Lane Change @ Intersection, snapped by red light camera! (NSW)

Quick run-down on what happened:
- three lane road at intersection, left two is to go straight, most right is to turn right
- i am in the middle lane (going straight), first car at intersection
- red light for both straight and turning lane
- red arrow turns to green arrow but still red light for straight lanes
- i decide to turn right from middle lane and merge into right lane during turn
- in the process i see a flash (night time) and i realise the jig is up

Options now:
- admit I changed lane in an intersection with the intention of turning right and hopefully I will get a fine for lane-changing in intersection instead of red light fine. Or I will get two fines
- appeal and admit to my mistake and hope they will let me off with warning
- make up a story/excuse and hope they will let me off

Do I have any hope? Which will work best in my favour? Any similar stories/anecdotes to share would definitely be appreciated!

Edit: I got flashed last night


  • +2

    don't think theres much u can do

  • +3

    As with any of these things, just wait till you actually receive the fine… or have you already? Nothing you can do till then. Fingers crossed, you may not even get one which has happened to me a couple of times.

  • If you have a 10yr clean record they will let you off.

    • Not for red light offences, unfortunately.

      • +1

        In nsw yes
        Op from sydney

        • Oh good! In Vic you cant get off. Unfortunately I know this the hard way/

  • WIn VIC you are fined only if you enter the intersection. If I am correct they take a second photo to prove it at two different points. Is it somewhat similar in NSW.

  • Similar thing happened to me, there was a red arrow for turning right, I was going straight but had to swerve to the right to avoid a truck that decided at the last minute to turn left. So the camera flashed me thinking I was turning right on red even though I went straight. It has been 10 months now and haven't received a fine yet. hopefully it's the same for you

  • -2

    I hope you like prison OP.

    just wait and see if anything comes before you worry about it.

  • They will give 2 photos to prove that you were driving through.. If it shows you turning right with a green arrow, I think you will be fine.

  • That's a legal move if you are driving a long truck etc. You start wide to complete the turn. My understanding is if the right lane is exclusively right turn (only a right arrow painted on the road) and the straight ahead lanes don't have painted arrows (definitely not a single straight ahead arrow) it is permissible to turn from that lane. It may depend on the other road, whether it is one or two lanes etc. This was true in Victoria some years ago, I'm not sure if they changed it recently, and I've never been game to try it myself. The reason you got flashed is that you were sufficiently close to the middle of the intersection to be detected by the ground loop or whatever to get snapped. The reason they take two pictures is so they can see what direction you are going, calculate your speed etc. When a human examines the photos, they should realise that you were turning in accordance with the arrow and not prosecute you (for the light). I'm not sure how much of a stickler they will be for lane changes during a turn. I think it's only a problem if you are crossing a solid continuous white line denoting separate lanes which is treated like double lines. I'm from Victoria but I think a lot of road rules are pretty universal these days. I'm sure if there was debris or an object in the turn lane it would be necessary and permissible to turn from the next lane to avoid it.…

  • Hello everyone exactly same thing happened to me tonight did you end up getting a ticket ??

    • +1

      It's been a bit over two months and I'm glad to say I haven't yet received one! Did you do it at that very intersection or just a similar scenario?

      • Exactly same thing was in the middle lane and the lights were red right turn arrow went green so changed my mind instead of goin straight went right the arrow was green but still got flashed :/

        • From my situation I got away with it, fingers crossed you do too

  • Edit: I got flashed last night

    Hope you're alright!

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