Cabramatta Train Station Confrontation

Hey OzBargainers, I recently returned from Cabramatta Train Station, and I had someone spit at the back on my head even though I had absolutely no idea who they were and was an absolute random stranger to them. There was a group of 3 people, and they seemed to want to box me in to beat me up. Luckily however, I didn't seem to come out injured or harmed which I thank my stars for. I did confront them, asking why, and they basically were just like "have a go". Which I did not because honestly there's no way I can take on three guys.

Just wondering, what would you have done in my situation. All three people were older asians with medium builds (smaller build than mine), however were about 8cm taller than me, towering above.

Also, is there anything I can do against these kinds of people? Like I doubt the police would really care bout this kind of stuff. Awesomesauce to those that reply!


  • +2

    Um does this video parody the situation? If only the tables were turned…

  • Maybe do a few months of Tactical Krav Maga. Maybe next they had a knife and your female friend was in danger…. then what would you do?

    I'm not implying that Krav Maga would get you out of this situation, merely that it could help next time should you not be so lucky….

  • Always try to take private forms of transportation when going to dodgy areas in Southern/South-Western/Western Sydney

    • Meh.

      Cabramatta is pretty safe. Unless you are a drug dealer yourself, you are more likely to be attacked by your spouse, ex, or random drunk dude at the Coogee Bay Hotel than gangsters in Cabramatta.

  • What day and time was this at?

  • I think spitting constitutes as an assault. There's a direct contact. Medical risk etc.

    You have the right to pursue it. Heck you have the person's DNA.

    True that unfortunately Aus police couldn't be bothered until a body shows up… lack of manpower, don't have the resources etc… blah blah blah…

    If you have money use it to do the talking… lawyer etc.
    If not take a snap/video of them for evidence. Yell n Shout at them summarizing what they have done to Make sure you have witnesses and train camera on your side.

    Be prepared to flee or defend after you took their faces. Auto Upload helps.

    When defending take out 1 instantly like noodles. disable the second then ground n pound the last one like minced beef.

    Those cowards only dare do it with 3 ppl instead of one on one… and they can only spit like a little beyatch.

    If all else fails…. CURSE them… Say/Do it from the blackest corner of your soul. If it is just, It will come forth and afflict them like ebola. Seriously have….faith..

  • +3

    This is an analogy I live by.

    Imagine there is a piece of shit on the side of the road.

    You can smell it, and just walk past it and ignore it. And the smell will just annoy you for a little while.

    But if you actually touch it, then you have shit on your hands.

    You haven't made the shit any cleaner, but now your hands are dirty as well.

    • +1

      no shit

    • +5

      that's a shit analogy

    • +1

      Lol dafuq….

    • It's like I've stumbled into the weird side of the internet.

      • You visit so often you may as well buy a holiday house there

    • If everyone lives by your analogy then the world would be a very shitty place, eh. Shit everywhere each step you take as no one cleans them, ppl just wait for them to disintegrate naturally…

  • +6

    Have you tried killing them? Probably would teach them a lesson..

    • +1

      Last lesson they'd ever learn.

  • +2

    It's time to start bulking and lifting them weights.

  • Report it to the police and hope there is CCTV.

  • +3

    Even knowing Martial arts and how to fight them isnt really going to help if they are crazy with knifes, if anything the martial arts training will allow you to be fitter to run away faster, no point being a hero.
    Even a 8th dan grand master I know is wary at night and will avoid confrontation.

    The OP did the right thing and just walked away.

  • Pick up your phone and tell Fred or Bill or someone to bring all the cousins right now and cut their peni off.

    • Then watch them run away pooping.

  • Get them deported. Jk. Walk away, your safety is paramount.

  • +1

    I've been randomly attacked and there were 6 of them. I merely walked off and avoided further confrontation and found the local constabulary. Pointed out the idiots as they were still hanging about and the one that assaulted me was arrested. Left a statement and let the law take care of it.

    If only we could discover an island to ship all these low-lifes to…

    • If only we could discover an island to ship all these low-lifes to…

      I hear the Antarctic's nice this time of year.

    • +2

      They did, it was called Australia ;)

      • +1

        Wow! Here I am thinking Australia was (pick the appropriate PC verb) by the King George III finest men. I thought penal colony meant something totally different. blush

  • -1

    What would Steven Seagull do in a situation like this?
    Free spit - sounds like a deal. Can you make a new post so I can get some?

  • +1

    They have been spitting on staff as well.…

  • OP was right to walk away, particularly since he had a female friend with him at the time and had to look after her welfare as well.

    Years ago when I was in the Army I was outside a Brisbane nightclub at closing time just after some time in the bush (common for soldiers to have a big night when they get back from being away for a while). Some poor guy with short hair (obviously a drunk soldier) was being hassled by 5 or 6 dodgy looking losers in the Queen St Mall, they spat on him, and started laughing and shoving him about then he threw a punch (and missed) and it looked like it would not go well for this outnumbered guy, we didn't know him (I was with a couple of blokes from my unit, he must have been from another unit) but we shouted and ran towards him to help out. Unfortunately for the local thugs they didn't realise that there was hundreds of soldiers out in the CBD that night on Brigade Stand Down, we were just one little group among many. All you heard for the next minute was shouts and blokes coming from everywhere. Not condoning violence but it didn't end well for the thugs, very quickly they were outnumbered! In the end there was a large crowd formed which drew attention from the police and they in turn called out the Military Police to get us all away. Not sure what happened to the thugs in the end, I last saw them talking to the cops but the original drunk bloke was OK, somebody bundled him into a taxi back to Enoggera I think. I guess they picked on the wrong bloke. Similar thing happened in Darwin and I heard about it happening in Townsville as well.

    I was also on a train in Brisbane once when some young losers started hassling everyone on the train and spitting etc. Most people were looking away and avoiding eye contact etc. Once again I was with a bunch of Army mates and one of them stood up and (with some expletives) told these losers to shut up or get off. They immediately targeted him and headed over for some sport……..then another 10 of us also stood up and their eyes nearly popped out of their heads. They started swearing and talking tough but we all laughed. They got off at the next station by themselves, swearing and abusing us all the way as if they were the tough guys. No violence needed, just 10 tough looking mates!

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