Buying a House Near a Police Station

Hello all,

I'm in the market for a property that I'm interested in. There is a police station down the street about 100m. Should I be thinking twice about this property?

EDIT: added a poll - should have done this to begin with)

Cheers guys

Poll Options

  • 45
    I wouldn't want to live near one
  • 180
    I actually prefer to live near one
  • 98
    Makes no difference to me


  • +5


  • +28

    Wouldn't there be less crime near a police station…

    • +18


      Less crime

      but if they are doing their job,

      … more criminals

      • +8

        In handcuffs

        • +18

          Of course.

          For the OP there is the advantage, if they do become a victim of a crime, they can save fuel, when they need to report it.. 😷

        • @RockyRaccoon: pros and cons i guess

        • +39

          @lkp: prostitutes and convicts?

        • +1

          @altomic: All the pros for the OP ;)

        • +9

          @RockyRaccoon: Still have to wait a day before having a cop show up after giving them a call.

        • +2

          Or if they choose to be a criminal. Then they are never too far from home.

        • @altomic:

          Of course! They are the worst kind of people, convicts! I agree with OP, I wouldn't want them anywhere near me! In fact, here's an idea: lets load them into ships and send them clear off to the other side of the world! Let them start their own country!

        • @ProjectZero:

          Still have to wait a day

          If you are lucky, This is Melbourne

      • This isn't America, there's no need to worry that a police station will be under siege.

    • +2

      You haven't been to Paramatta.

    • +11

      Lovely generalisation, mate.

      I have dealt with plenty of police officers, and have never met one that didn't act professionally.

      • +19

        I've had the opposite experience. Dealt with many cops and have had probably 1 good interaction with them, a handful of ok ones and many bad experiences.

        • +29

          Did you ever take the time to think that it might not be them, it might actually be you that is the problem…just food for thought! ;)

        • +34

          @terminal2k: I mix with cops a lot professionally; I also know quite a few personally. Frankly, you couldn't pay me enough to do their job, and it's a frickin miracle most of them are as sane as they are given the shit they have to deal with.

          Then, they get to deal with the crème de la crème of the public like that whiny little nonce on here a couple of years ago who chipped a few cops for doing an illegal u-turn in front of a yoghurt shop, then went crying like a little bitch to the LAC when a female cop rolled her eyes at him FFS…what a drama queen.

        • +12


          oh you couldn't get me to do the job either, which is why I said they may have been nice people before, but the job may have screwed them up.

        • -5

          it depends what colour you are if you have a good a bad experience.

        • +5

          @dlakers3peat: Always depends on your colour, never on your activity… yawn

        • +3

          @dlakers3peat: Yes the cops are there to make sure no one is the wrong colour. Teach me all the other things you understand so deeply.

        • @StewBalls:

          who chipped a few cops for doing an illegal u-turn in front of a yoghurt shop, then went crying like a little bitch to the LAC

          Link for this please

        • @StewBalls: link pls!

        • -1

          Oh my gosh you are so right…. how silly and naive of me to think that racial profiling doesn't exist. Cops are so non judgemental.They are the pillars of our society. police all around the world police have never killed innocent people because of their race or the colour of their skin. Man i need to get grip on reality. Thank you for enlightening me.

        • +1


          As a goody boy kiwi who came here as a teenager…. I was and still am shocked at how the police treat the public.

          The comic strip of cops looking fat shady and belligerent is so accurate.

          Yanky copes over react and trigger happy… because they live in a dangerous environment. Australia is not a dangerous environment… but the cops are so quick to jump… that act chill most of the time because they know they can slam you any time they want.

          Have never been in trouble with the police, just observations.

        • -1

          @terminal2k: its because they are constantly pushed t mert their quotas and arent focusing on the job anymore, instead on how to raise more revenue. Same with everything else in this world the police are just another lucrative business.

        • -1


          Have never been in trouble with the police, just assumptions.


          Do yourself a favour, stop watching so much television…

        • +1

          @StewBalls: Thank you! x About time someone said this.

        • I've met two lovely ones (out of uniform), one ok one, and lots of shockers.

        • @dlakers3peat: You're welcome! And I'm glad you can now see how unrealistic it is to leap to these baseless conclusions. Although I originally thought there might have been a hint of sarcasm in the above, but after a second read, I'm fairly certain you meant what you typed.

          Ahhh yes, another soul saved and I've not even had breakfast!

        • @b0redd: baseless conclusions???? I think not. Read this…

        • +2

          @StewBalls: LOL
          U turn at the yoghurt shop, didnt they illegal park as well?
          Can't believe that guy got so riled up over it.

        • @Hirolol: I think it was the eye-rolling that got him, it sounded like at that point he swooned & his tiara came loose, the poor princess. I can't blame him for a total histrionic meltdown at that point… ;)

        • @dlakers3peat: How big is the bow you are trying to draw with that? Where's the part that confirms all police racially profile and that across the boards, skin tones dictate how you will be treated?

          I can see you have an agenda, but baseless conclusions/accusations won't help your cause there.

        • -1

          @b0redd: you sir may be closet bigot.

        • +1


          What you never see cops in the public, how they treat stereotypical suspects… kids… the homeless

          Australian cops are lazy fkers.

        • +1

          @dlakers3peat: Wouldn't racial profiling be efficient if the profiling is based off racial crime statistics?

        • @dlakers3peat: LMFAO BIGOT! RACIST! MYSOGINIST! The mating calls of every person whose Tumblr based argument has been called in to question in the last five or so years! I would be willing to bet that you raise your voice in these instances in person. Well here's a little free advice, instead of yelling, or in this case throwing out hype-words you learnt on Buzzfeed, strengthen your argument. Works much better.

        • +1

          @b0redd: don't know what buzzfeed or tumblr is so your mistaken there. Anyway your rant and your previous comments do not require a response from me. Good luck to you living in your white bubble.

        • -4

          @Baghern: Again, you're falling for too much left-wing TV buddy, c'mon be honest, you haven't really seen any of that, you're just making this shit up as you go along…

        • -3

          @dlakers3peat: Of course no response was required, I mean, you were only asked to back your calling of all police as racist profilers, nothing major. But thanks for the final laugh, my "white bubble" life. Resorting to racial slurs, based solely on assumption, while tossing your dummy across the room about, umm, perceived racism. Sound logic there, snowflake. You sure you don't read Buzzfeed?

          Au revoir mon frere!

        • @owli:

          I have no issue with profiling.

          What I do have an issue with is when thy act on it as if is a sure thing.

          You notice a stereotype person doing something you observe them, as most talk to them. Treating them like scum and if they're guilty before the fact is pretty messed up.

        • +1

          @StewBalls: So when a citizen breaks the law, they should take responsibility for their actions; but when a cop does it, it's just petty drama?

        • @b0redd: hahahaha exactly! If your colour go red , you go bust!

        • +1

          Narrow viewpoint there Stew.

        • -1

          @DevilsPredicate: In the case I cited, it's more like melodrama. The guy carried on like a pork chop over something that didn't affect him in any way whatsoever, then had a childish hissy fit over a very innocuous encounter with a female cop. I have no time for prima donnas like that.

          There's enough real problems in the world (and rule of law processes to deal with them) without histrionics over non-issues.

        • @terminal2k:

          Assuming you are correct, what is your answer?

          Does the job screw them up only in your state? Your country? Or in every country?

          Do they need: Better pay? Better qualifications? Different skill sets?

          Do we need police at all? Should we be looking at corporate enforcement? Where only the interests of the wealthy and powerful are maintained? And application of law is purely arbitrary?

          Or should policing become community/local based?

          Because, seriously, if the job is sooooo bad that it turns nice people bad, and screws them up, there's something really, really wrong with both a) the job, and b) society.

          Given your obviously extensive experience in the area, I', sure we'd all be interested in your solutions.

        • @Roman Sandstorm:

          well obviously they need to be replaced with judge dredd style police.

        • @mnermner:
          maybe you should try obeying the law and you wouldn't meet so many :)

        • @iand:
          I haven't had any trouble with police. I'm a white person who doesn't do drugs and doesn't look poor so unless I get a car probably not going to have to deal with them. The shocking behavior has always been witnessed against other people, usually poor looking/brown/black people

      • +10

        Talking about sirens, I was in western Sydney, heading towards red rooster, when I saw a police car speeding down the great western high way with the siren on. The police car parked at red rooster. When I entered the store, they were in line ordering food.

        • +4

          It may have been an emergency that another police car was diverted to, and freed them, so they stopped for a bite (happens to ambulances too).
          Give them a break!

        • +2


          Or they may have been really really hungry.

        • +1

          @Scrooge McDuck:
          "Give me 700 crusty burgers"
          Anyone remember that?

        • +1

          Red Rooster eh…that's punishment enough! ;)

        • @BestofOZB: I respect police officers, firies and ambos. It was just unexpected.

      • +2

        Well I've met police that behaved unprofessionally.

        • +4

          I've also met doctors & lawyers (not to mention a host of other professionals) who behaved unprofessionally at times…so your point is???

        • @StewBalls:
          Are you having a bad day?

        • @holeinzero: No, fine thanks. R U OK???

      • Police deal with scum all day so they can be a bit nasty. My interactions with them haven't been good. Once they thought I was breaking into cars at 3am when I was actually going to the servo to get a chocolate milk and a snickers for my all night World Of Warcraft session. They were mean.

      • have never met one that didn't act professionally.

        Obviously haven't met enough, Not that I agree with the first statement.

    • +3

      Their cars could leave the station with sirens on at all hours.

      I doubt police cars ever leave the station with the siren on. It is not like fire trucks that only leave on a call out. A cop car would most likely already be on the roads when it's called to an incident.

      There could be criminals released from the station regularly.

      I doubt there would be a lot of crims if it's just a suburban cop shop.

      Also, cops aren't nice people.

      On what basis. Whenever I've had to go to a station, they've always been very friendly. Being pulled over on the road, they've heard every excuse under the sun, so I understand them being a bit short. I'm sure if people gave police the respect they deserve, they would be a lot less cynical (and yes, I include lying to a cop as being disrespectful).

      • +1

        not saying it happens regularly, but sirens at 2am a couple of times a month would be more than enough to give me the shits.

        non-violent and non-repeat offenders are taken to suburban stations all the time then released with court appearance notices (or with nothing at all)

        I don't drive so my dealings with police haven't been car related, and I've only met reasonable cop in my life

        • +1

          Why do they need a siren to leave the station at 2am?

        • +1


          depends on the streets around the station. I once lived at an intersection with street lights roughly 500 metres from one, and they would routinely turn on their sirens to come through the intersection if the light was red (as it always was because the main road was the cross street for them)

        • +1

          But at 2am there is likely to be so little traffic that the siren won't be needed

        • +1


          it would happen all the time when I was at this place. Only noticed because I'd be up late all the time. I can sleep through anything, but not everyone is like that.

        • @terminal2k: So I'd say that is more the issue of the street/area, rather than a police station being there. Some areas you could be miles from a police station but have kids hooning all night.

        • +1


          yeah, you'll note I said it "could" happen. I'm talking from my experience of living close to a station.

        • +1

          @Drew22: Since we are all havinga bit of fun here.

          To let Maccas or Dominoes aware they are coming to pick up the takeaway 😷

        • @terminal2k: Yep. Fair enough. Your experience does trump my hypotheticals. It just goes to show how much there is to consider when buying a house.

    • +5

      Let's see, over the last couple of years, I've been involved in a major car accident, an intruder broke into my house, another self-harmed in my bathtub, a crazy psycho was stalking me, Gran went missing, … Each and every time I was so relieved when the cops turned up. They've always responded quickly and been extremely professional. In fact, they've gone above and beyond the call of duty: patrolled around our house, came in to check we were ok, were kind to my kids who were in the car with me when I had the accident, stayed with them until my wife arrived, drove Gran home.. Etc

    • I actually agree with your comment except for the last part. Cops are people too so they have their bad and good days. I only really felt with the police for breath test and they all seem to be good people. I can only imagine if you give them lip or attitude then they might do that in return.

  • +40

    You could open a donut kiosk in your front yard?

    • +19

      My Krispy Kreme brings the cops to the yard
      And there like,
      Its better than yours,
      Damn right its better than yours,
      I could teach you,
      But I have to charge

  • +2

    It is safe other than receiving frequent parking fines. My friend in Sydney received three fines in a year on-street parking.
    There was shooting in house opposite Gungahlin Police station

  • +3

    I would of thought having a police station so close would be a major crime deterrent. Can't really think of anything negative about it.

    • +7

      My fathers office has been burgled several times despite being opposite a police station, even someone come in during broad daylight when no one was looking, stole something, and ran away. Criminals know no bounds.

      It's worse being directly outside one because a lot of unsavory people are coming in and out for various reasons

      but being 100m away just increases your chances of being spotted by a passing cop of doing something they don't like.

    • Noise (sirens), and they don't regularly patrol the area because it's next to a police station.

  • What kind of station is it? We have several in the suburbs around us that are only manned Monday to Friday and during certain hours. It may be something similar?

  • +7

    I've lived near a police station for over 15 years. The only annoying things are the sirens occasionally and the odd douchebag being hauled into the copshop.

    • Get out of here with your actual real-life experience and being useful to the OP. This is the internet! We're trying to re-hash old tired arguments about tangentially related issues, here.

  • +2

    thanks for the comments

    just knowing that criminals are being hauled in and out of the station gives me an uneasy feeling ..what if one escapes lol

    not to the same extent but seems similar to living near a jail?

    not too sure what kind station it is but it's quite big maybe about 500 sqm, looks like big enough to lock up a few crooks

    • +3

      you'll find its not the violent ones which get released from the station, they'd probably get taken off to prison or court directly, but the smaller crimes, like theft, so people may walk out of the station and steal your garden gnomes, mail for identity theft, or your car or something.

      • +7

        noooooo! my precious garden gnomes!!

        • Suck it up sunshine, someone has to live there, might as well be you. 😀

          (Not serious!)

  • +2

    OP what have you got to hide?

  • +38

    My only experience with this is through Sim City and if a house is near a police station then there is less crime.

    Is your house also near a park? As this will help land value.

    • haha. good.

    • But once the city is fully built, I will destroy it

  • +1

    You'll be fine just put alfoil on all your windows and leave the lights running 24/7

  • +2

    Police Stations could be the target of brazen style vandalism or in extreme cases, drive-by shootings, not to mention its a building which could have 24/7 activity generally, I get annoyed enough when my neighbour leaves for work or gym at 5am and his car or motorbike wakes me up. That's the main issue for me.

    • +2

      Imagine how annoyed your neighbor must be having to wake up to leave for work at 5am! Although I agree a motorbike at 5am wouldn't be great.

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