Where to Get Decent Food Platters for an Event - Melbourne

I was just wondering if anyone has some good suggestions for decent food platters for an upcoming family event?

In the past we have found Sushi Sushi to be quite good and reasonably priced. Also a friend has suggested Costco have platters which are OK but not amazing.
Also I will need to get a membership in that case.

If you have any positive past experiences I would be very happy to hear them. Thanks!


  • +1

    some of the Woolies ones are OK, much better than years ago. Guessing Coles has the service too.
    We get our local sushi to do platters as well.

  • Costco ones are quite good, they should have a decent selection as well, rather than being limited to sushi as per your other suggestion.

    • +1

      Thanks definitely thinking about joining up and checking it out. Plus all the other discounted gear they have there.

  • You might want to check them out:

    They have a store at Knox - that was where I have sampled a few things in the past.
    Cannot really provide much feedback, about quality etc - except to say that they have a good range
    of food and snacks - sweet and savoury. Also, you don't need to get their premix packs, just pick and choose whatever from their range.

    Hope this helps.

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