This was posted 7 years 11 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] FREE - Import Your Steam Games (Some, Expanding List) into Your GOG Library as DRM Free Copies - GOG


The way I understand it is that you will get DRM-free copies of the games you have in Steam in your GOG account (provided they are on the list which is expanding over time).
Apparently you have to do it within five days for the games below - if you do the games are in your GOG library forever.

NOTE: You can only connect ONE Steam account to your GOG account, so choose your main one with the most games.

As time of writing the following games are on the list:

Bit Trip Runner
Breach and Clear

Here is how it works (from the website):

To connect your library with, sign in to your active Steam account via this page. NOTE: Make sure your Steam Privacy Settings & Profile Status are set to public.

You'll be able to permanently import all the games listed below to your library ā€“ assuming you own them. The eligible games are limited-time offers made possible by participating developers and publishers, so stay tuned for more games to come.

You can connect only one Steam account with your library. This process is permanent ā€“ choose wisely!

GOG was already my preferred site - now they have been elevated into legendary status!

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closed Comments

    • It means it's an optional service, but if you use it there will be some sharing of information to facilitate it happening.

      • It also puts you under Steam T&C from my interpretation.

        • Probably only so far as the Steam T&C's already apply to you as a Steam User, which I'm guessing has clauses in it about account linking and usage of those functions.

        • @Smigit: Steam has VACS thats my point. I have never had to worry about it, but those that use GOG to ahoy! may have concerns.

        • @nikkirose: I don't think VACs will factor in. It's a component of Steam, but these games being DRM free won't run through Steam.

          Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd assume VAC games would require Steam use and in turn those titles won't be offered as part of this promotion since they'd be missing client side software required for VACs.

          I'd assume the Steam TOS stuff probably applies more to sharing your account details and things like that to give multiple people access to your profile and purchases.

  • time to import my 3000 steam games

    • 3k lel

    • +1

      You can only import from the very limited list.

      • of 22 games, so maximum you can import is 22, and it is probably a boon for those games, because there are only 6 games on the list I even consider playing so far from release.

  • +11

    I keep getting "Oops something went wrong." Not sure why.

    • me too.

    • +1

    • +1

      503 Error in the GOG API - likely its down because of demand.

    • Same tried Chrome and Firfox both don't work for me. Has anyone suceeded yet?

  • Is the process reversible? (Import GOG games to Steam library for achievements).

    • +1

      No lol

      • Lol worth a try ;p + "Oops something went wrong"

        • Ye, people above getting the same :(

  • What do you mean by the process is permanent? The games won't work in Steam after?

    • +2

      Of course they will. All this does is give you extra, DRM-free copies in GOG. Steam is NOT affected.
      You cannot unlink one Steam account and then link another as otherwise you could link your friend's account and get his games too.

    • +1

      Your Steam account still works as normal, but if you refund a transfered game from Steam GOG reserves the right to remove your GOG collection. You can always work around that by downloading and installing outside of the GOG client.

  • Pay it forward. Buy a title or two from GoG.

    They have great specials often

    • Buy games from them because they're letting you download games you already own? Good for them right……..

      • +4

        fixed it for you - Buy games from them because they're letting you download games you already lease from a service which is not available if your internet connection is down?

        And actually it is GOOD ON THE DEVELOPERS / PUBLISHERS, not good on GOG.

        Although GOG will be funding the internet usage when people download DRM free copies of their games, no the developers, not the publishers and certainly not Steam.

        It's an alternative to Steam.. I really don't get all the hate for something being OFFERED FOR FREE - it's not like it's compulsory.

        EDIT: Steam fanboys represent!! Guessing you're all rabid nvidia owners too ;)

        • of course we have Nvidias, we are gamers duh - Built for gaming!

        • +1


          Yup Steam fan and Nvidia user.

          The alternatives are really so crap in comparison…

          Seriously though, if there are fanbois here it is GOG fanbois like Gizmo…

        • @GreatWhiteHunter: As a tightassed gamer. PC gaming and Steam are the most economical setup. Steam for bargain games (as opposed to mainly cheap games like GOG). A decent PC as it is multifunctional, not just for games, and a decent GPU like a well supported Nvidia with drivers written BEFORE a major AAA release, means I have more epic nights in for less. Its just good math. Also if you must have the latest GPU, flip it yearly like a car, geeks are always snapping up last season GPU's at around 75% of cost.

  • I have been trying for hours with no luck.

  • It says to set steam Privacy Settings & Profile Status to public so it can see the games. If you set it back to friends/private after, will GOG and the porting for future games still work? And if not, will it work if you set it public and then private again for the sync? Its a bit weird.

  • Is this a one off thing ie will they continue to match games in the future what is the 'match' list grows? .. I think not because it would encourage people to buy from steam and they have to sump up the games.

    • "FAQ 7. Will you include more titles in the future?

      We'll be doing our best to expand GOG Connect in the future! You'll need to import new games when they're added, so stay tuned and check back regularly to see if anything new has been added. "

  • I joined my accounts this morning, 9 games from Steam added to my GOG account. 3 of the games I don't own on Steam (but own on GOG already) and another 10 games I own on Steam but had already purchased on GOG.

    EDIT: oh well GOG got another $3 AUD from me.. I purchased Van Helsing Final Cut upgrade on GOG. I'm tempted to buy The Witness for $39 AUD (about $25 USD, which is about $15 USD cheaper than elsewhere and a historic lowest price according to

    • +1

      how long did the joining process take?

  • thanks, i got 7 games

  • +4

    It works now, got 6 games.

    Another big upside is: you get free bonus content that GOG exclusively offers such as Artworks, Soundtracks, Wallpapers, Avatars, Minigames and so on.

  • Worked immediately for me. Thanks!

    NOTE: You can only connect ONE Steam account to your GOG account, so choose your main one with the most games.

    Do people tend to have multiple Steam accounts? O.o

    • Answer: Yes

      • But why? Maybe I'm lucky that I live in the USA now and could change my Steam account to an American one (and thus get the American prices).

        • +1

          Divide up games for kids for example so they can play at the same time.
          Also, pricing is indeed one factor.

  • Does anyone know if you actually own you steam games> eg, if steam did go bust, would steam legally have to provide its users with drm free copies of its games seeing we paid for it?

    • Nope. thats the catch.

      • +2

        I think they would have to, especially if legal action is taken.
        Yes, I know Steam's T&Cs negate this but really companies can write whatever they like in there - just because it is in there, does not mean it is valid.
        The final say lies with the courts.
        But this scenario is unlikely to happen in the near future I believe - very low risk.

        • I bet you were one of the fools who thought Dick Smith in liquidation should honour gift cards?

          If Steam go bust, no-one is going to be retrieving the games lists of every user unless someone pays them to do that and they get the OK to do so.

          If Steam is bought by someone else you have a chance, if it folds, you are f@cked.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:

          Good thing you have dealt with the legal issues and implications of many company insolvencies unlike me who has never been involved in any professionally (caution: irony).

          And good job on the assumptions about Dick Smith and the honouring of gift cards - you must be right since you have known me for the last 30 years.

        • @Lysander:

          Lysander to say my opinion of you isn't high wouldn't be exaggerating…

          I am surprised we are not seeing another jump through fifty loopholes and make your Steam profile public to get a POS free game which has a 40% positive rating on Steam deal - that is more your style…

          The ignorance you display when saying something like "I think they would have to, especially if legal action is taken" takes even you to a new low.
          Gold Coast swamp land realtors and Ponzi scheme peddlers love guys like you…

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:

          Says the person who steals pictures for his profile. Ha, ha, ha. Says all about you.
          I assume you only like the law when it serves you. Good thing there are fairly high requirements to study law in this country (and a test) - otherwise I would have to deal with people like you at work all day, too. That would definitely be a huge disincentive to work in this area.

          Have a good day mate. Keep thinking Steam and company T&Cs are all powerful. It is a blessing fro heaven there are other sensible people around.

          P.S.: If you want to see what courts can do with company T&Cs, have a look at European countries where OEM software can legally be sold under certain conditions, against the wish of the licensor and their T&Cs. And before you say that that is Europe and this is Australia - int the area of IP the courts take great note of US and European decisions because there are simply not enough cases in Australia to form an own extensive body of case law.



          Key point: A software license has been held to constitute a contract of sale! The terms of the license can be IGNORED!

          And yes, while the courts have done nothing so far, it does not mean they never will or indeed have the power to do so. In the event of a Steam demise where millions of people are bound to lose millions, if not billions, of dollars in those countries, you can be certain there will be court action and the court would not want to upheld an archaic rights system, especially in light of the UsedSoft case.

          P.S.: I bet you have taken good advantage of the deals you say were for "POS" games and have a great deal of them in your Steam library. Hypocrite anybody?

  • 3 Games added! Thanks OP!

  • +1

    I've set my profile to public, but I just get "NO ELIGIBLE GAMES FOUND" when I refresh?
    Anyone else having this issue?

    • Never mind, it finally worked. Just had to keep pressing refresh.

  • Bit of a wasted time with the very limited amount of games, lol I only had one.

    • I had 12, and that's not including The Witcher which I already had in my GOG account.

  • I can't sign in via Steam. It's telling me password is wrong, but it isn't.

    • Managed to get it working. Got 5 games.

  • Synced 12 games which is great, love the idea of syncing between platforms :)

  • Thanks - registered to gog.

    Seems like a good offer - unfortunately "NO ELIGIBLE GAMES FOUND" (haven't been playing much if at all since the past few years :) ).

  • I have 9 of those games in steam and it only detected 1? wtf?

    • Because there was a time limit. The games listed above have expired now and three new ones have been added of which you have one. Please read the post and the info on the GOG site.

  • Sigh, looks like even though I linked my accounts during the period, and verified the list of games, it didn't actually add them to my account.

    The weird thing is that when I went to add the new ones just then it said "15 games eligible", and then "13 games added". After that I went back to the page and it changed to "2 games eligible".

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