Cabramatta Train Station Confrontation

Hey OzBargainers, I recently returned from Cabramatta Train Station, and I had someone spit at the back on my head even though I had absolutely no idea who they were and was an absolute random stranger to them. There was a group of 3 people, and they seemed to want to box me in to beat me up. Luckily however, I didn't seem to come out injured or harmed which I thank my stars for. I did confront them, asking why, and they basically were just like "have a go". Which I did not because honestly there's no way I can take on three guys.

Just wondering, what would you have done in my situation. All three people were older asians with medium builds (smaller build than mine), however were about 8cm taller than me, towering above.

Also, is there anything I can do against these kinds of people? Like I doubt the police would really care bout this kind of stuff. Awesomesauce to those that reply!


      • If the station staff witnessed it you should have spoke to him and asked him to save the CCTV recording and contacted the police

        It may have been a waste of time anyway if you did that

  • +1

    walk away and contact the police,

  • -1

    Form a vigilante group and go beat the crap out of them then go back a week later and do it again.

  • -1

    Just a suggestion, not necessarily telling you to do it… but if you take the first hit, you can beat the crap out of them all and claim it as an act of self defence… provided they will strike first

    • He was already spat on, if he feared for his safety he could have justifiably wailed on all of them immediately after that and claimed self defense, which it is.

      • If i remember correctly, you can only retaliate with equal or lesser force… so if you punch him, that would be excessive force since you would only be able to spit on him back in this case.

        • I remember it as equal or lesser force. And there's no way i'm going to instigate a fight by spitting back at them.

        • @DAOtmc: Nor should you, I would only suggest it if you know you can win and you need to let off some steam.

        • I thought spitting on other is considered as assault?


          Edit: I just read below post by SteveOh.

        • @ProjectZero:

          if you know you can win

          That's a might big call, 1 guy against 3 taller guys, who may be armed.

    • +1

      These don't sound like the type of people to report an assault to police. So I would not bother taking the first hit, (possibly the worst strategy I have ever heard re: physical confrontation.)

    • +5

      And how do you suggest he can beat the crap out of them? Street fights are messy and uncoordinated. I have been in some vicious fights (read attempted bashing) had to get my right ear sewn back up and reconstructed because I had a broken bottle jammed in it, I also didn't realise I had a broken tooth until hours later when I was in the shower. I now can't feel anything around that ear. Sometimes it feels like I am wearing one of those gag ears from a show bag (looks good though, plastic surgeon was not cheap). Sure I came out of the fight OK and got some good ones in, but it would have been smarter to do anything possible to remove myself from the situation. People also do not know how to handle adrenalin so you won't be thinking well 'if he hits me with a force of this many newtons, I can base my retaliation thusly!!!'

      You did the right thing. Even if you do come out on top chances are you're broken teeth, hands and face will need tending to. Then get ready to pony up the cash for your legal fight if you are ever indicted because it's 'totally OK coz self-defence' and ' 'Yeah man equal or lesser force'. You do realise most terms in the legislation need to be further defined by case law right, or does oz bargain legal advice stop there? You guys are not legally savvy so don't ever suggest this because court cases cost money, cause stress and waste a lot of time. You'd probably totally undermine your defence by blabbing too much to the police in the first place.

      All you can do mate is report it even if you think it's pointless, don't worry if you feel like a coward because atleast you still have feelings. Vegetables don't.

      • Who said he can beat the crap out of them i suggested he

        Form a vigilante group (and then beat the crap out of them)

        The problem with vigilante groups is who keeps them in line.

        • I don't think he replied to you…

        • @DAOtmc: Yeah sorry your right i would never suggest attacking when they have made the first move.These cowards only attack when they have assessed the situation and know they are safe. Please do not walk away and pretend this didn't happen at least report it. You constantly hear how nothing has been done but does anyone know something needs to be done?

    • 1 vs 3 will almost always lose.

    • +1

      I humbly suggest up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b+a. Then you get the alternate costumes for your character so you can kick their ass in style.

  • They are looking for trouble. Do not play into their hands, giving them what they want, on their terms.

    Think of the bigger picture. Your safety first. Besides, 1 vs 3 is not good odds.

  • +9

    I know it sucks and I'm kinda angry for you after reading about what happened but look at it this way: you got a bit of spit on your hair which you got rid of fairly soon afterwards while their lives are most likely on a downward trajectory at least for the forseeable future. You're still ahead.

  • +3

    Steak out the station or area…see if you can spot them again…….follow them indiscreetly….find out where they live or work…..take time to plan your anonymous revenge……make sure no one knows…..not even your closest family…..execute your revenge…….be happy and be quiet.;-)
    As much as that is what I would like to do…..Seriously though just forget about them.

    • +3

      Don't forget, if your to act out your plan, leave your mobile at home (can't place you in the area) wear an old pair of shoes and then dispose of them (no foot prints) and preferably have another person on a 2way radio acting as a lookout. Not to mention the usual things.

      That is if you really wanted to act out your vengeance. It's very carthadic and I look back on that time with fond memories.

    • Is there a significance to the number of periods/full stops you use?

      Also what kind of steak should one use?

      Sounds like an awesome TV show idea… :)

  • +7

    Save up your loogies for they day you see them again, then shower them in it and run. Direct confrontation is for chumps
    he who spits and runs away, lives to spit another day

  • Isn't Cabramatta notorious for this sort of gang-type behaviour? Nothing you can really do OP other than stay out of dodgy areas as much as you can (which can include entire suburbs).

    • +1

      Cabramatta I had believed to have "progressed". But after this… not so sure how much "progress" was actually made.

  • Cabramatta is fine during the day, mostly families eating out and buying groceries etc. Night time, I don't know what happens there as I'm usually out of there by 5pm.

  • +3

    I'd report it. It still counts as an assault as they hit you with their spit. And who knows, they could have Hepatitis or something. The cops should spend some time investigating it. As for witnesses don't all train stations have video cameras these days? And many have video cameras where you can actually see details unlike a few years ago.

    These guys are looking for trouble so they'll probably become bolder and bolder if they keep getting away with it. They might shove the next person onto the tracks or bash them leaving them with serious injuries or worse. The cops should take it very seriously.

    Another thing to consider is if these punks are on good behavior bonds or something even a minor assault charge could send them off to gaol. My point is you never know so it's worth reporting.

    That said, I would do the same thing you did, definitely walk away but also report it ASAP. While getting away from them as quickly as possible note any distinguishing features, note the time for help pinpointing it on video and report it to the cops NOT just to station staff who tend to be useless. By all means report it to both so that when someone else does get injured or killed there's a record with the cops that you reported it both to them and to station staff and they failed to do anything so they can be fired and sued >:-)

    • Is it really assault though?

      • +4

        Yes it is definitely assault to spit on someone. Buses in QLD have 'spit collectors' to gather DNA evidence of people who spit on drivers and other passengers so they can charge the assailant.

        The police would be interested in your case, especially as it relates to a previous crime involving the same 3 men.

        • +1

          Yep. In civil law (if you're suing someone) there's assault and then there's battery. Assault = threats that would make a 'reasonable person' scared. Battery = any unwanted touching. (Although you impliedly consent to some unwanted touchings such as the mild bumping around you experience on a crowded train.)

          In criminal law it's all assault and basically includes any intentional unwanted touching. Given the spread of germs and Hep C etc it definitely equals assault.

        • +4

          a) yes its Assault.

          b) and yes, its also Aggravated due to there being 3 of them.

          I'd be reporting it to the police mate.
          Doing nothing means nothing happens to these pricks. Even if it doesnt go anywhere, at least the police can record it and check out the cctv footage for intelligence.

          Doing nothing allows this behavior to continue unaddressed, and who knows if the next time they dont try to provoke further by hitting someone proper.

          Gutless bullies.

      • +2

        Spit at a cop and you will soon be convinced.

      • Definitely is.

  • -1

    Not worth getting your own back. These low life maggots more than likely would have knifed you.

    Just report it to the police, at least they will have a record for future reference.

    "All three people were older asians with medium builds" Bruce Lee Complex.

    • +1

      Bruce Lee Complex? I was describing a their physical build description. Large build woukd have to be like gym junkie.

  • +4

    they should be sent to & reformed in Bali, it works.

  • +1

    Walk away/run away as you did and walk with greater vigilence. I'd forget about it and treat yourself to something you enjoy.

    However sometimes there is "no away", as I found when I got assaulted at a train station during commuter hour in Sydney. In my case the guy was obviously looking for a fight and he picked me, I'm 6'4' and a real trophy when it comes to bragging about punching people out.

    Unfortunately for him I am trained in self defence, and saw off his unwanted reproach with a quick lesson in why he should keep his hands to himself.

    No-one stepped in to help and I think I would have had my head beaten in if I didn't neutralise the problem.

    Anyway I learnt self defence at a great place near Central Station in Sydney, check out
    The first session is free and is a great way to stay fit and learn to keep out of trouble.

  • +2

    They were giving you a gift of bodily fluids! (Doctor Who)
    You didn't blow onto them and say, "And I gift you in return Air from my Lungs."??

    Trying to cheer you up OP.

    • +1

      Ahaha much appreciated as a Doctor Who fan myself.

    • Dr Who ? I would have said Dr Strangelove

  • A colleague was glassed when he went jogging one night and since the incident, he is now taking self defense classes jujitsu something like that…he said he will still run away when being confronted but having a bit of self defense skills help.

  • spit

    I feel for you OP, I have an OCD :c

    It's not a good feeling being singled out and targeted for no reason - there was nothing bad about your response either. I hope this doesn't keep you down for too long (if it does) :)

    • +1

      Trying to not let it keep me down, but it's a tad hard no to think about it.

    • What the…

    • -5

      I'm sorry guys but I thought that was hilarious… +ve

  • Where is Simon when you needed him…

  • Wing Chun them. The world should not bow down to bullies.

    • +4

      Also Wang Chung them. The world should know great 80s hits.

    • On that note, since I hear Cabramatta, I think Sydney..

      I used to study with a Sifu Alfredo Del Brocco for a short while. I met this guy Rick Spain when he came up to Brisbane and did a few seminars.
      They are both great, inspirational and really good teachers. If you want to learn self defence (and not just movie wing chun or crap that doesn't work), then I highly highly highly recommend going here. Long story short- wing chun was developed by small/slight chinese people and up against bigger guys (caucasians), the system needed some tweaking to make sure that it worked. i.e - this wing chun has proper sparring and at higher levels doesn't look like poor pretend kickboxing.

      I've got about 10years of martial arts experience on me- I've sparred a fair bit, but rarely if ever have been in fights. I know I've got some decent power and I can take a decent hit, I've got a jab, right cross, low front kick, a good understanding of fight angles and all that.
      I STILL wouldn't have started against one person, let alone three even knowing that I'd have better chances against each since it's all just ego anyway, and in the long run it really doesn't matter. There is also the risk that whoever is starting you is carrying a knife, or has a bunch of friends a phone call away.

      De-escalation, taking a small hit to pride etc, is far better than the possible legal consequences that you face afterwards. Not to mention, you + the aggressors + the aggressors friends will also still need to share cabramatta station in the future. Best to walk away and report to police.

  • Had you kicked one, or all, of their asses you'd probably end up in court being charged with assault. Even if you could prove you didn't instigate the altercation. I can appreciate how frustrating it is when people act like jerks but in the long run getting into a bit of biffo with people who have nothing to lose only makes you the loser in the end.

    • Provocation is not a defence to assault.
      The threat of likely violence/harm is.
      If you kick them (and they consequently crack their heads on the pavement), you better be able to demonstrate/show the police that you were in real danger.

  • +2

    Unless you can fight like jason statham, otherwise walk away, the chance of meeting them again is very little. It's like road rage, most likely they only appear in your life for no more than 1 min. Not worth to hurt yourself in anyway for that 1min of anger. You will be 100% regret afterwards if you did something other than walk away.

    • +1

      Except that like road rage, assault it against the law.

      Turning a blind eye doesnt help the next person. Do the right thing and report it.

    • +6

      Yes and dress like a bogan, get a piggy tail or tattoo so you can blend in.

      • -2

        Lol, that would help too.

    • +2

      I don't like your advice. But thanks for putting time and effort into it.

    • "but it is obvious why"

      Pure conjecture. Terrible advice. Go home.

    • -1

      Lol. Have fun being laughed at irl for your stupid views

  • The lesson i learnt here is never stand in front of people, they are obviously the dregs of society, they could of just as easily pushed you onto the tracks as spit on you, so always keep your back to a wall, and things like this will not happen to you. Noone is going to spit in your face randomly, unless they have something personal against you.

  • +1

    Oxygen theives. Onto to the tracks they go.

  • I grew up around Fairfield / Cabramatta

    Now living in the north shore,

    While I admit there is a sense of snobbery living in the north shore, I can't help but notice all the bogans whenever I go back to visit family. Back in the days, you don't take notice, but now they stand out like

    Pity those school kids who act tough just to get along in school.

  • +12

    They are from a little known gang called the Spitting Cabras

    • This needs more +1s.

  • +4

    OP - I firmly believe in the principle of Stand-Your-Ground in any situation. If, as a result of my action, I have to be hospitalised or end up dead, I'll make sure I take them out with me. Remember, don't give an inch in any confrontation and be always ready to go out with a bang. That's what I would do in this situation but everyone is different so whatever floats your boat.

    • +1

      How many times have you had your face punched in?

      • +2

        As long as I can remember, the confrontations never developed too far and turned physical. Most of the time my opponents just retreated once they knew I was prepared to give them hell. My strategy is, always look them in their eyes when facing your opponents. 99% bullies will walk away when they realise the potential victim is willing to fight.

        If it does turn physical, always go for the weakest (if there are more than one hostiles) and give him your best from the start. Stand your ground at all cost. Just my humble $ 0.02.

        • +1

          This is the best approach to take in an honour based culture.

          But the Australian culture (mostly) is law based.

          Or in other words, these 3 bullies will get their just desserts soon enough, and there is no shame in walking away without fighting them.

        • +2

          @mrmarkau67: I am suggesting OP to defend himself. If the bullies had fled, you don't pursue them. Do whatever it takes to defend yourself.

          The buck has to stop with you because if you do nothing and let them walk all over you, they'll do it again.

          Sorry, I am not familiar with those cultures you mentioned but if you wanted to know my background, I was born and raised in Flushing, NY.

        • @Gorodemon:

          The buck has to stop with you because if you do nothing and let them walk all over you, they'll do it again.

          This attitude is the hallmark of an honour culture. Presumably you feel pretty passionate that its right, yeah? I'm not criticising you, just pointing out a cultural difference.

          In 2015, Sydney, Australia, the chances are these 3 "tough" guys will be caught by the police, get a firm warning (if they are first time offenders) or a reasonably stiff punishment (if they have form), and a good tongue lashing by their mother, because they probably still live at home.

          They will probably not do it again.

          Note that I said "probably". This won't definitely happen, but it will probably happen.

          There is a very, very small probability that the OP will be re-victimised because he didn't stand his ground the first time.

        • +1

          @ Gorodemon

          Well let me know your opinion when you do get your faced punched in.

          If it's still the same, I applaud you.

        • @Gorodemon: You are right. and so is mrmarkau67. Aus used to share your values. True Aussies still do. Sadly, the majority (as you can see here) has been pussified into submission.

          Thanks anyway, refreshing to hear.

        • @mrmarkau67:

          a good tongue lashing by their mother. They will probably not do it again.

          Lol. What a joke. What kind of fuzzy-unicorn land are you living in! lol

        • @Son ofa Zombie:

          I live in Sydney. If you think there is such thing as a true Aussie, your are not a true Aussie.

        • @Gorodemon: I like this guy already :)

        • @mrmarkau67: If they are the 3 guys from the article above I think its fairly safe to assume they are doing it again!

        • @2ndeffort:

          if you do nothing and let them walk all over you, they'll do it again.

          Maybe I misread the comment - I took that to mean they'd do it again to the OP.

          When you multiply the chance of them doing it again by the chance of the OP being there at that time, its a miniscule probability.

          But yeah, what deters criminals in Australia is not so much the chance of being confronted by a victim, or a blood vendetta from the victim's family, but simply the chance of the law catching up with them.

    • Responding to peer pressure something programed into us. It is a shame that when anyone behaves in an anti-social manner they are not shouted down automatically.
      Like you I don't believe standing up to bullies is someone elses problem. Obviously though common sense must be used or Darwins law will come into play.

    • Go out with a bang. Take them out with me. I wonder if you just managed to raise some red flags with ASIO.

    • If, as a result of my action, I have to be hospitalised or end up dead, I'll make sure I take them out with me.

      Or you could de-escalate the situation and go on to live a long life.

      My powers of deduction tell me that you are immature and have lived a sheltered life.

  • +1

    you should record them with your smartphone … send it to the police
    then upload the video to youtube with a thuglife meme

    • +6

      …if you pull out YOUR smartphone (and you're not prepared to fight), it'll become THEIR smartphone!

      • the trick is to point the phone towards them like a weapon and and shout " this being uploaded to my dropbox account right now … you @#$%# wanna be on the on the next viral thuglife meme" ….thats all you need to do … no lawyer no calling tony abbot just a smartphone and balls

  • -1

    Hi DAOtmc,

    are you asian ?

    • As discussed before in this thread already… Yes. I am asian.

      • Hi DAOtmc,

        I didn't read anywhere the time of day this happened?

        Not that I have anything to add, but just good to know.

        • DAOtmc on 31/03/2015 - 17:58
          Last edited 31/03/2015 - 17:59

          Hey OzBargainers, I recently returned from Cabramatta Train Station

    • +1

      Why do people keep asking this? It wouldn't matter if he was an effing Klingon or Vulcan, he was assaulted while going about his day.

      Stop fixating on his race.

      • +2

        Because if he wasn't asian.. and he got spat on by an asian.. I would be deeply offended for an asian to spit on a white person. But if he was black… then move along.

        Once my girlfriend made a stupid turn that nearly got into the car crash. I was in the passenger seat and I said "DO NOT GO"… nup she went.. The driver who nearly hit us procceded to blame me for absolutely no reason when clearly when it was my girlfriends fkn fault.

        I got out of the car.. and told the person to beat the shit out of my girlfriend since it wasn't even my fault.. Please it would of been more nice if he could of killed her too and it would of made my day..

        jeeez.. how is this even my fault to pick a fight on my when i did nothing.. ridicolous.

        • +1


        • +1

          It's offensive for anyone to spit on anyone. I don't get what your first paragraph means.

        • ridicolous

          U got dat straight o_O

        • That's just retarded. Why would they blame you when your girlfriend was in control of the vehicle? Was she on her Ls and you were teaching her?

        • @ronnknee:

          She is on her green P's so I don't know why they would rage at me. I wish they would actually punch her in the face, so that she won't make stupid mistakes again.. Stupid ragers, how dare they divert their anger to a passenger.

        • @spn: Don't worry, then it's not your fault. They're just stupid.

        • +1

          I see you keep that pimp hand strong playa!

  • +1

    This reminds me of a YouTube video I use to watch called Bas Rutten self defence.

    He goes on about fighting dirty but in the end, you want to end your night uninjured.

    He makes it hilarious though by squinting blood in their eyes or even salt and pepper. But always aim for the groin he says

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