OKAY i am currently so ridiculously pissed off with all this stuff that is being posted all over here, the amount of shit that is said is so frustrating because being a casual staff member for the past 3 years and currently working out of 3 stores you hear everything that's going on (two of which work along side David jones stores)

Last week we had a clearance sale on CLEARANCE ITEMS these items for the most part were all being replaced by a new model soon to come out in 2016 but every idiot decided that they would listen to Fairfax media group and ACA which is literally isn't even news. every customer that came in after watching them left disgruntled after I had told them that the latest 5k MacBook wasn't 70% off, or the better ones were "and so tomorrow is 80% off?" Yeah and next week we pay you to take the stock :).

This news weekly thing is so informative and it is also against Dicksmith policy to HOLD STOCK FOR ANYONE I WASNT EVEN ALLOWED TO HOLD A TOOLKIT FOR MY AREA MANAGER!! But everyone decided to actually believe some shitty news article which who by the way has ever actually read before this week?! The herald sun also released an article however they too are just as good by also telling customers that there was only a super Saturday sale IT STARTED MONDAY PEOPLE WE DIDNT HOLD STOCK OR BUY EVERYTHING YOU JUST MISSED OUT!! Oh and not to mention if you really are wanting that stuff so badly just drive to the Echuca store which has absolutely all of it!!!

In answer to your next questions yes I did purchase something from Dicksmith during this sale and guess what? It was bought today!! But it's to hard to fathom that all the stuff that was on sale was all older stock so much of it we didn't actually have much of due to it slowly being phased out, let's just listen to some news article which no respecting human being reads and go on a tangent about how it's correct.

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan


  • +1

    You won't have a job soon the way DSE is going, and being casual you'll be the first to get the boot. After all that time still not permanent? And you need three stores for hours?

    • Maybe DSE is on it's way down, but there's no need for that negativity towards them working at 3 stores, it's not uncommon for casuals to do so anyway.

      Maybe OP hasn't been given the opportunity to become permanent, or just prefers to stay casual for the higher pay rate and flexibility.
      Who knows, they could be doing 30+ hours a week between 3 stores on casual rate especially if you're a student is pretty good coin.
      A lot of retail places have a budget for hours, so maybe if one store has limited hours they can pull a few extra shifts at the one in the next suburb over if it's not out of their way.

      • Flexibility? You can get fired in 5min with no recourse. Higher pay rate? For the complete lack of stability? Eh? Running around three stores?

        • not quite, i'm sure the fair work act wouldn't allow it if the team member has been there for a long time.
          I was a christmas casual at dick smith a while back and didn't keep the job after new year, so don't think i'm sticking up for them, the way their management is i wouldn't. If working casual was as bad as you made it out to be, nobody would do it.

  • It's all Gerry Harvey's fault

    • I blame the lack of GST on imports. Oh, and climate change.

    • I've noticed an ad on radio with Gerry saying "get the real deal now on the items you actually want". Has to be a subtle dig at DSE!

  • +2

    All a dick's myth now…

  • I didn't end up buying anything from this sale because;

    (a) a staff member in my local store took offence when I asked them about ticket prices (e.g. if they'd had time to update the shelves seeing they're so busy) and, particularly, when I asked about an item without a ticket; and

    (b) I was served in another store (which was admittedly busy) by a young kid who had no idea what a USB extension cable was, said they'd go and find out, and next time I saw him was serving people at registers. I wouldn't have cared if he'd come back and said 'we're busy, I need to put sales through' (as I ended up finding it myself anyway and laughed at the price), but I found it rude to be treated like that.

    So my point is this - while customers have the potential to be a PiTA and, sometimes, downright rude, so do the staff. And I won't spend in local retail establishments if my experience in the store is rubbish (and customer service is key in this, seeing it's really the only trump card in Australian retail's hand).

  • Lol they didn't know what a Usb extension cable was xD I thought the name would be pretty self explanatory even if you had never heard of it before. Oh well admittedly there are a few knifes that aren't as sharp as the rest of us. As for the ticket thing it's just a matter of vigilance on staff and unfortunately things do get left up e.g expired tickets it is a PiTA for us because it's an uncomfortable conversation to have to tell someone the price has gone back up. Although we try our best and meet you guys halfway. I don't know why they took offence to your question cause it's pretty common to get confirmation on prices of things. Oh well I hope there are more sharp knifes then blunt knifes :(

    • -1

      No offence, but I don't believe you are correct that you are not obliged to sell an item for the price it's advertised at. If you have not removed the label from the item or its incorrectly labelled that's not the customers fault and the customer is entitled to that price.

      Had this situation countless times in supermarkets and I believe it applies elsewhere too. I don't have the legal document in front of me but am 99% sure that's the case. It's different when you order online something as it's an indication that you wish purchase an item but a contract has not yet took place.

      When you are standing in front of something in the store and you can grab that item for the advertised price it's the seller who indicates he will sell it to you and you agree to it by taking the item to the counter to pay.

      Anyways. I would be really pissed off if the price is gone up but had the wrong sticker on it and you are not willing to sell for the lower price.

      • If JB can sell at those ticketing price errors why not DSE ? I dont understand why DSE give a $hit about CS. I am waiting for their closing sale, they still have $200M + inventory in stock :D, imaginary scenario : 20% Off DSE Gift Cards from Coles, 10%-15% of Clearance pricing these Boxing day and one more Mammmmmmooooth Sale on this years products at clerance prices. How about a 7D Mark II for $499 - $400 cashback from Canon to make it $99 :D. Btw there are some big name Ozbargainers who are big time resellers on ebay and gumtree, yes I am talking about the 5000+ posts guys :D

      • +1

        Nah they don't have to sell at the ticket price, if it was a mistake.

        • -1

          As per https://www.accc.gov.au/business/pricing/displaying-prices

          Misleading advertising
          It is illegal for a business to make claims to customers about its goods or services—including claims about price—that are incorrect or likely to create a false impression. This includes advertisements or statements in any media (e.g. print, radio, television or online) and any claim made by a person representing your business.

          Intention is irrelevant. You may breach the law even if you thought the statement was correct when you made it.

          Comment: Any ticket in a store is a type of advertisement.
          Now will each and every one of us argue with a 20 year old in dick smith about an incorrect ticket based on the above? Prob not as it's not worth the time lost.

        • +1


          I can tell you right now that if a ticket is put up by mistake, they are not allowed to sell it at the higher price, and do NOT have to sell it too you at all.

      • +1

        You're thinking of this, a code of practice all the major supermarkets have signed up to. DSE isn't obliged to honour a ticketed price as it is an offer until you have receipt in hand.

  • First world problems. Sounds like you need to focus on the more important things in life. If customers are so painful, I think you need to work somewhere else, not to mention the level of attitude in your post, this probably isn't the place to voice your personal opinions about your professional life and claim affiliation, might not look too flash to DSE HR.

  • +2

    Looks like the young Patty realised putting his name on a public forum, might cause problems for himself.

  • OP seems to be to pissed over what pretty much most people in retail will experience in their job.
    I visited a few stores in my area several times last week, and none of them had many tickets up and workers weren't aware of much of these prices, i didn't crack the shits with them.

    As a customer all you can do is go in, look for items that appear outdated (guessing game) or have missing tickets and kindly ask for them to be searched on the system for a price. 80% of time, the price was ridiculously low, I'm talking $29 3D Bluray Players, $29 touchscreen digital cameras, $24 7.1 Gaming headsets and $9 Wifi Printers with the box / ink.

    If you're a savvy shopper, you'll probably notice these items are on their way off the market, and for the price DSE is selling them, who cares.
    OP chillax, it's christmas and there's (profanity) shoppers everywhere, just need to exercise patience.

  • -3

    The people on this site strike me as the type of retards that would watch aca and tt

    • -1

      You are "people on this site".

      • -1

        There's a difference between individual users and the stereotypical (average) user of a particular site. And if you can't realise that, you're probably one of the latter.

        • +1

          Your point is pointless. Rude, but without logic or merit.
          You are a user who has never contributed a single post here but no doubt take advantage of the countless bargains you find and yet knock the others here without provocation.
          You appear to have a really disgusting personality :)

        • @King Tightarse: I point out idiots when I see them.

  • Is Dick Smith going out of business? Looks like it!

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