I Need Make-up Advice... for My Leg

I was in an accident earlier this year and had to have surgery on my leg. They've done a really good job of patching me up and the scars have healed / are healing nicely.

However I would like to conceal them - not out of vanity but more because of the circumstances surrounding the accident. My Dr has suggested that I tried using makeup (concealer ? foundation? not sure what they are called) to cover them.

The mrs uses very little make-up. we also have different skin tone , so even if she had a proper, full-coverage foundation-thingy, it would look weird on me. I'm half-Irish and half-black. I tried to get Wiki to describe my skin tone and she said Nicole Ritchie. Dr, and her receptionist, have suggested that I try covergirl outlast stay fabulous foundation in golden tan (857). I've looked for it at my local woolies and they only had really pale looking ones (810? 820?). Does anymore know where I can get the 857 shade one or alternatively suggest another foundation/concealer that I could use to cover the scars.



  • +1

    For really long lasting whole day full coverage - go to an Estee Lauder counter and get colour matched for DoubleWear Maximum.

    You can also get Covergirl at Big W, Priceline and Chemistwarehouse. They may have a larger colour range.

    • Isn't Estee Lauder really expensive?

      • +2

        Ask for a 10 day sample =)

        • +3

          Do I tell them its for my leg or do I keep that to myself? :)

        • +2

          @Jar Jar Binks: Which is worse - them thinking its for your leg or your face or… elsewhere?!

        • +1

          @McFly: I was going to make a joke about neopolitan popsicle but then realised that only wiki would get it..so umm I won't.

  • Might I suggest wearing long pants?

    • Long pants make me sweat, which then make the scar itchy

      • try breathier long pants?

        • +1

          Its psychological: if its above 17 degrees, I can't wear long pants:(

      • +4

        Wear a kilt

        • Kilts are knee-length. The one I have is anyway.

        • @Jar Jar Binks: sorry, didnt know the scar in question was below the knee

          Ball gown perhaps?

        • @pointless comment:
          wear cycling jersey and lycra knicks, your scars will look natural and feel like it's caused by some cycling crash during Tour de France

  • +4

    For scars, I recommend concealer like MAC studio finish (~$32). It has a bigger range of shades compared to max wear. EL maximum wear is very orangy imo and only has like 5-6 shades. Otherwise try dermablend (priceline)/Vichy dermablend(online). These concealers can cover scars and tattoos.

    Other "drugstore" concealers aren't full coverage enough, but of course this depends on how bad the scar is.

    • Thanks . Its not bad, its just interesting looking.

    • +1

      Dermablend is meant to be perfect for this kind of thing.

      • +1

        +1 for Dermablend - it's designed for this. It's at Priceline - sign up for club to get discount (and $5 voucher for birthday)

  • +1

    Ellen Degeneres advertises Covergirl. I think the range is called Simply Ageless. It comes in a lot of different shades. I only found out about it today so I'm not sure if it's available at Coles or Woolworths. I was looking at Ebay today and this product can be purchased for less than $20.00. Hope that helps.

    • Is that the one with Olay ingredients in it? Saw it at my woolies. They only had them in pale colors. Actually all the makeup they had looked like they were more for people with fair,pinkish skin. Where do women with olive, tanned skin buy their makeup?

      • MAC Cosmetics have quite a nice chocolatey foundation colour in their range (and lighter shades in between). If you visit their counter in a Myer store for example, they will colour match your skin tone to a product in their range.

        • I was hoping I could buy my make-up at woolies or coles and hide it in there with my groceries. It doesn't look that's an option


        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: Just go to a supermarket and check. The foundations generally have testers for you to try. Dab some on your hand and rub it in to see how it blends. That's what we do. There's also concealer which is thicker - which you might prefer for your use, though the colour range is often very, very limited I think (I'm quite a make up noob though.. I use very little myself).

      • Hi, yes that's the one. Apparently it doesn't clog the pores unlike a lot of other foundations. From what I can tell it blends well leaving a smooth finish. I would try another supermarket just in case.

  • +1

    I use Estee Lauder and it is expensive! Have you heard of Bio Oil? This can certainly help with fading and speeding up the healing process.

    • Bio Oil - I use them but I am not sure if any difference. Any testimonial?

      • +1

        I have a friend that didn't moisturise during pregnancy so she ended up with stretch marks on her stomach. Feeling self conscious they have faded considerably since she sated using bio oil.

  • +2

    How bad is it actually?

    If you're a bit self conscious, why not buy some skins/running tights and take up a "sporty phase".

    You can get compression high socks, calf tights, shorts, or full length legs. Or skin colour ones

    • +2

      Not self-conscious. They don't bother me per se but they do look intriguing/badass and people inevitably asks about them. The car 'accident' may or may not have been an accident, so I don't feel comfortable talking about it.

      My kids were in the car with me. Thankfully, they were relatively unscathed but they were very worried about me.I bled like a cochon, then there was the police car, ambulance, crowd…it was all very dramatic.Even now, months later, they will touch it and ask me if it hurts or offer to kiss it and make it all better.That bothers me because it reminds me that they could have been badly hurt because of some crazy rage (jealousy?)-driven person.It also bothers me that they still think about the 'accident', that my scars remind them of that day, and that they are still worried about me.

      • i vote for sporty phase, or just wear longs for a while

        • I'm sporty. Wiki got me a couple of underarmour heatgear running tights ( and the kids got me the matching alterego superheroes compression shirts) for my birthday. I tried wearing them last spring but I couldn't. If I know its going to be 17degrees and above, I have to wear shorts otherwise I feel exteremely uncomfortable and itchy. It makes no sense but that's how it is.

  • +3

    +1 how big/bad is the scar / what was the injury/surgery?

    I just wonder what the point of putting make up on a scar would be if it's not for self consciousness of the actual scar. If you're trying to avoid seeing the scar because it reminds you of an unpleasant experience.. will make up really help? Would having to apply make up to it daily, thus paying attention to the scar specifically each day, really help? As opposed to just leaving the scar be and fade on its own accord as scars do, with you forgetting about it over time? Would make up really help you forget what's underneath it? I mean.. you still know what's underneath it.

    I have a very small tattoo on my foot. I got it a few years ago on impulse (bit of a story to it). First tatt, and it will be the last. Had meaning at the time (dont they all, sigh lol). Ideally I'd like it removed but the cost just isn't worth it right now - I can deal with it and to be honest, having it doesn't bother me that much.. I acknowledge it and the now-rather-painful memories tied with it that I'd rather forget, much like your scar, but I also wonder whether removing it would even remove those memories. With it gone, I'd still remember it was there. Would I just be trying to fool myself by physically removing it? What's better - getting over something mentally/emotionally and being at peace within oneself no matter the trauma and permanent reminders of such experiences, or seeking a temporary solution in the moment to soothe the discomfort from those physical triggers you can't immediately escape from?

    But we're all different I guess. Maybe some make up would help you. I know I still have one scar I struggle with but that's around other people (self consciousness) :/

    • Something you said reminded me of a poem that Tennyson wrote for his new bride:

      And down I went to fetch my bride:
      But, Alice, you were ill at ease;
      This dress and that by turns you tried,
      Too fearful that you should not please.
      I loved you better for your fears,
      I knew you could not look but well;
      And dews, that would have fall'n in tears,
      I kiss'd away before they fell.

      You're a silly-billy, Ms Turnip. You have no reason whatsoever to be self-conscious.You're perfect just the way you are. Cue Bruno Mars's song here :p

  • +1

    Priceline's website has this Covergirl line in Golden Tan in stock so you could order it online, or if there are any Priceline stores near you it might be worth giving them a call to see whether they have it on the shelf.

  • +1

    If you are struggling to find your colour in the ranges suggested I would suggest you go to a large Priceline as they will have a better range than Coles or Woolies.

  • +1

    Agree with above, try Priceline. They should also have testers!

    • +1


  • +1

    Also look up reviews/swatches/demos on YouTube t get an idea on how it covers. Lots of drugstore concealers are designed for under eye and minor blemishes. Getting the wrong shade can make the scars even more noticeable and odd.

  • Just get a fake tan to even it all up?

    • How much does a fake tan cost and how long does it last for?

      • Depends on if you are doing it yourself or not. You might want to do both legs though.

  • +2

    Ben & Jerry's 'Maple Tree Hugger'. Will also serve as leg hugger. Melted and well-mixed. Chunks removed. Roughly Ritchie.
    Applied sparingly, allowed to dry.

    Licked-off by one-eyed-cat 'Darthie' at the end of each day.

    A sensual experience for a lonely man in his (soon-to-be) newly-built treehouse.
    May still require showering.

    Not least by 'Darthie'.


    • Not a helpful suggestion? Yeah well I'm never going to be able to get that image out of my head, so you can just piss off, Jar Jar.

    • Are you psychic, Tas? One of the many, many father's weekend prezzies I got was a face mask. The twins used only the finest ingredients they could find in our pantry : organic cocoa , cream , honey and Irish Oats.While they were at it, they also lathered my hair with an avocado concoction. I've never been yummier in my life, if I do say so myself!

      As for Darthie, she doesn't have a sweet tooth. She's more of a sourpuss :p

      Edit: Wiki only ever logs in to ozb when she's at our my place ( as opposed to her current and her soon-to-be place). She was over this weekend but it was so good to have her back home for a whole weekend, that we weren't willing to share her with anyone else. Not even you, Tas.

      • +1

        Alrighty / um. You may be a stranger cat than Darthie, and not by way of beauty-treatment kid play.

        Wiki-sharing not required. Especially given the circumstance, very glad the weekend went well for you. Trust the same for next.

        More than the spa-treatment ideas (you got off lightly, my friend), Wiki has given you a pretty good steer with her icecream preferences in that non-favorite of mine, thread of yours.

        holds up crucifix to the above

        Bonus holding up of crucifix to hideous non-covered-with-icecream scars

        The Horror.

        • Do you ever sleep crucifix-holding man?

        • Aha. For all practical purposes, asleep now.
          Have an awake day on my behalf, Jar Jar.

  • a MAN with SCAR is HOT

  • +3

    also use bio-oil on the scar, it really helps make it fade away.

    • +2


      Also look up moist wound healing and silicon patches for this.
      If its still in the process of healing then jamming foundation around it might not aid in healing the skin evenly.
      The bio oil should help even the skin tones around the scar too.

  • +2

    How did it happen?

  • Would TAC pay for you to see a make up artist?

  • +1

    What about a tattoo?

    If not a feature piece, even skin colour can be tattooed (note: ink on scar tissue is a little more painful)…

    Saves reapplying… And if it IS a feature piece… Then a lot less people will ask about it (and those that do ask, will probably appreciate the story around it, or be quite happy with a, "it's personal." explanation.

  • +1

    Show it off, proves you have been through tough times and came out the other end like a warrior.
    Compression long pants for sporting? No one would bat an eyelid.
    But if you NEED makeup, send the Ms in for it ;)

  • +1

    I had really bad scars on my legs from eczema!
    i didn't show my legs for about 7 years !!
    i used a product called "Dermatix" and it got rid of all of my scars in about 7 months.
    I had to apply it twice a day.

    I did use foundation too!
    i found that "wake me up" by rimmel worked really well!
    they're about $13 from priceline

    • Thanks Lisaxjane :)

  • A picture of your legs so I can make an informed diagnosis would be appreciated.

  • +1

    The brand Dermablend have coverage products specifically designed for the body.

    Check out this video:

  • +1

    You should goto a beauty therapist and get professional advice, after all its their job.

  • Which leg?

  • curious on the backstory to the injury … but I suppose it's never good to pry (unless of course JJB is willing to share!)

    • I hope you are not a cat…

  • +1

    Not sure about using foundation - you might have problems with it transferring?

    - go get colour matched at a make-up counter. Mecca are generally helpful and have a range of brands but any makeup counter should be right.
    - get a sample of the foundation when you're matched so you can see a) how well it matches your skin in the sun, and b) how well it wears. Sometimes a foundation will oxidise with your skin (and go orange) so this will let you test for that too. You may need to specifically ask for a match
    - if your scar isn't skin coloured but is red, use a green coloured concealer before your foundation to neutralise the colour.
    - a powder might help your foundation stay in place longer (ask at the counter).
    - you might have better luck looking for makeup formulated to hide tattoos?
    - YouTube has many helpful tutorials for makeup application.
    - get some makeup remover too because your skin can break out if you leave your foundation on it all the time.

    Overall though I'd get a refer all to a plastic surgeon or dermatologist or something along those lines. My friend used a silicone patch to fade a surgery scar - might work for you? Try the bio- oil or vitamin E cream as well. Good luck, sorry about your leg.

    • Thanks Pterodactyl. That was very helpful. I might stop by Southland later. Looks like they have a mecca store.

      • +1

        Thought of something else useful - once you have a match, there's a website called Findation. You put in the foundations that work for you, and it will tell you what colours in other brands would match. So if you wanted to try a cheaper foundation after getting matched, you can go that route.

        Higher end foundations tend to work better, but it depends a lot on your skin so it's really a matter of testing things out. Priceline often has testers for cheaper foundations. And you can buy online if that suits you better although you are far from the first guy I've seen asking for info on foundations.

      • Here's the link:


        • Thanks.

  • +1

    Don't just go out choose/buy something yourself, get it matched at a counter. A good cosmetic counter will match you & give you a sample to try. They'll show you how to apply it properly.

    There must be foundations specifically for wound/skin cover. I recall seeing one for facial scars (the port wine ones) but I can't remember the brand though.

    Good luck!

  • +1

    There is a brand called Kryolan - they covers things like tattoos, I assume they would cover scars quite well.

    Depending on which location you are at, if you are in Melbourne, they have a store in Emporium. :) Good luck! '

    Oh yeh and Dermablend - it got mentioned a few times. :)

  • +1

    Just FYI that Dermablend is really really thick, and looks weird if you don't put it on your whole leg as one patch (where you used it to cover up your scar) will look flawless, while the surrounding skin (if your skin is blemished and not silky smooth) will look horrible in comparison, so if you really want to cover up the scar only, i would go with a normal concealer or foundation.

    I'm using Contractubex (bought from Sasa.com as i don't think they sell it here). I assume it works similar to Dermatix, in reducing the look of the scar. Bio-oil never worked for me.

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