Buying a House Near a Police Station

Hello all,

I'm in the market for a property that I'm interested in. There is a police station down the street about 100m. Should I be thinking twice about this property?

EDIT: added a poll - should have done this to begin with)

Cheers guys

Poll Options

  • 45
    I wouldn't want to live near one
  • 180
    I actually prefer to live near one
  • 98
    Makes no difference to me


    • where do you live that drive-by shootings of any building, let alone a police station, is a possibility ?

      • +1

        You mustn't watch the news? (probably a good move!) - Australia's becoming more like the USA all the time. Unfortunately heaps of places experience drive by shootings - North Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Western Sydney etc…

        We've had them near where I live over the years, but you don't have to look back far - just recently, in Preston Vic (June 2016) there were 7 shots fired at police station impound lot building, and there was the Paramatta Police Station terror shooting last year (Oct 2015).

        Quick google search shows several police station attacks, Jun 21 2016 - Merrylands Police Station - someone with the car packed with gas cylinders drove into the station and tried to set the car on fire. Quakers Hill - Police shot a man armed with a knife at station, Rockingham WA - Shooting at Police Station - those are just recent examples.

        I know people that have luckily narrowly avoided but were close to shootings on the Gold Coast a couple of years ago. I only have to go back 3 months to think of the drive-by shootings in Brendale and Kallangur in north Brisbane, and there was a Brisbane strip club was shot at Jul 17, Calamvale Mar 29, Gold Coast again Jun 23, all just recent events!

        Google shows plenty more in Melbourne in the past few months alone - 28 Aug in Lalor, Aug 5 2016 at Heckenberg, before that a gym in South Melbourne, Bass Hill before that, etc.

  • +4

    Just be mindful you could have scumbags like paedophiles having to report daily or weekly etc to the police station. Do you want them in your street? it might be ok if we had a second amendment like the USA.

    • -8

      Paedophiles =! Child molesters, you patronising (profanity). In any case, wouldnt it be better to be near a police station, as opposed to far away from one, if you're so paranoid about somebody taking kids?

      • Compliments will get you know where

        • Compliments will get you know where

          I no where I am, thank you very much d:

        • Yawn.

      • +4

        Found the Pedophile

        • -1

          spot on

        • Nah, steak > children.

    • +6

      it might be ok if we had a second amendment like the USA.

      The Right to Arm Bears.

    • If the royal commission has told us anything (along with a number of accounts from survivors I know) you're more likely to be exposed to a child abuser at church where they have power and community to hide behind, rather than outside a police station where they're being watched.

      Abusers (of both children and adults) don't tend to go pick random people (though it has/does happened) but tend to be someone the victim knows personally, like a spouse, guardian, or a family friend.

  • +1

    our local police station was built without enough parking so it is an issue for local residents. Also a lot of people have to report to the police station while on bail etc which means a lot of people walking past who may not be the type of people who you would like to have in your neighbourhood. I can't see it being much of a crime deterrent- petty criminals are not usually that smart.

    • good point.. ! Mind is now made up, thank you! :)

  • Useful if the zombies ever arrive.

  • +1

    Check if road-side parking around the station is reserved for the police.

  • For whatever it's worth, my workplace is directly across the road from a police station and has never had a break in or so much as graffiti even. Not sure many other workplaces in such close proximity to a trainstation could say the same thing. We're thankful for them being there, seems to deter would be lawbreakers.

  • +2

    I spent many years living 50 metres away from Eastwood (NSW) police station. Not once did I have a problem with the noise of sirens or yobbos. I found it comforting that if I did have an issue I could be there in an instant or they could literally run up the road to me.

  • It depends… do you like to watch movies loudly at night?
    Or listen to music at home, ever.

  • +2

    You are seeing this all wrong, OP. Think of it as getting free entertainment occasionally.

    • LOL, I was also gonna suggest this…give 'em the old Eddie Murphy line: May I suggest you use your nightstick, officer! ;)

  • +1

    The police themselves aren't something to be worried about. Sirens in my experience are only used when they're essential, like getting through city traffic, not exiting the cop shop. It will also differ depending on where you live. I'd live near mine but my local only operates from 7am-10pm.

  • I live close to a police station just outside the Adelaide CBD…as I only have one car park at my house (and have two cars) the only issue I have is that the officers' personal cars take up parking on the street.

  • +1

    100 meters should be an ok distance.

    I'd avoid living too close to a cop shop. People released on bail often have to report daily (sometimes twice daily, depending on their bail conditions). Whilst most will simply go in, report, then walk away, just keep in mind that you will have your suburb's finest citizens walking past your front gate day in day out.

    • Sorry maximum, just noticed your comments above, which has been said much better than me.

  • +6

    Funny hearing about all these people who've "never met a decent cop in their life". My cop mate says the same thing about the scummy public he deals with every day…

    • +2

      And there lies the problem

  • thank you everyone, you've all raised some points that i didn't even think about.. Mind made up - Definitely will be avoiding this house then (especially as i have a toddler, wouldn't feel too comfortable with him playing in the front yard with potentially some crims walking past and lingeroung about!) Such a shame as it was the perfect house we had been looking for.

    • +3

      Honestly, whilst I wish you all the best, and it's your choice, IMHO those are irrational fears…if you knew just how many offenders of all sorts were quite likely walking down every single street at any given time you'd freak out.

      It's a shame to see simple cognitive distortions stop you from buying a home you like…why not go to the Police Station & talk to them, tell them about your plans & fears, then ask them if your suspicion is a possibility or even a likelihood…they won't lie to you, if you're concerned by the answer by all means don't buy; but OTOH if your fears are somewhat allayed by the reality of the actual nature of Police operations in that area, well, in the words of a great man: swing away, Merrill! ;)

    • you only really need to worry about them walking past if your house is between the cop shop and the nearest train station.

  • Another messy thread. So many serious questions here are better off with professional advice.

    • Which profession would you recommend in this instance?

      • A criminologist maybe?

        Such a swath of bad advice in here. Why not go talk to the cops at the cop shop in question and discuss these points. Such questions as "Do you have kids and if so, would you buy a house 100m from here".

        Another thing to ask is whether there are any statistics of crime nearby to police stations.

        All the best with your decision but I think you have mer questions to ask.

        • +1

          Why not go talk to the cops at the cop shop in question and discuss these points.

          If only someone had suggested that… :P

      • As mentioned below, how are people supposed to give informed advice without the OP providing some context to the issue. What's worse is that people asking for context are being misinterpreted as trolls/getting negged.

        • +1

          So, I'll ask again since you are the one who raised the topic; which professionals would you recommend the OP speak to in this instance?

          I'd be genuinely interested in any real advice you have on the subject that isn't vague…

        • @StewBalls:

          A criminologist maybe?

          A cop?

          This isn't a criminology discussion forum. No-one should expect "real advice."

        • @Baebs:

          A cop?

          Again, if only somebody had suggested that on 10/09/2016 @ 09:58…some 6hrs & 22mins before and directly above your first comment…sigh!

        • @StewBalls:
          Well that's a shame..

  • Just make sure the wind is blowing in the other direction when you burn your marijuana crop.

  • i lived next to a fire station and the sirens drove me nuts… then i got used to it, and didnt mind the fact my house would never likely burn down..

    i think with a police station, it would be a nice piece of mind…

    • What if the fire station gets on fire! Then you're screwed. :D

      Puns intended!

      • be a bit out of luck then, although the beach was across the road

  • Only if there's a pokestop

  • +1

    Should be ok, only problem if you lived in Colombia when Escobar was still alive. Plomo o Plata Pendeho?

    • Escobar, a sinner or a saint?

      • Sinner, because he let innocent people get caught in his crossfires. But one thing for sure, he should have never entered politics. Fatal mistake.

  • Police stations are always targeted by criminals so steer clear

  • I would avoid. Due to creepy record keeping peeps. And convenience of intrusion.
    Afterall, they're not 'authorised', as someone else said on Ozb, there is no OPT-IN/OPT-OUT to this dictatorial system. Cops are just massa'a whipboys in reality.

  • Is this a Cop shop within the best suburb or worse suburb ? If it was the best suburb, then I wouldn't worry so much. if its in the worse suburb then it will be a hub of activity and entertainment.

  • While some cops have good intentions, they are fundamentally unethical. They throw people in cramped vans. They strip search people on the street. They get sniffer dogs to sniff people for mere drugs. They are willing to shoot people who are often victims of poverty and/or abuse. Then there are the really bad ones who misuse their power and who lie to protect other cops.

    However, I reckon it could be handy to live near a police station because cops can be useful for protection. So there's a pragmatic answer.

    • All of them? Australia wide? Tney throw people in cramped vans because the limo is in for a service. The strip search people because criminals just don't hand over their guns, knives and drugs when asked, they actually hide them on their bodies. These 'mere' drugs have been ripping apart families and communities. What rock have you been hoding under or is it a rock you have been smoking? And the shooting comment… totally opposite from the truth. Eve4y time a police officer in nsw is charged there is a media release. Yes, police charge and sack their own.

      There is a reason police in nsw support the roll out of body worn cameras. When the vexatious complaints come in from people like you, people with prejudice who hate all police because of the uniform they wear, the complaints wont be sustained once the video footage is viewed

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