Your 2015 Game of the Year?

Despite a lot of cynicism about the industry this year there have been some very notable entries to the gaming pantheon. The Witcher 3, Fallout 4. MGS V ((profanity) Konami) are some of the big names, but the more modest and humble studios and devs released some cool and interesting stuff too: Ori and the Blind Forest, Rocket League, Her Story, Axiom Verge, etc.

What stood out for you this year?

(Note: This is subjective. Don't give people a hard time because they say Fallout 4 (or some other big release). If Fallout 4 was their favourite game of the year it is their choice, there is no wrong answer with a subjective question.)


  • +1

    Halo 5 no doubt for me. Combat is so damn addicting! They have perfected the combat in my eyes. And all weapons are really useful this time around!

    I cant stop playing it since it release.
    I have 3 copys of the game lol
    It's the game that i go too.
    Been playing Legendary by my self this time round. So much fun.
    Hard but not to a point im not coming back! Perfect blend for me.
    I have Fallout 4,Rainbow 6 siege,Tomb Raider ROTTR,Star Wars Battlefront,Uncharted Collection,Black ops 3,Just cause 3,Destiny the Taken King.
    I have finished a couple of them but, Halo Halo Halo is always on my mind!

    Happy Gaming!

  • +1

    Galaga and Xervious on invincible mode. thank-you Namco (android app). Just taken me thirty years to beat that damn massive ship again that took all my coins in my teens. old school here.

  • JUST CAUSE 3!!!!! why? Just Cause… oooooohhhhh!!!!!

  • Rocket League - Must have for any sports fans out there!

    Biggest let down of the year was frustratingly star wars battlefront, I hope modding will eventually bring it up to the level it should be. Amazing visuals though, best looking shooter I've played… Just sad it's so lifeless in regards to gameplay.

  • Yeah I'd have to say Shower With Your Dad Simulator. A truly BREATHTAKING game, that blew my expectations from start to finish.

    911/420 "Not enough banter" - IGN

  • Rocket League for me. Dropped more hours into this than any other game last year.

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider

  • Witcher 3 without a doubt.

    I don't think we'll see another game like it for a long time…

    • CD Projekt Red is working on a new game. Something about Cyberpunk RPG. It sounds pretty rad, honestly. Maybe, when that comes out, that's the point at which we'll see a game like it? ;D

  • Don't Starve Together.. best multiplay experience of 2015 for me. $10 usd for two copies for the next 11 hours or so on Steam:

  • +1

    MGS5, story may be trash but gameplay fantastic, followed closely by witcher

    • Definitely Witcher 3 followed closely by MGSV.

  • Great thread.

    Personally, I found Fallout 4 to be a little disappointing. Still really enjoyed it, but disappointed nonetheless. Until Dawn was probably the most surprising title of the year, but I wouldn't say it's my favourite.

    I struggle to pick between MGSV, Bloodborne and Rocket League. All three were just awesome.
    If MGSV had a stronger story (at least for the second half) it would have been my clear favourite.

    I'm yet to play Witcher 3, but it's on the list.

  • Towerfall Ascension. If you haven't played that yet, go play it. Now.

  • World of Warcraft!

  • I only played 3 2015 releases last year; shovel knight, majoras mask 3ds and bloodborne.

    Slowly getting through bloodborne, havnt been sucked in as much as dark souls but its pretty alright.

    Shovel knight is amazing.

    Majoras mask was the only zelda i beat as a kid and thoroughly enjoyed playing it again. Been playing through all the zeldas this last year and a half, 6 down 8 to go.

    Looking forward to playing fallout 4 and xenoblade but they are a bit down my list of things to play

  • -1

    Undertale. Mostly because it wasn't just the same thing from a few years ago, as opposed to most of the other games that came out last year. Unfortunately it's a bit overhyped now…. Not as much as Fallout 4, but hey.

    Well, I say that, but I'd say Undertale was the most -important- game from last year, but the Witcher 3 is the reluctantly the -best-. But it kind of got disappointing when they start rehashing monster types and pretending it's something new. Oh wow, you mean this quest is about fighting a TOTALLY UNIQUE Noonwraith? Like the other 7 quests that are the same thing? But it's a game that used an open world because it added to the game, not only because it was popular.

    Most importantly, CD Projekt Red updated the game almost weekly with fixes for things the community was complaining about. The swimming sucked and that got fixed. Geralt felt weirdly heavy, and that got fixed. Whereas, it's what, 2 months later and you can still jump up walls with a bucket in Fallout 4.

  • Rise of the tomb raider

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