Your 2015 Game of the Year?

Despite a lot of cynicism about the industry this year there have been some very notable entries to the gaming pantheon. The Witcher 3, Fallout 4. MGS V ((profanity) Konami) are some of the big names, but the more modest and humble studios and devs released some cool and interesting stuff too: Ori and the Blind Forest, Rocket League, Her Story, Axiom Verge, etc.

What stood out for you this year?

(Note: This is subjective. Don't give people a hard time because they say Fallout 4 (or some other big release). If Fallout 4 was their favourite game of the year it is their choice, there is no wrong answer with a subjective question.)


  • Fallout 4. It's nice to have a new Fallout, however I'm disliking the lack of choice in the game.

    • +3

      I was pretty let down by Fallout 4. Seems Bethesda just couldn't get it close to obsidian Fallout New Vegas quality. Hopefully someone does a story overhaul mod.

    • The community's opinion mirrors the game's dialogue options:

      No (Yes)
      What's a fallout?

  • +1

    ARK: Survival Evolved

  • if i could include farcry 4 i would (release date nov 2014) as i found it more fun than any game of 2015

    otherwise it would have to be fallout 4. ive put in over 60 hrs so far

    star wars battlefront was… not as fun as i thought it would be, the movie however :D

  • +5

    Destiny , in the end it was repetitive game but playing with friends all the time and having a great laugh made the game so much better than what it is.

    I'm finding a similar experience with cod black ops 3 , average game but online experience with friends making it special.

    • +1

      Yeah, I would've said the same thing of Destiny before TTK update, was really enjoying the online atmosphere/community.

      I don't mind it when I miss out on new content if I don't buy an expansion, that's fair enough; but once the update actually crippled existing gameplay on the vanilla version as well, effectively reducing it to a pointless grind without coughing up for DLC, that was enough for me…Bungie will never get another penny from me! :/

      • +1

        I don't mind it when I miss out on new content if I don't buy an expansion, that's fair enough; but once the update actually crippled existing gameplay on the vanilla version as well

        i think absolutely the same, and i don't know how more people weren't giving Bungie shit for this. i won't be buying ttk even if / when it drops in price dramatically because Bungie's just going to continue with this price model with further Destiny games. like i can't even see myself buying Destiny 2 eventually when i know vanilla-breaking expansions are just a couple months down the road

  • +3

    Man…. I was so hoping for Fallout 4 to be as good as the previous ones. VERY disappointed.
    I sank hours- nay, days or weeks or months playing Fallout 3… same with Skyrim. BETHESDA was king!
    They tell stories like no other… you look at the clock and all of sudden 3 hours have gone!

    But BETHESDA definitely dropped the ball with Fallout4. A real shame.

    Most out of the blue surprising game for me? Cities Skylines!
    This one came out of the blue and knocked me for 6. Just like older Simcity's used to do.

    But winner winner chicken dinner for GOTY?? Witcher 3!
    Awesome storyline, looks and plays terrific.
    I didn't expect it to be as good as it was, and it sneaks up on you. Sucks you in… then you're hooked :).

    If you dont own it, go get it.

    • Just out of curiousity, do you need to play Witcher 1 to be able to play Witcher 2 and 3? I have no idea why, but Witcher 1 never sucked me in (have like 3 1hrs savefile). Witcher 2 and 3 looks like good games, so I am curious on whether you'd need to finish the first one to get into the franchise.

      • +1

        It's better if you do for backstory and for understanding who the characters are, it's not essential but highly recommended

        • +2

          Hey mate… yeah, as already said you dont have to play the prior games. It's nice to know some of the history behind the characters and helps with the story immersion, but not mandatory.

          Plus Witcher 3 is far better than 1 and 2. Having to play through 1 and 2 just to play 3 is a big ask.

          I'm the type of person that will NOT watch a movie unless I've seen the prior ones (ie Star Wars, Hunger Games etc), so for me I'd play the old ones in order. But you don't have to, to enjoy the 3rd.

        • @UFO: I might try Witcher 2 (which I already own). If it doesn't suck me in like some RPGs do, I might just stick to other games or wait for Witcher 3 to become really cheap.

        • @Oversimplified:
          I tried to play Witcher 1 to no avail (same as you, multiple low playtime saves), and started Witcher 2 but didn't get sucked in.
          Got Witcher 3 for free with my graphics card so figured I'd give it a go and damn, it sucked me in!
          So if 1 and 2 don't grab you, still try 3. It's amazing.

        • @theguyrules:

          I was in the same boat as you and had attempted it maybe four times only just getting past the prologue. Some time last year I sat down and decided that I would persevere the crappy UIs and dated combat system and I am glad I did. It was actually a pretty good game in the end with a good story and villains. Then I played two which was pretty good although short imo just before 3 came out which was amazing.

    • Is storyline/dialogue the only major complaint for FO4? IMO I'm having a lot of fun crafting and using first person view, which is different to FO3 but still a lot of fun.

      • UI is awful (I don't care about console port stuff, it's just simply awful. Who puts granande and melee on the same key?), it's more of an action game with RPG elements now (in other words, RPG elements were so dumbed down compared to other fallout games), the side quests are repetitive, the graphics isn't good etc.

        All in all, I personally think it wasn't a bad game (it's still fun to play for me at least), but it was disappointing for me as well.

        • To be fair though, graphics was never a strong point of Bethseda games… wait for modded textures.

          IMHO, Bethseda is only good at making a platform for which modders improve upon. All the Bethseda games I've played (FO3, FONV, Oblivion and Skyrim) were broken games until modders went and fixed a majority of the problems such as bugs and to improve immersion.

          My beef with FO4 is the fact that it does not fully utilise my GPUs… my cards were on 50-60% utilisation when I only had 45fps

        • @ProjectZero: Fallout New Vegas was developed by Obsidian, wasn't it? I personally think Fallout New Vegas was decent even before considering the development time (I remember hearing that it was rushed). I personally prefer it over FO:3 and probably FO:4.

          Anyways, I talked about the graphics because of it seems to be everyone's favourite thing to point out on FO:4. I personally thought it looked alright, though I don't care much about graphics (I play Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup). I do think that the bigger issue is that FO:4 demands too high spec for what it's offering in graphics department.

        • @Oversimplified:

          Fallout New Vegas was developed by Obsidian, wasn't it?

          It was too, my bad.

          I do think that the bigger issue is that FO:4 demands too high spec for what it's offering in graphics department.

          Not really all that taxing, you can still play this game on lower settings and still enjoy it at 50-60fps. Those that play on Ultra are just doing it to either show off, or for the minor additional shinies (I play on Ultra btw).

        • @ProjectZero: it runs badly on medium, with the recommended setting (well my gpu is slightly worse than the recommended setting, hd7850) and fps dips in certain places though. If it was as pretty as battlefront, I'd understand, but it is not.

          It just sounds like they've made horrible choices if you look at mods that improves fps.

        • @Oversimplified:

          fps dips in certain places though

          Yeah, I've experienced this and I have a 780 SLi going… terrible drivers as my cards are even being fully utilised.

          My friend has the HD7870 or something and he was playing on Low I believe. I'd say just drop it down to low, probably still look better than in the consoles though I wouldn't know.

        • @ProjectZero: I might be remembering few things wrong (I am currently away from home and my gaming PC hasn't been touched for awhile), that said, as far as I can remember, the problems were simply due to horrible optimisation or bad engine or whatever.

          Few effects are simply resource hogging (i.e. Godsray and Bokeh? It was something like that), if you disable those two, the game runs alright for many many PC that couldn't otherwise run it. Draw distance for shadow I've heard also causes problems for high end users as well (I've seen a mod that reduces the shadow draw distance depending on your target FPS and current FPS, it was called Dynamic something, it was meant to help with FPS dips for high end users). Some of the mods deliberately use lower res textures that, imo, are better than the default textures. Those things make me think that the game was optimised horrendously (FO:4 on console I heard has issues with FPS as well, so yeah).

          I personally think a PC with recommended spec running the game at 1080p (well at current stage, since we are slowly moving towards 4K gaming right now) should at least be able to run the game fluently without tweaking things or mods. I probably am expecting too much though, since I've been mostly playing old games recently.

          Don't get me wrong, I am going through all those moddings and ini tweaking because I think, in the end, the game is worth that much effort (which isn't much, but still). Graphics were never a sales point for me (I play roguelike games, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup is the game that I poured most hours into I believe). That said, FO:4 is simply horribly optimised game with subpar graphics for a triple A game in my opinion. I still enjoyed it, but barely.

        • @Oversimplified: I agree 100% about the poor optimisation, I know that godrays are definitely broken because anything lower than Ultra and it looks the same.

          Then again, It is Bethseda…

  • Life is strange

  • GTA V - XB1

  • For me it was Max: Curse of the brotherhood on 360, its a 2013 game but after being posted here for 83c it got me back into gaming after many years. Since the JB sale I guess next year I will probably say some other old game as I got about 20 before I can justify a new console

    Would be good if ppl included the platform also I guess…

  • +3

    Witcher 3 was a pretty easy winner imo, nothing much else came close. Bloodborne would be the runner up

  • +1

    Even though Destiny was released Sep 2014, the 2015 DLC has kept me entertained all year long.

  • +2

    undertale, fran bow, and life is strange is my tops for the year

  • +1

    I will say gta5 even though it ran like shit at the start once running good the map is amazing! battlefield 4 zavod night map was also great so much fun

  • +1
    1. Witcher 3
    2. Fallout 4
    3. Rocket League
  • +4

    minesweeper still going good.

    • ^^^ what they said. Have a minefield setting I came up with in 2012 that I still have never managed to win :(

  • +2

    I didn't play all the really big releases of the year, but my personal favourites of the year were:

    1. Rocket League
    2. Splatoon
    3. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
  • Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition, is a great RPG if you haven't played it. The original game was released 2014 on pc but the enhanced edition was released this year on the consoles as well and is definitely worth a look at.

    • +1

      your avatar is rotated

      • +2

        looks fine to me, have you checked you monitor?


        • +1

          i fixed my monitor.

          So your avatar is rotated. (and a few other peoples, and the text on ozbargain…)

  • Ryse
    Fifa 16

  • StarCraft 2 LOTV
    Batman arkam knight
    Ori and the blind forest

  • -4

    Fallout 4 is game of the decade so far

  • Guild Wars 2

  • Path of exile

  • Arkham knight.

    Fallout 4 will win 2016 for me, I'm a completionist

  • +1

    Just Cause 3 - PC

  • Witcher 3 FTW and dying light. Fallout 4 was a horrible, bitter disappointment.

  • -1

    Best games I played released this year:
    nuclear throne
    dying light
    witcher 3

    Awesome games I played that weren't released this year:
    wolfenstein tno
    la-mulana ex
    sine mora

    mediocre games I played this year:
    fallout 4
    super time force ultra

  • +4

    Splatoon was damn quick and simple fun. Love that game
    Xenoblade chronicles X is so huge and has some fantastic moments but still so much to do 80 hours in
    MGSV amazing game. So much freedom to do what you want but the long have of transactions is ruining it.
    Tales of Borderlands. Down right hilarious in parts and excellent use of the license.

    Yet to compete Witcher 3

  • Life is Strange is probably a highlight for me, even though I only finished it late in the year.

  • Hearthstone is my crack cocaine. I play it on the shower, on the dunny, when i'm driving (not literally of course!) :)

    • It's such an expensive game if you want to get serious. I had to stop buying packs after apple decided to jack up the prices of everything (as I was using discounted itunes cards to buy packs).

  • Thanks for the list of things to check out folks. Esp with Steam Winter Sale on :)

    I'm still playing Battlefield 4.

  • Life is strange was my favourite game of the year. Oddly gripping.


  • PC Dec '14 (PS4 Oct '15), but The Talos Principle blew me away

  • +1

    Splatoon- people dismiss it cause it looks like a kiddies game, but its the most fun I've had in a MP FPS for a while.

    • Video games are for kids, people shouldn't be so shallow, its a fun game.

  • rocket league

  • Sadly the "industry" backs alot of games based on budget and accessibility to a "nerdier" / "geekier" crowd, it isn't really based on fun anymore, why many games getting the shaft for being tacky or too cheesy or not serious enough, or long enough… I'd give Watchdogs an Honorable mention as it tries alot of new ideas, and was given alot of hate from "gamers", I gave it a try and its alot better then people said it was (even if its probably considered a 2014 title).

    I kind of feel Nintendo also killed it this year, when alot of people seem to be down on them, due to rumors of their hybrid device the NX, these press types seem to want the games to be passed over due to delays and notable games like Halo 5 and Tomb Raider finally hitting the XBox One and PS4 next year… Look forward to Quantum Break for 2016…

    Honestly, I'd have a list of standout GOTY titles, TLDR maybe :

    *Mario Tennis Ultra Smash (very underrated solid game, probably my number one, hard to put down, classic N64 mode, mushroom, regular mode, amiibo training and mega ball battles are a blast.) Single Player Knockout Challenge has alot of replay value, alot more content then what was perceived to be, gimmick courts are great.

    *Devils Third (Probably my runner up, yes really, ridiculous fun: its an awesome single player cover shooter / sword brawler, multiplayer game with alot of unique ideas, politically incorrect but so what, level creation is fun too),

    *Adventure Time Finn and Jake Investigations (very fun investigation game with some Devil May Cry style combat) ,

    *Slender Man Arrival (very spooky / creepy horror game),

    *Q.U.B.E. Directors Cut: Awesome physics puzzle game, great time challenge levels also, brutal difficulty towards the end but well made, clever story too.

    *Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (Underrated independent game, free with the Disc Version) ,

    *Captain Toad (brilliant),

    *Mario Party 10 (unique use of Amiibo, board customization, Bowzer mode is a great new mode too),

    *Splatoon (amazing single player game, with a very addictive local/ online multiplayer component),

    *Kirby and The Rainbow Paintbrush (clever use of gamepad / tv screen),

    *Mario Maker (obvious choice)

    *Tipping Stars (Great Budget game, Gamepad Double Screen Game, Level creator and sharing is off the chain, set the ground work for Mario Maker)

    *Amiibo Festival (not a bad game at all, a solid chilled Animal Crossing experience with unique use of figures / cards for interesting minigames, sort of rpg-ish saving of progress and unlockable pathways…

    *Runbow (Interesting color mechanics platformer)

    *Fast Racing Neo (Crazy racing game in the vein of Wipeout)

    *Freedom Planet (modern tribute to classic sega type of games, within unique abilities and a cheesy saturday morning cartoon story)

    *Xenoblade Chronicles X (mech based open world game with dinosaurs and transformable tank machines, self explanatory)

    *Guitar Hero Live (nice return)

    *Typoman (great puzzle game)

    *Citizens of Earth (Great, cheesy parody of Earthbound, with a 1950s vibe, some politically incorrect stuff thrown for laughs too)

    *Rodea The Sky Soldier Wii U and Wii Double Pack: Rodea is a great RPG style flying game, controls were better then critics claimed, Rodea Wii is a great Sega style Knights Into Dreams Wii Remote game, both come together at retail, they are alot of fun.

    • +1

      *Citizens of Earth

      never heard of this game, it looks right up my alley. Thank You

      • No worries. Its a solid game, its a Wii U and PS4 game. A digital game , alot of hours put in, (just don't leave any characters at the training "school", theres a glitch / bug which causes the game to crash alot). Other then that glitch, its a very enjoyable throwback / parody of RPGs….

  • Favourite 2015-
    1. MGS V Phantom Pain
    2. Mad Max (YES! I liked it)
    3. Until Dawn

    Favourite PS4 Exclusives
    1. Until Dawn
    2. Journey
    3. 1886 (short but beautiful made game)

    Favourite XB1 Exclusives
    1. Rise of Tomb Raider
    2. Forza Horizon 2
    3. -

    Favourite Multiplayer:
    1. Destiny Taken King
    2. Black Ops 3
    3. Mortal Kombat X

  • +1

    Splatoon or maybe Super Mario Maker.

  • I have to say my GOTY is Lego Dimensions.

    1) It's super fun.
    2) So many of my favourite licenses in one game! (Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Portal, Lego Movie, The Simpsons etc).
    3) I can play it around/with my kids. That's a big one these days.
    4) I get to build Lego when I get a new set XD

    Seriously, I love the game with a passion. Yes, the initial investment is higher than other Toys to Life games e.g. Disney Infinity, but I have had much more fun with Dimensions than any of the other TTL games.

  • +2


    • +1

      No way dude, you have to go outside to play that.

      • +1

        Life is mostly a pay to win game.

        Got sick and need more health? Spend money.

        Hungry and need more food? Spend money.

        Need to kill an NPC? Buy weapons with money.

        Get married, knocked up your partner and have kids? This DLC package will continually cost you $$$ every year and you cannot cancel the subscription.

        • This DLC package will continually cost you $$$ every year and you cannot cancel the subscription.

          There is a way out… but that addon will probably cost a lot and unethical to a certain extent and the addon is only a limited time thing.

      • No man it's already hard enough, don't want to go outside

  • +1

    Gang Beasts FTW

    played this for 4 hours with a big group of friends from 8pm til 12AM 2016 and could've kept playing.

    Hands down the best party game.

  • No one mentioned Rainbow Six - Seige?

    • -1

      While it may not be GOTY material you cant deny R6S is addicting as hell. Even with all the bugs, long queue times, hackers (on PC) i still enjoy playing it because the gameplay itself is just so satisfying. No other game gets the heart pumping quite like this does when your the last player on your team alive in a clutch situation and all the pressures on you, and if you manage to clutch it and win the round Oh the Euphoria! lol,,

      • -1

        Sounds like you're talking about Counter Strike, to me.

  • -2

    Most game releases this year were either complete garbage or unmitigated disasters following hype campaigns they must have spent 10x on what they did actually making the game. Pretty much no major release even had a sniff of QA done on the game before they released the broken messes on us at full price. The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, NBA 2K16 and Just Cause 3 should all have been no-brainers, but they all went down spectacularly in flames at release. The TW3 dev's mislead the entire community and never released a full mod kit as promised, then also charged for DLC almost right off the bat. Just Cause 3 was out-resourced to contractors on the opposite side of the globe and it's so beyond broken the dev's have basically shelved the game already. The game set a record for steam refunds in a single day it was so god awefull. Fallout 4 was a broken disaster right off the bat and even a few patches and a boatload of mods later it's still a mess needing a MAJOR overhaul. At least FO4 has a chance of becoming a top tier game once they patch most of the bugs and release their full high-rez texture packs, etc…. NBA2K16 was meant to be the big sports game of the year, but that was a laughing stock and mockery of a release, with game breaking bugs leading to people being permanently banned without notice, without cause and then not being responded too…. even weeks after the problems were noticed.

    FWIW, I think three games that came virtually out of nowhere to knock the socks off me were Grim Dawn (Cross between Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2), Rocket League (Car soccer for the win!!!!) and Act of Aggression (The best C&C style RTS in almost half a decade) are the only three games I got this year that would even be candidates for the award.

    In the end, I think for me the biggest thing in gaming in 2015 was the stunningly huge gap that still keeps widening, in terms of just how far left behind console gaming has become, compared even to low-mid level PC gaming. The difference has just become staggering already. I cant even imagine how laughable the difference will be in a year or so, especially considering Sony and MS are not releasing anything new for over 5 years. Especially considering how economically terrible console gaming is compared to the same product on the PC.

  • Parenting.

    It's a life game.

    If you win, your kids will be happy, and you will be happy. You may also receive handouts from them when you retire at old age!

    If you lose, your kids probably hate you, you will probably have no grandkids (that you know of), and you will not be receiving handouts from them.

    • +1

      If you lose, they'll probably grow up and ruin other peoples' lives by being anti-social, selfish a—holes.

    • I'm getting a few thumbs down with this post.

      Any reason why I am wrong?

    • Because of parenting, I've been playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time, on and off for the past 3 years

      In saying that, I'm giving it my game of the year!

  • The Beginner's Guide and Rocket League for me

  • Life is Strange, without a doubt.

  • -2

    The Witcher 3 is the most overrated game of the year (imo of course), I played it for over 200 hours including Heart of Stone and I'd rate it about 7/10. All I hear is how great the story is, which is correct, but it had the worst gameplay I've seen in such a highly-rated game, with terrible and one-dimensional fighting and rpg elements.

    The fighting is basically attack-dodge-attack-dodge, so movement is important, but good luck navigating around that shin-high ledge because he can't jump in attack mode.
    For loot, everything you find is very similar and significantly worse than what you can easily craft, including quest rewards.
    There aren't many viable builds, I would only use all-out melee because ranged and magic are only to support melee attacks, and stealth doesn't exist.

    If I had to choose I'd go with Arkham Knight, tried and tested formula with a couple of additions.

    • +3

      Have you played fallout 4? The combat in that is so boring and basic it really lets the game down imo.

      • -2

        Both were just disastrous releases.

      • +1

        I haven't yet, but I've played 3 and New Vegas which I both loved, while the combat is not complicated at least it is varied, it is essential in an rpg to be able to customise your character then see how your changes affect your combat. This is not evident in The Witcher 3, while in previous Fallouts, a huge variety is available, where I've had a person specialising in stealth, ranged, pistols, rifles, heavy weapons and explosives, and focussing on speech allows different non-combat paths.

      • +2

        Fallout 4 loot is boring as well. Playing on survival I just leave most legendarys where the drop now.

        Witcher and Fallout both had dismal looking armor as well which is annoying when you're trying to play an RPG

  • So hard to choose one.
    I'll go with Witcher 3.

    Notable mentions include Max Max and Super Mario Maker.

    • Max Max was okay, but I really liked Just Just 3 and Assassin's Assassin's.

      Don't even get me started on Xenoxeno: X

  • i haven't played a lot of the year's biggest releases, so my opinion isn't necessarily worth a lot, but:

    when Bloodborne came out i didn't think it would be my thing. i don't have a lot of patience for difficult games (i thought), never played a Souls game, and i prefer to just enjoy myself rather than put myself through unnecessarily difficulty. the reviews hit, and after a couple months i reconsidered and bought it.

    to be clear, i'm still going. that's something like six months and i'm still maybe like, i'm not sure, maybe a little more than halfway through the game. so i'm really taking my time with this. and loving it.
    after getting into Bloodborne, i've re-evaluated my experience with other games and noticed that a bunch of them are so hand-holdy there's hardly even any point of there being a player. i started Bioshock Infinite recently and couldn't bring myself beyond the first hour because it's comparatively so dull. i'm completely sick of extended tutorials in games that take up to the first half an hour with severely dull and simplified gameplay. even Tomb Raider, which i also played recently and actually enjoyed, had a really annoying opening 20 minutes where there was nothing to do but QTE and following exactly the path that the game told you to.

    which leads me to the fact that the difficulty (which is frequently exaggerated) of Bloodborne isn't the whole story. there's a beautiful sense of discovery to it that i haven't felt since playing the Metroid Prime series years ago. each area feels like it has its own character and mysteries and enemies to discover. the world itself is beautiful and i'm still enjoying piecing together the lore and figuring out what's going on. it's never very clear though, and it's more interesting when there's still a cryptic vibe to everything in the game world. also the combat in Bloodborne is amongst the best i've ever experienced in a game.

    TL;DR: my goty is definitely Bloodborne. i wish there were more games that don't tell you exactly what to do and when and let you figure some things out for yourself because that's so, so much more satisfying.

    some time this year i'm looking forward to trying MGSV and Arkham Knight, even if i think the Arkham series suffers from the problems i mentioned above.

  • just realised ive still got the witcher 2 brand new shrink wrapped, totally forgot to play it when i bought it ages ago. is it worth playing, or should i just do the witcher 3 now thats its out

    • Yeah mate definitely worth playing. Witcher 2 is still a great game and the graphics hold up very well for its age. You can of-course jump straight into Witcher 3 if you wish but i recommend playing 2 first to get to know some of the characters and generally make playing 3 that bit more enjoyable.

  • +1

    StarCraft 2 LOTV

  • My top 5…

    Crypt of the Necrodancer. A rhythm rogue-like dungeon crawler. You gotta play it to believe it.
    Running with Rifles. Cannon Fodder but better.
    The Talos Principle. Think Portal but without the portals.
    CardHunter. HeroQuest for the 21st century. Technically it came out in 2013 on Kongregate. But I only learned about it when released on Steam in 2015.
    Total War Attila. What Total War Rome 2 should have been.

    • +1

      You playing Charlemagne campaign? I hope they finally release medieval 3 after warhammer

      • I'll wait for Charlemagne to go on sale. And I am very keen for TW Warhammer

    • keep meaning to try out The Talos Principle. held off during this Steam sale since i'm already playing enough atm but i'll claim it next time. how would you compare the puzzles' difficulty to Portal?

      • Some puzzles are are a cakewalk. Others took me 15-30 minutes. But it isn't linear like Portal. If you get stumped on a puzzle you can leave it and come back later. There are a number of tools/mechanics. When a new mechanic is introduced it is usually a simple puzzle. Then things get trickier as the puzzles start mixing the mechanics together.

        • hmm interesting. i love first person puzzlers and i've heard good things about TTP's writing / setting too so i'll check it out some time definitely.

  • +1

    Rise of the Tomb Raider
    King's Quest Chapter I: "A Knight to Remember"
    Ori and the Blind Forest

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