the purposes of the Offer:

      1. Purchasing a merchant's goods through a third party. For example through an online aggregator (e.g. PayPal) or retailer
      2. Returned items; and
      3. Transactions which are subsequently cancelled or refunded.
      4. Purchasing online gift cards from a merchant

      Clearly in store gift card purchases are eligible.

      • When you look at their full T&C, it says

        C. Eligible Transactions

        The following transactions are not considered eligible spend for the purposes of the Offer:
        (i). Purchasing a merchant’s goods through a third party. For example through a department store and/or
        concession store (e.g. David Jones or Myer), online aggregator (e.g. PayPal) or retailer
        (ii). returned items; and
        (iii). transactions which are subsequently cancelled or refunded.
        (iv). Purchasing (online/in-store) gift cards from a merchant

        I bought $150 GC yesterday in store and the offer still remains active. I suspect they can filter it through.. damn.
        But still it's a bit misleading that they say nothing in the summary version and say something else in the full one which we really don't get to see unless we bother to click through.

        • I read 'merchant' as stores other than DJs, such as Big W or WW who also sell DJs gcs. Buying them in DJs store should be eligible. I have purchased DJs gcs in their store before & gotten the credit from Amex.

        • And we can't refund the gift cards…what the he'll.

        • +1

          when I look at full terms and conditions I see
          "4. Purchasing online gift cards from a merchant

          cannot see your
          "(iv). Purchasing (online/in-store) gift cards from a merchant"

        • Still waiting.
          See below for Amex response.

  • Hi - will these work if I make two $75 purchases in two separate transactions?

    • +1

      Looks to me so. It reads as "Register an eligible Card, spend $150 or more on that Card in one or more transactions instore or online at David Jones, between 11 December and 31 December and receive one $30 statement credit."

      • thanks. that's how I read it too.

    • +1

      It should. Last year I had three separate transactions and got the rebate after the final one came though.

  • Does DJ sell iPhone 6? If so then any other store apart from city?

    • +1

      No because Apple won't let them.

      Source: I work for David Jones as a sales assistant (in a city store); it shows up in the sytem but unless they transfer one to you from a city Dick Smith store, you won't be able to buy iPhones from DJs.

      • +1

        kerfuffle - Thanks for the info. Will they transfer an iPhone if asked? I've had to pick up a tablet from DJs when the DSE store was out of stock on an item they were supposed to hold for me before. As such, I presume it's possible and is done sometimes.

        • Doesn't hurt to try. Good luck!

        • +1

          @kerfuffle: DSE advised that they can't transfer an iPhone to the DJs powered by DSE store :( They said it was an Apple reseller license issue.

        • @jasonc74: That's a shame. Bloody Apple; lets Myer sell iPhones in their Sydney city store but not us …

  • Cheers!!! Was hopeful that they will. Desperately wanting to buy one and save some $$$

  • -1

    I think this Panasonic Bread Maker is a good deal at $169 after discount. It gets very good reviews. I have one myself, and am very pleased with it. These things do not normally reveive much discount.

  • Thanks, now I can buy my GF her birthday present and get something back for myself

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