If Money Didn't Matter, What Would You Be Doing?

Came across this thought when I was daydreaming at work. In fact I probably think about this a lot.

I also found this book whilst overseas and found it a sweet little read!


Personally I would be the owner of a food truck with a massive cult following serving the meanest forms of comfort food. (I'm not to sure what yet)
I do realise this would indeed be very costly and the margins slim but damn it I would freaking love it!

IF money didn't matter what would your calling be as opposed to a career/job!


  • build a restaurant and hire the homeless and get them to achieved great achievement, once achieved they be forever loyal to you.

  • +1

    Have you watched Chef?


    Basically a story of a guy who opens a food truck and has a great time doing it

    • -1

      Terrible movie. Do not watch.

      • Chef is the best movie I have seen in a long time. No idea how you could find it terrible.

        • -1

          The story line is boring. Travelling from place to place with no significant obstacle to overcome. It's probably a good movie if you are old and are fascinated by this new twitter thing that the kids are all about these days

  • +1

    full-time internet forum commentator.

    for now, i'm only part-time. hard to get a full time job in this market.

  • Executive producing movies.

    I don't have the drive or talent to be a director/writer/actor/cinematographer etc. but I might have an OK eye for people who do and if I don't money doesn't matter in this hypothetical I guess I could take the financial hit if I'm wrong. I would take a strange pride in being the guy who made the next Battlefield Earth or Dungeons & Dragons (the movie) happen.

  • +2

    Take brodening to the next level:
    1. Have pretty interns take shifts looking at Ozbargain deals. I'm talking 24/7 here.
    2. Have pretty interns broden each deal
    2.a Limit of 1? Have pretty interns air tasker the items
    2.b Deal is crap? No worries, have pretty interns buy them anyway.
    3. Have pretty interns take photos of myself and the loot and post them as comments on every OzB deal
    4. Have OzB members curse me to hell doing so
    5. Have pretty interns take the sting off the hatred that will transpire

    No wonder I can't win the lottery

  • +4

    Buy some good quality agricultural land and start a commune.

  • +2

    Hmm, this is an interesting topic.

    If money was no object to me well I would attempt to be a Captain of a my own space ship and crew and travel in space looking for habitable planets and then put my flag on it or some sort of mark that tells I've been here and go off exploring some more planets.

    This is after if NASA or anyone else that manages to build a working hyperdrive or its equivalence so I could travel faster than light in space to get to various locations in our milky way or on another galaxy far far away….

    I thought it would be fun and cool exploring the deep emptiness of space….

    If I can't get that, then I guess I could create my own island/continent in the middle of some ocean and live on that. I will also somehow have build my own impenetrable defense system in the case that some nation decide it is a good idea to take over my island by force. It will also survive WW3(if that ever comes) and be radioactive proof somehow…. ;) Actually I'll just shoot the missiles down before they even touch my land. Heh, that should fix the radioactive problem.

    Otherwise I could play virtual reality games where you put this instrument on you and your body is the controller of your game character. And then you're instantly in this fantasy theme(think LoTR yes that's a good starting point) world, almost like you're dreaming, but you're not dreaming. That could be something cool to play with. I'm not sure when this thing will be come available to consumers….but I know it costs an ass lot!

  • I would…. probably start my own travel/tour company and go around the world for free!

  • +1

    I think some people missed the point. It's not "money doesn't matter because you have unlimited resources and wealth so dream away" but rather "money doesn't matter because you are instead going to focus on following your passion".

    There are a few ideas popping up and some of them could actually get molded into something quite decent. You want a burger bar? Easy. Start formulating your unique recipes at home and try them out with friends/family. Get feedback. Make them better. Get a stall at a market and set up a BBQ. Serve burgers. If your food is good people will get the word out and you can build upon that.

    Head over here and read a bit:


    Building a business and taking charge of your life isn't that difficult and I think most people are either scared of failure or are lazy. Simply sitting back and saying "well I can't afford to do it because blah blah blah…" is just an excuse to not try. I've had a few staff members in the past and I have given every one of them the same offer. Come up with a business idea and you'll get my experience and resources to back you up along with $5K start up capital. Whatever the idea - if it is feasible we would give it a go. Know how many people actually got excited and said yes? Zero.

    • +3

      I actually interpret the question as what would you do if you weren't under obligation to do things to earn a living to feed yourself and your family. Pretty much everybody would do more of the things they like, and less or none of the things they dislike, like making the boss happy or placating difficult customers.

      Some people extrapolate that to making a career out of doing what they like. That doesn't have to be the logical conclusion. That may in fact be one of the ideas that can be tossed out the window. You are not obliged to conform to any particular definition of success. You can just have a good time being a dilettante.

    • +2

      Building a business and taking charge of your life isn't that difficult and I think most people are either scared of failure or are lazy. Simply sitting back and saying "well I can't afford to do it because blah blah blah…" is just an excuse to not try.

      It's that easy is it?

      Building a business is easy I'm sure. Building one that actually makes a profit I imagine would be slightly more difficult. About 80% of new businesses fail right?

      Suppose someone* attempts a new business and funds it using their own life savings.
      The business fails and all of their sunk costs are gone.

      Now what?

      *Assuming he's not already a millionaire/billionaire

      • -3

        Yes it is that easy. Just start with small steps and see how you go because if you don't try you'll never know what could have been. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

  • I would write a manifesto and prosteletise to the people about stuff. Big important stuff.

  • +1

    Making love to all women in world.

    • +2

      I can only see that happening if the women of the world didn't worry about money. But if money didn't matter to you but women still needed financial help, then I guess it's possible.

  • +1

    Full time cryptozoologist :) Basically being a real life Indiana Jones - chasing Chuppacabras in south america, bigfoot in canada/us and looking for lost temples and cities around the world and underwater. And maybe lost treasure while I'm at it!

    • Could you also spot the elusive Broden in the wild too? We believe it's still at large and buying up massive amounts of low-priced bargains to resell, but it's real identity remains a mystery to this day.

  • +2

    There's a lot of people here who right now could actually do the things they love. Volunteer? do it on weekends. Travel? Take smaller trips. Even a single destination. Do youtube reviews? your phone records video doesn't it? Learn to program or be a hacker? Does that even require money to lean it? My point is you could be doing what your heart desires and living a wealthy life (by your OWN definition) even without that money you think you need.

    • +3

      Learn to program or be a hacker? Does that even require money to lean it?

      Probably not, but it requires time and time is something full-time workers lack. Especially the ones that work over 38 hours per week.

      • +2

        Sounds like an excuse doesn't it? Because if that's what TRULY makes you happy, something you're passionate about, you'd make time for it. There are people who work those hours and still study at uni.so is it an excuse?

        • Very well said cusack, I agree 100% with you and I'm one of those people that always make excuses how I don't have time etc.

    • So true. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. That is, “I must quit my job first and then become a/start doing X”.

      Another thing is that the activity/career that people think will make them happy may be very different in reality. For example, I ran a few Airbnb apartments on top of my current job. I had stayed in Airbnb places when travelling Europe and when I returned thought that it would be a great way to meet new people, share travel stories and earn a bit of side income etc. Very romanticized. The reality was more like, vaccuming/mopping, scrubbing bathrooms, washing dishes, making beds, dealing with difficult/needy guests, freaking out because the WIFI stopped working, dealing with complaints from neighbours because guests were too loud, replacing lost keys, replacing broken crockery, repairing damaged furniture (minor wear and tear) etc. I did have a few nice chats with some guests but that was about 5%. I was essentially a cleaner/admin for the other 95%.

  • -1

    Volunteering and helping the needy.
    Spend more time with family.
    Hacking stuff apart and building custom electronics built into custom cabinetry.
    Building stuff that will increase the efficiency of mundane daily tasks.
    Go to the track weekly.
    Build a new track car.
    Go fishing every week.
    ………. lists goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on….

  • Some people say that if people had no jobs and didn't need to worry about money (no incentive to work for money), then these people would become lazy sloths, innovation would plummet, society would stagnate.

    I'm seeing quite a lot of "volunteering", "helping animals", "make good games" etc responses here.

    Why is that the case? Shouldn't all of you be lazy?

    • +1

      Although I actually agree with your point, I imagine this sort of thread self-selects for people who have interests in creative pursuits, volunteering etc. No one's going to want to admit that they'd just watch Netflix and eat all day if they could.

      It's funny really. Human productive capacity is at an all time high, and the trend is towards automating more and more work. There's really no reason for people to be obliged to work 40 hours a week to meet their basic needs anymore. So instead we basically create a bunch of jobs that are essentially busywork (and, of course, more and more products to consume) in order to funnel more imaginary money to the rich, and then we treat everyone who opts out as a moral failure.

  • post on every single ozbargain post. jv style

  • +1

    If Money Didn't Matter, What Would You Be Doing?

    Acquiring more power. Hopefully instead of bribing/influencing governments/politicians, I would actually become the government (or install my own yes-men in there).

    Note: I'm a media mogul.

  • +1

    Don't quite understand what you mean by 'if money didn't matter'. I'm going to assume you mean, what would I do if I had all the money in the world?

    I'll travel the world and stay in five star hotels every day for a start.

    I might buy Greece as a country after that, which shouldn't cost too much.

  • I would write YA fiction. Maybe finally do my PhD. Or run an indie childrens & YA bookshop. Volunteering for an animal shelter sounds good too but I am not sure I could handle seeing all the animals that get dumped/abused etc.

  • +1

    Can I do nothing and be a Slothy Koala?

  • +3

    I'd become Batman.

  • Sipping coconuts on tropical beaches around the world, live like king!

  • I would have a bit of land to look after animals as pets (ducks, chooks, maybe a horse and a cow..?), have a massive veggie garden to give produce away to friends & family. Work on a massive formal garden. Travel, dabble in the stock market, play computer games. Maintain car collection? Learn to build stone buildings (something the size of a small-medium shed).

  • +2

    House boat or vlog while traveling

  • +3

    I would buy some land in northern QLD and open a naturist resort. Life's better in the nude.

  • I would have stuck with my youth boxing pedigree, maybe transitioned to MMA in these times.

    What I know I am good at, and wish I had the support of my parents, is music. I am a decent musician, good at singing several vocal styles and a pretty tight lead rhythm guitarist. Now that I have a son, busy with developing my business, I just can't prioritise the time, nor would I want to be away for long periods from my son.

    These days I just practice alone, or with a few muso friends, and impress my female friends from time to time.

  • I'd like to be a historian or entomologist

  • +3

    Professional gamer or swimsuit fitter for models.

    • +2

      love the second one! :P

  • Master bater

    I'd love to bat all day

    • You know….like cricket :-)

  • I'd take some time off to travel, relax etc to try and figure out what it is. Probably something that involves working with children.

  • I would love to be a travel blogger. I'm planning to take 6 months off work to travel (in two years time) to south america, asia and some of europe so will see how it goes!! I fully intent to return to my normal job though as I've studied for a long time to get there! Got to save all that money…

  • Interesting! This is where I am now. Money saved up via redundancy and I don't know what I would like to do with the rest of my life. I do want an income in excess of 125000 annually, but stumped otherwise.

  • Nudie magazine day.

  • If I was a millionaire

    I would Buy a large property with Lots of land. I'll take in 100 dogs and I'll become the crazy Dog lady.

  • I'd leave my IT job to be a high rise sky scraper window washer.

  • Actually life as a Sybian Machine ain't that bad. giggidy

  • Touring musician. Rockstar preferred.

  • -1

    Exactly what I'm doing now.

  • Buy lots of investment properties in the hamptons, Beverly hills, Shanghai, and all over the world (includes islands). Build my own self-sufficient secret luxury bunker. Buy up companies in healthcare, environmental-friendly energy, weapons and space travel. Purchase a luxury private jet and go to every country in the world (I mean it).

  • I'd pull up stumps on my house. Deck out my Patrol, buy a ridiculous off-road camper and hit the road.

  • Bandaid's don't fix bullet holes.

    • Not on its own…if you a had a sterilised teaspoon or dessert knife, strong whiskey or Rhum n a decent size bandaid, you might hv a fighting chance.

      For metaphorical bullet holes, any strong spirit would suffice:-P

  • Drug dealer (natural drugs only)
    Weapons salesman

    What I'm doing now: selling equipment for using drugs or for propagating them (legal of course, cough)

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