REMINDER: Subscribe to Stores, Receive an Email Every Time There Is a New Deal

Despite having the store subscription feature for over 3 years, it seems many haven't caught on to this feature. We have noticed that when it is mentioned in the description of a deal people sign up. So let's go over it again.
EDIT: Now added new way to subscribe.

Subscribe to a Store/Domain (Receive an email every time there is a new deal for a store)

Option A


  • Click the subscribe button, select deals and/or competitions, click save.

Option B

1) Find the store you want by searching or typing in the url directly.



Delivery Hero

2) Click on the Subscribe button


That's it. You will then receive an email every time a deal is posted for that store.

Example (New deal for Masters):


Top 10 most subscribed to store (as of April 30)

You can also get an email every time a deal hits the front page (20 votes or more) and also a new deal with certain keywords via search alert.

Never miss a deal!


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  • Rip Delivery Hero

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