[New Features] DIY Username Changes, Managing Store Associations, TopCashback and More

For the month of May we've released some new functionality. The most notable ones are listed here.

DIY Username Change

Username changes are allowed once every 12 months. Users used to have to contact a moderator to do this, but now it is possible to do so from My Account -> Settings.

My Account Settings

You can do a username search to make sure your desired username is not already taken, then update your username and click on 'Submit' to save.


On the same My Account -> Settings page, there is a new checkbox for 'Show notification bell'. Unchecking this setting will mean that you will no longer receive real-time notifications. The notification feature is discussed here and a request for a setting to disable it was requested here

Notification Setting

Store Association Management

Moderators receive many requests from users remove their associations with stores, either because they clicked on the associated checkbox by mistake, or because they are no longer associated (e.g. changed jobs).

Users have always been able to remove accidentally checking of association checkbox for comments if that was the first time they have marked themselves as associated with that store. To do so simply click on the edit link for the comment, and uncheck the checkbox.

Users can now also remove store associations on their personal store associations page. To do so, go to My Account -> Store Associations.

My Account Store Associations

On the store associations page, set any associations to 'None', and press Submit.

Store Associations Page

The system will then check if you have not posted any deals as a representative for that store in the past. If not, it will clear your association. Otherwise, you still have to contact a moderator to remove the association, with an explanation of your circumstances.

This page can also be used to update your role from 'Associated' to other roles such as marketing or employee.

Note that changes on this page will not affect previous comments marked as representative comments or deals posted as representative deals. This page shows your current status, and does not update any previous comments/posts.

Top Cashback

We now list topcashback.com as a cashback provider on the store and deal pages. They are based in the US and provide cashback for

  • vitacoast.com - 6%
  • ebay.com - 1.1%
  • eastbay.com - 5%


Deals for those stores will show the TopCashback icon below the screenshot image if cashback is available from TopCashback.

Deal Cashback

Store pages will also include TopCashback e.g. Vitacost.

Vitacost Cashback


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