• expired

Venom Protein Bonus 1kg Mass Gainer (Worth $29) with Every $30+ Purchase (Delivery Included)


Similar deal to the free WPI last month…

This mass gainer has 3 times the calories of their WPI and WPC. I'll probably get 2kg of mass gainer + a $1 item, or whatever the cheapest item they have in stock is. So it'll end up being 2kg of mass gainer for ~$30 delivered.

When: Now till 12-jul-15 (mistake?, not too sure, but this is the date in the email)
Where: venomprotein.com.au
Coupon Code: FREE1KGMASS
Number of Uses: 3 per customer

how to redeem:
1. Add any items to your cart to the value of $30+
2. Enter coupon code in the payments page.
3. Complete checkout
**You do not need to add the item to your order. Coupon will take 1 cent off the purchase and product will be added on dispatch

EDIT: they don't seem to have any $1 items, so I think I'll get 1kg of natural WPC for $34 instead.

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Venom Protein
Venom Protein

closed Comments

  • "When: Now til 12-jul-15"
    can I borrow your delorean?

    • guess they didn't update the date in the email they sent out, but I have confirm that the code works. I ordered 1 x 1kg natural WPC with the code and it deducted 1c as per the instructions.

  • Now till 19-July-15

  • fat gainer.

  • Would this achieve similar results as this http://www.bulknutrients.com.au/products/muscle-food-101.htm… or are they completely different ?

    • +1

      Very similar products. The Venom has more ~30g protein per serving vs ~20g protein per serving in the Bulk Nutrients. They are both consumed "in addition to meals for those wanting to gain weight" because all the vitamins, fibre, etc. will not be provided.

      Both companies are whirlpool approved wholesale vendors.

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