Fallout 4 out yo!

Ok Fallout 4 was released today, I've pre-ordered mine but can't pick it up till Thursday night shopping, im at work from 8am-5:30pm everyday =(

Tell us about your experiences playing it, did it live to the hype so far???


        • @ozyboy: I didn't neg you…I gave you a + to even you out as you did add to the thread :)

        • @Forfiet: Thanks mate.

        • @ozyboy: I also didn't neg. I gave you a plus one as well, because…… Because Forfiet did :O

          People probably negged you because they can't bear hearing bad news about the most overhyped game of 2015.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Thanks.. Some ppl don't like to listen anything bad about FO4. True Fans. Which is good for the game and for us too. I didn't said anything bad in this comment :

          ozyboy 20 hours 31 min ago
          Only if you have received it…Which ain't yet. :( -1 vote

        • @ozyboy: Ozbargain's funny. If you really want to get as many negs as possible, say something about taking the security sticker off games rather than ripping it open, and putting it back on to return the game if you didn't like it. I said that, because my mother taught me to do that, because I thought it's a thing people do, and ended up with -15 votes. Loooool~

        • @FrankMcFuzz: its ppl perception. How they take it but its open world. everyone has their own view. They can say/feel whatever they want.

    • looks like people are still downloading 3/4 of the game :(

    • -4

      Freedom of speech mate, welcome to Australia.

      Respect it or gtfo

      • Where is it hiding?

        I have yet to come across that infamous "freedom of speech" in Australia.

        • What's hiding?

        • @inose:

          "Freedom of speech"

        • @Lysander:

          It's not hiding, what are you on mate…

        • @inose:

          Try your freedom of speech to the cops in Queensland. Will land you in a cell quicker than you can protest.

          Next you will say there is freedom of movement in Australia.


        • -2


          Those aren't real Australians mate… Probably wogs or Italians or some other immigrant whatever.

        • @inose:

          The cops?

          Look like real Aussies to me, especially the big one who had way too many barbies!

          Not only are you sexist but racist, too. Jackpot.

          Are you Aboriginal? Because if you are not you are an immigrant, too!

        • @Lysander:

          … Mate, all I can say is that your a victim of our manipulative Julia Guilard era leftist media…

          If you don't like it, go back to where you came from

          Also nothing wrong with being a sexist or racist. I'm just standing up for what's right, welcome to Australia.

        • @inose:

          Good on ya mate, you should run for your local QLD seat, should get plenty of support from the bogan population.

          Also, you're.

  • +2

    Was due to be delivered yesterday, JBHIFI put the wrong suburb so I didn't get it. Called toll and after explaining that the suburb was wrong and it wasn't delivered; they asked if I have the card in my mail box.

  • I played an hour or two on PS4 last night. I got lost because Codsworth got stuck and wouldn't give me my next quest item (goes into the house, keeps muttering about poor wife and kid every time you click on him).

    I got bored and looted stuff and made my way to red rocket. I'll have another crack of it tonight and see if Codsworth gives me the next quest. Maybe new updates available (downloaded 500MB before playing last night).

    Maybe I just needed to turn it off and on again, or missed something obvious.

    • +2

      I had the same issue on PC. I spent some time exploring the neighborhood and he eventually ended up continuing talking.

      It wouldn't be a bethesda game without some bugs! Lets hope there are some entertaining ones.

  • i need a ps4 FFS, i have to be honest fallout 4 is my most anticipated game of 2015 not black ops 3 and battlefront.

    • Read the Users Reviews on GameSpot and other sites..

      Not good reviews i am afraid. I have bought this one too along with COD:BO3. i was guessing BO3 is s**t after playing for just couple of hour but not sure this one after reading reviews and will come to the conclusion only after playing by myself.

      • Big fan of the fallout series and still rocking fallout 3 with the dlc.

        Fallout 3 plus point look out too me arought 1200 hours and I have yet to complete the other 3 dlcs, new vagas is the same, around 500 hours in and yet to enter Vegas…. Too busy going off tangent.

  • +10

    My son and husband went to pick up on Monday night at 10pm but left when it became apparent that it was going to be way after midnight by the time they got the game they came home. I don't play but I got the game on Tuesday and preloaded for after school. I think the random hugs and kisses when he came out of the room means that he is enjoying playing the game.

    • Your son or your husband? :P

      EDIT: Just read 'after school'. Woops.

      • +1

        I'm a husband, at school. 1 of 9 in the class.

  • Mines loaded and ready to go, been that way all day but alas I had to fix something on my car and I didnt feel like playing yet…

    I will start roaming the waste lands tonight!!!

  • +1

    Bought my boyfriend (UK) a steam copy of Fallout for around $70 AUD.
    He refunded his Pipboy edition (due to economic difficulty) but the pipboy doesn't look that great anyway.
    He wasn't going to buy it but the hype was too strong, and he's having a LOT of fun with it - this is coming from a super Fallout fan. He doesn't notice that many changes and has only encountered 1 game breaking bug so far after around 10 hours+ of playing.

    • Not to encourage reselling, but if you had financial difficulty you easily could have sold a pitboy edition for $300ish and had plenty of money left to buy the actual game.

      • Aha, he's not that kind of person. I know there's a market especially when it was sold out of preorder but I think he's happy with his decision. After all, cash in hand is quite important in a pinch (he couldn't afford food after his mum made a mistake with the UK centerlink).

  • +1

    I want to know what platform people are buying on what kind of bugs folk are encountering.

    I'll go PC, but I am not going to run out tomorrow and buy it.

    • PC here, bought steam key off ozgameshop last night, $68 minus $5 (I had a discount coupon), key sent out 40 mins later at 9:30am GMT.

      Played 3 hrs so far, no bugs encountered yet. Plays like the other fallout games but the NPCs have a more 'alive' feel to them. New feature is the 'Rust' type building mechanics, haven't tested in depth yet.

      New Doge companion is awesome =D

  • +5

    On PC. It does feel quite mediocre so far, I am going to try to play as a stealth/sniper class going by comments saying stealth is some what useful. The chat dialog and UI is (profanity) terrible though.

    • +1

      I completely agree about that ui and chat system. Designed with a controller in mind and kb+m second unfortunately.

    • +1

      I wonder if stealth is as game breaking as Skyrim's was. Likely. Bethesda is like Ron Perlman's dialogue.

      • Illusion assassin was fun as, rolling everywhere :)

    • +1

      Yeah that chat thing is a bit weird, feels like I'm playing a Bioware game instead (think mass effect / dragon age)

      • Bethesda and dialogue have never seen eye-to-eye (we don't speak about the Oblivion pie minigame)

        Makes me wonder if they should just drop it entirely, or try to revamp the system. Oh, wait, but that's not 'safe' in this day and age. Best to just do that same thing as usual lol.

        • +1

          Well the way I see it, never really had an issue with the old or the new one.

          Old was was more PC orientated whereas this one is similar to the dialogue options menu found in Bioware games like the Mass Effect series (circular 4 choices menu) which is more console operated.

          Only small complaint with the new one is that they should have made a circular menu like in Mass Effect where you can choose with the mouse rather than just the 'up, left, down & right'keys on the keyboard.

    • I assume a mod will be released to PC-ify the dumbed down consolized interface. The interface has needed to be modded since Oblivion. I wonder how the switch to 64 bit will affect modding?

  • +5

    Load issues with Xbox one

    Had to reinstall

    So far so shit

    So buggy

    • Are you load issues relating to the start up screen? I fixed mine by doing continual hard resets of the console.

  • Hahahaha it is my first time playing Fall Out 4. I actually took out my PC for 1~2 years now (I was super addicted to gaming) Had enough…II took it out of my room and left it there. Used my Macbook since and didn't go back.

    I got the game and Black op 3. Thinking okay.. I will plug my PC back and let it update. I wouldn't touch it due to working on a project. I… … Plug it and power supply is dead. So no gaming for me LOL. Gotta focus on the project now Hehehehehehe. I hope you get to play it soon =]

  • +2

    Ok so pre ordered from the $59 deal from JB, as you do. Got the game and let it download the rest of the 20gb updates over night. Got home tonight and played an hour until i ran into a game breaking bug. After leaving the vault i can't move. Like at all. I quit the game and reloaded my last save and the issue is still happening. Great.

    So far:
    -The graphics suck (maxing graphics out on my 980)
    -Animation suck
    -Voice acting is ok

    The game looks really dated and feels like NV but with updated graphics. I really enjoyed Fallout 3 back when it came out but this game really feels the same as the others.

  • +3

    Bought a steam key from a third party seller.

    Played 6hrs so far and had one crash to desktop. Other minor bugs such as clipping issues but nothing show stopping.

    Playing on an i7 950 OC'd to 3.8ghz and gtx 580 OC'd a bit to 830 core. 1080p, most settings on medium, God rays and screen space reflections completely off and I'm getting 40-60fps I think. Feels pretty smooth.

    I loved fo3 and fnv and this just feels like more of the same which, in my opinion, is exactly what I wanted.

    I've seen so so so many complaints about crappie graphics but I think they're ok. I haven't played Witcher 3 yet so maybe that's why my standards are lower.

    There are some big changes such as base/settlement building which I think could suck some hours away. You can demolish entire houses in the first town, build your own and outfit them with furniture, decorations, electronics and other things. You can plant crops and build water pumps and electricity generators and more.

    There's also an extensive weapon and armour modding system built into the game now. Weapons and armour no longer need repairing as far as I can tell.

    They've revamped the perk/skill system which takes some getting used to but it's not really better or worse than the old system, just different.

    Movement and combat feel a LOT better than the clunkiness of fo3 and fnv. I find myself not using VATS as often because gunfights are enjoyable in real time.

    If you get it on pc make sure to look up the ini file fixes for fov and mouse sensitivity and acceleration. Anything Bethesda soft said about developing properly for pc is an absolute lie. It feels like a console port through and through. And the weird ui reflects this.

    Despite the drawbacks I still give it a big thumbs up if you enjoyed the previous games :D

    • How much was the third party code?

      • +1

        It was $67. Took a gamble thinking it might be cheaper than jb hi-fi on release and lost :( haha

  • Buggy and plays like crap on my PC :( bugger need a better graphics card.

    • What GPU do you have? (I am slightly scared because mine barely makes it to the minimum spec).

      • Radeon 5970HD
        I'm going to get a 980gtx as the game for me wasn't playable.

        • :S Hmmm, might consider upgrading my rig if it doesn't run well in medium setting (hopefully it does).

        • @Oversimplified: Yes I was on med or below, its sad as I have not had trouble with any other game.

        • +2

          @AMLagonda: I've heard that the game is not well optimised for AMD Graphics card. I've seen some modifications to ini that may help with your case (go onto fallout 4 nexus, there are few stuff that might help with framerate or if you can be bothered, you can mod ini files directly).

  • Had a look at some gameplay videos with vastly superior pc that mine to see what the graphics are like etc and how it runs.

    It's just really bad. It definitely doesn't seem to be a AAA game from 2013 much less 2015. The PC requirements for the graphics are a joke.

    I might buy it in future at the $10 mark but to me it seems buying this at launch is for fans of the series that will see through these problems.

    • +1


      Tell us about your experiences playing it

      So you watched youtube and felt you could review the game?

  • Preorder a copy from JB, the Toll people said it's delivered yet I've search the entire place again and again since Tuesday but there was nothing to be found. Lots of phone calls and emailing to both parties, nothing has been resolved yet… After all this troubles, I don't even feel like playing anymore

    • +1

      Mine was chucked at my front door with Fallout 4 written on the satchel, any chance it got stolen?

      • Must have. Some arse is playing my game right now. Toll told me they haven't been able to track the driver down yet (been 2 days), talks about staff management skills..

        • +8

          Toll driver isn't available…..probably playing fallout 4

  • +1

    I grabbed it on launch night on the XBOXONE & after 5 hours in I can't say that I'm over impressed. My wife actually walked passed and asked if I was playing the Walking Dead as it looks like a lot of the show's backdrops. Purely from a memory POV, but I thought that in FO3 you could enter virtually any building? Enterable buildings in FO4 are identified with a red lantern ala Bloodborne.

    At this stage its very Raider and feral ghoul heavy, just hoping it gets better.

    If you want your heart ripped out for a second time, watch the Doom 4 gameplay vid :(

    Looks like Painkiller ramped up.

    • Looks like Painkiller ramped up.

      Please no.

      I'm getting my copy today…

      • +1

        It was DOOM4 my painkiller reference was to.

        Is it just me, or does everyone prefer the monster models from the previous game? Super Mutants and Mirkcrab (things) and Feral Ghouls look underwhelming.

        • +1

          It was DOOM4 my painkiller reference was to.

          Oh stuff that.

          I saw the DOOM 4 trailer, it was, as you said - Painkiller on steroids.
          Painkiller was a mind-numbing game, I played the first one for a few days…got bored of shooting shit that made no sense.

          Fallout, Skyrim, Bioshock, - Best games ever

  • +1

    Mine arrived yesterday in the mail (thanks gamesmen)
    the worst thing is i can't play it till mid december :(
    Stupid thesis due at the end of the month!
    although on the plus side by the time i do get to play it the bugs should have been ironed out :)

    • Haha

    • When did u ordered and shipped. Mine hasn't arrived yet but i ordered on 9th.

      • i pre-ordered months ago when they had the deal on here.

    • have you got yours yet im still waiting i should of just walked into store and bought it i dident think id be waiting a week after release :(

      • I still haven't got mine, I'm getting tired of waiting….now I'm on night shift I haven't got the time left…

        • really ? i did receive mine yesterday arvo. from Gaemesmen.

        • @ozyboy: sadly it might because I'm in SA….other people who have theirs from gamesmen are from melbourne.etc probably closer to where it was posted……honestly tho I don't know why :(

        • @Forfiet: im from melb :( it must be coming Monday tracking has not worked since i preorderd it months ago from there last deal.

  • Looks like a lot of people are very disappointed in the game itself. Metacritic user rating is 4.7/10.

    • The user rating looks dodge as hell. Just check all the people who've given 0, I've gone through like 10~15 people, there were only 2 people who had any other reviews other than Fallout 4.

      The game probably is overhyped and all, I think some of the negative reviews are due to those hypes. It probably wouldn't be as bad as 0. I personally think there are groups of people in there who's just trolling as well.

      • Nothing to do with hype. Those "0" scores are because the game is clearly not fit for sale.

        • Like Big Rigs and other horrible games? I don't know whether the game is decent or not yet (I cannot play until Saturday). What I could tell is that there was a big hype and I could sense that the game failed to fulfill its hype for many users judging from the split opinions users gave out. That said unfit for sales I think suits games like Big Rigs and Ride to Hell: Retribution more. While I haven't played the game yet, I have a strong doubt that it's a game that worth "0" like Big Rigs (I'd be seeing more negative reviews, rather than a split opinion on the game).

      • The zero star reviews are trolls / attention seekers who don't have the game / people who based review off youtube or another review / system not up to spec and is lagging.

        Nothing about this game warrants a 0 rating. Even if not for content look at the detail in it now. Power suit HUD is awesome and textures so detailed now i nearly crapped myself when i ran into a death stalker.

        • I think a lot of people on that site use the 0 rating to counter the 10 ratings from the fanbois.

        • -1


          Yeah its pretty annoying, happening from restaurant to movie reviews… too many keyboard warriors out there now

  • +1

    The first 15 minutes of this game has been the most moving and confronting 15 minutes that I have experienced in gaming since the massive end-game plot twist of Bioshock. I am thoroughly impressed, and if it wasn't for my full time job, I would definitely be playing right now.

    • That intro was definitely QQ worthy… seriously not even concentrating at work today, just counting down till I'm out of the office.

      • You're telling me buddy. I sat there in silence. 3hrs to go.

        • The first half hour of Fallout taught me why women spend so long in the bathroom =P

        • +1

          @Serapis: MUST. GET. MY. NOSE BRIDGE…. RIGHT

        • @QW3RTY:

          Only? I spent an hour alone on getting my lips and eyebrows right!

  • Magnificent! Brilliant!

    I'm speechless as soon as I saw the skyline. Totally speechless.

    Kudos to Bethesda.

    I'm thinking Bethesda is trying to do things differently this time, and you might not necessarily like it, however this is a masterpiece.

    All negs are due to having unrealistically high expectation to this game IMHO. This is an AAA-level game folks. Have you ever seen any of the other AAA-level games which are playable on release nowadays on PC? NOT ANY. Call of Duty? Assassin's Creed? GTA?

    But Fallout 4 is beyond playable on release. Only this alone deserves a Kudos.

  • +2

    ultra settings on pc ftw

  • +3

    Now i need an excuse to tell my wife I don't feel like going on on the weekends…. =(

  • +1

    ordered game on September 1st with express option. Still have no received game. Gamesmen said it has been sent standard post yesterday. Thanks Gamesmen paying $8 extra to get the game later nice.

    • +2

      Decided I wanted the game last night. Paid $79 on Steam, downloaded 30GB in 1 hr 30 mins and played.

      Some things aren't to be skimped on.

    • man that sucks for you…. I'd leave the feedback telling them your not happy….

    • If this is your first ever problem with them, if say give them a pass this time. Look at their history, should be forgiven at least once:


  • +6

    Sad to say, but it's absolutely as stunningly disappointing as the hype-wreckage leading up to the release would have led you to believe. Anyone who has the slightest positive thing to say about this tripe is getting paid, has never played it, or is lying through their teeth. It is a complete and utter Cleveland Steamer of a release.

    I have the PC version and well…….. where to even begin? The game as best i can tell has either been consolized and gimped possibly worse than ANY PC release I have ever seen - or Bethesda have just pulled the biggest troll job in the history of modern gaming. This stinking wretched pile of garbage wouldn't even hold up as a comparison to your run of the mill 3/10 rated Skyrim mod.

    Graphics wise……….. The game is identical to what Skyrim looks on a console & it's only narrowly better than what Vanilla Skyrim looked like 4 years ago on the PC. Day 1 Skyrim graphic or enhancement mods on the PC from 4 years ago put Fallout 4 to shame in comparison. What's worse though, is that the Skyrim characters, models and items have been clearly just copied & pasted right into the game - which may have been acceptable based on the fact that they needed a 5 year old game so it could hold up on the peasant boxes, but they actually made the combat even worse & clunkier than Skyrim too. It's just flabbergasting. Putting aside the massive list of graphical problems, glitches and bugs - it really just has to be said that this is a shockingly poor looking game. From the character models that look like potatoes with arms, to the speech not matching the laughable mock-Canadian SouthPark style facial movements when talking, it's just excruciatingly ugly and poor design. The complete lack of time and effort that has gone into this supposed AAA release is just amazing. Things like animal/bug diversity being just different sized same animal/bug with a slightly different colour of 8-bit blotch printed on them. It's really bad. It's like a beginners Half Life 2 mod or something. The constant clipping of your character against any/all objects (and others) and faces randomly going black and then appearing again really breaks what possible feeling of immersion there is to be had too.

    For anyone who's still confused about how bad the game looks, even with everything on Ultra/highest: http://i.imgur.com/aBjw0c1.jpg

    Gamplay wise……. well this is where things REALLY take a turn for the worse. The first thing you'll notice is when you start the game and it's auto-selected a gamepad as the controller? WTF, what king of stooge uses a gamepad instead of a key/mouse for an FPS? So you go about that one-time setup to start with only….. god damn it. Unbelievable. You CANT rebind the keyboard to the arrow keys or the numbers. You cant rebind the game if your a lefty either. Wow. Just wow. Breathtakingly awful start to things right there. OK, well, just assume a fix for that disaster is coming in the next week or so & let's just push through and start the game. Once you get past the craptastic start to the game and do your best to ignore the fact that you've just paid for a game that looks and presents as if it was 5 years old, you'll notice there's a weird almost stutter to the movement and things aren't moving or responding quite like they should. OK, so that right there is the game being currently locked at 30fps. Yep, so your gonna have to google for fix of the .ini file right there, so the game can become playable. So once that's sorted and you get back in, you'll then notice that every time you engage in combat, your character has all the control of a kid having a fit. It's because they released the game with mouse acceleration locked on and horizontal & vertical movement are not at even rates, which means your aim just veers off like a drunk every time you try and point your pole/weapon at something… not at all infuriating. With aiming that terrible, you may as well go full console-tard and plug a gamepad in to use. So yeah, you'll have to google a fix for that again.

    The next thing you'll notice is the terrible dialogue/talking system. It's straight up horrible. There's no option to pick what you are going to say, so you can't just quickly lead the conversation and get on with things. Just another tedious immersion-breaking problem with the gameplay. One of the reasons why this is so painful is because now your character is a cardboard cutout of a character with their path and morals to match - which means your in a story on rails, you cant decide who you really want to align with or who you do/don't like yourself. Which was pretty much the entire hook and best part about Skyrim/Fallout and it's mods. You could become a master swordsman, tradesman, rich bastard lord of the land, or a psycho who traded in human traffic and managed the dungeons with his time. Fallout 4 is a completely pre-done story on rails though & starts & ends at the 1 point. It doesn't matter who you chose to side with, it will be the same result regardless. So yeah, on with the game now - once you get past many of the initial game breaking bugs, you'll then spend the next 5-8 hours barely struggling to stay awake as you wonder around a vast 16-bit wasteland of barely Minecraft level environments (only it's the opposite of Minecraft levels of fun) occasionally shooting bugs or zombie people. Once you've done that, you'll then spend an hour or so in a shitty smartphone-style mini game mode clearing empty houses to break down parts, so you can build a few random objects place-able anywhere for no apparent reason, to appease a group of people so you can establish a town/base/trade post. Once you have done that, you then walk for ages through nothing for ages to kill a handful of raiders that hurt some farmers feelings. Once you manage to get past their infinite grenade/molotov spam, their easy to kill up close. Every now and again you'll even come across a boss type character or monster. So then just rinse and repeat that process 30 times and you have completed Fallout 4.

    Overall Game Rating:
    Day 2 refund / 10.

    • +2

      Farrrrrk..you just killed it for me and i'm meant to start playing it tonight.
      Have you played Fallout 3? are you suggesting Fallout 3 is way better?

      • +2

        Fallout 3 was awesome. Fallout 4 is pretty much a completely different type of game.

        • +1

          Yep, pretty much sums up how I'm feeling about the XBOX version

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