This was posted 8 years 10 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Short Course: Cybersecurity Management @ IT Masters


IT Masters in partnership with Charles Sturt University are hosting a short course in Cyber Security Management. You will learn different strategies of effective cyber security practice plus the management skills for implementation.

The short course will be running over 5 weeks, wholly online. Once a week we will run a live webinar session after hours (these will be recorded and posted online if you are unable to make the session). Discussion forums are used to chat to your classmates and discuss your experiences.

The course is completely free to undertake, and all reading materials will be provided.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    I tried to do the free Digital Forensics course the other month, the lecturer and tools were so poor I didn't even bother continuing after the first week. They were trying to convince people to take-up their distance education, and they resoundingly convinced me otherwise.

    • +1

      Created an account here to post something along these lines as well

      in 2014 i signed up for one of these free courses and did about a week as well. Lots of problems and even they issued an apology for inappropriate material in the slides.

      from the Email that hey sent out.

      Would like to apologise for inappropriate use of the image of a woman in lingerie in the first webinar of the Network Security Administrator short course that you have enrolled in. It is important to IT Masters to foster an IT community where equality and respect are valued, and as such I have discussed the issue with the Instructor who ran the Webinar, who has also asked me to pass on his apologies.

      All future content will be vetted to ensure that this type of content is not used and the image has been removed from the Webinar Recording.

    • +1

      I did the same. It was basically a waste of time. I was honestly amazed that the lecturer was considered an 'expert'.
      And their distance education costs are rather pricey.

    • +4

      Thanks for your feedback guys. We've been running these short courses for a while now and happy to say that after each course, we learn something new and always strive to make them as good as they can possibly be. Our last short course had well over 5,000 posts in the forums, with lots of students showing a high level of engagement and providing some quality discussion to the community. We have a course satisfaction survey we send to all students and take the feedback seriously. ( - this will be visible to students who have signed up only).

      We hope we've learned some lessons and our next course will produce even better results.
      Thanks again!

      • +3

        Our last short course had well over 5,000 posts in the forums

        it was compulsory to post in the forums each week to be allowed to do the final exam - there was so many posts that you didn't have time to read them all and it made for some extremely boring reading as most were just there to tick the requirement

      • The Project Management course was worthwhile

      • +1

        The Cross-Platform Mobile App Development (PhoneGap) course was excellent, with some good practical activities - I learned heaps. The Cloud Models, Architecture, and Risk Management course was interesting but not as useful as it didn't include practical activities.

    • +1

      It seems to me that:
      1. TA Udemy Course bargain is still the most effective way to learn
      2. Also thenewboston is a great "lecturer" if you interested in coding, google it or check his youtube. Very useful and helpful

    • I did the free Programming on Supercomputers course with ITMasters/CSU. It was interesting content taught by a leader in the field. They made their linux clusters available for labs/tutorials. I won a xeon phi at the end :)

    • i did that course, and as someone who knows only a very small amount about digital forensics heading into it, i find it quite interesting. the tools they used i also found really cool.
      i think its a bit unfair to say the lecturer was poor. what does his socie-economic standing have to do with whether you finished the course or not. a bit unfair yeah.

  • Anyone know if I can take this course and put it against some specified credit for my B. CompSci?

    Would save me $1000

    • +2

      FAQ says that it doesn't provide any credit.

    • They're only short courses - think of them like the first 4 weeks of an intro course and a stripped down mid-sem at the end.

    • +2

      comp science degrees have already been watered down enough, so lord i hope not!

  • What is the prerequisite knowledge for this course?

  • +4

    FYI: MASTERS10 code won't work

    • d'oh!
      Maybe you have to wait until the course has started to use ?

    • hahaha good one!

  • any accreditation from this course?

    • +2

      They usually give you a "completion" certificate, which is always useful to impress girls at a bar. You cannot use the courses for credit on their other courses.

      • +2

        WOW, back in the day when i was trolling bars looking for loose women a duelling scar, bullet wound or Ferrari MIGHT have impressed the girls. The world must have moved on quote a bit if girls these days are impressed with a PDF attendance certificate from a free Cybersecurity course. Kids these days…Meh!

        • +2

          Your CCNA certificate makes me so hot baby

        • @scrimshaw: That actually helped me score a decent job. Then again it could have been the CCNP.

  • +3

    This kind of course provided by CSU is usually rubbish, waste of time. I attended one last time about network security. The instructor just bragging with some fashion tech terms, no real technology was demonstrated. Better off buy a book and spend a couple of days on it by yourselves.

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