This was posted 14 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Mummy Trilogy Bluray Collection - AU$26.36 Delivered Be Quick

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Mad Monday guys so once the clock strikes 12 midnight in the UK it's over. Price is 12.85 pounds + 2.50 postage. Price converted using

2 great movies and a space filler here for less than the price of 1 BRD over here. This pack sells for $90 - $100 in stores here in Oz.

And before someone inevitably asks, yes, it is region B and yes it will work on our bluray players and PS3's as they too are region B.

mod: remove go easy on me comment

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closed Comments

  • lol i am def going easy

    • Huge assortment! I am delighted. Thanks for keep posted.

  • I ordered one a few hours ago, every time I've ordered from these guys they have delivered within 7 days.

  • -5

    Are we able to erase the DVD and use it as a writable disc?

    I hate The Mummy.

    • +1

      Perhaps, but nobody is talking about DVD's here. This is BRD, how are you getting along with your new fangled dial-up webternetz anyhooo?

    • -1

      Don't worry, i'm sure your mummy hates you too.

  • +3

    BOO! ;)

    • +6

      The last one deserved that score for sure but the first two were great fun, the kinda clean fluff that I can put on and watch with the kids without explaining why that guy has red stuff leaking from him or why that man and woman are wrestling on the floor and making all that racket…

      Also you have to remember that this is a bargain site, show me where I can buy this cheaper? It sells around the $100 mark in store.

        • +7

          yeah but I work from home, in Australia lol

          hardly being defensive, you posted your opinion, I posted mine, it's called a discussion is it not?

          so, where does one find it cheaper?

          • -6

            @[Deactivated]: It really depends if you like it or not. It's a bargain for people who would pay for it at that price and immensely enjoy it. I really don't like the film, so it isn't at all for me. Stating if its cheaper than anywhere else makes it a bargain is stupid. I probably would pay a maximum of $10 for this BD. But for other people its a pure bargain, especially people who are willing to pay $50 for it. But posting the reviews are also stupid, movies are a matter of enjoyment, not on whether its a good movie or not. There are plenty of crap movies I pay for, simply because I like watching them. It's just like junk food. People say its crap, but eat it anyway because they enjoy it. For many people, this BR is a big bargain.

            • @[Deactivated]: I agree with you on all that apart from the "Stating if its cheaper than anywhere else makes it a bargain is stupid."
              it's hardly stupid though if you have no need for it then it isn't a bargain per se, though if you were to think like that then nothing on this site apart from food, drink and shelter would be a bargain either

              • @[Deactivated]: I never mentioned about only necessities being a bargain, I mentioned what certain people value (Whether it be a want, need or desire) being a bargain if its below the his or her current reservation price. Where the hell did you get that interpretation from?

                • +4

                  @[Deactivated]: Jared, there is no discussion forum about whether people like a certain item before it gets posted as a bargain, if it is cheap then it gets posted and people can then decide if they want to buy it. it is just stupid for people to comment on whether they like a particular item each time it gets posted.

                  • -4

                    @Housecat: I really don't see where you are getting at. All I ever mentioned is that its a bargain to some and not to others. Cheap is justified by how people value it (Cost/Benefit), not if its a lot cheaper than what it actually sells on the market. It was just like that 256GB drive that was $100 off. Would you have bought it for $900 although it was the cheapest on the market? No. Simply because you don't believe that what the product offers is provides enough utility for $900. That's all I've been mentioning.

                    How some people on this site seem to be so close minded and not know bargains are justified by how people value things, not just by the price is beyond me.

                    If you think its a good deal and you like it and want it and cant find it anywhere else at a better price + it, but if you can find it cheaper somewhere else neg it if appropriate. If the deal doesn't appeal to you, don't + or - it, like I did.

                    Sheesh. What is it with you and Beaker going on weird unrelated tangents to sound right? You guys remind me of Bill O'Reilly.

                    • +5

                      @[Deactivated]: Cool story bro (tl;dr)

                    • @[Deactivated]: Mine wasn't an unrelated tangent. I actually said I agreed with you on everything apart from that one sentiment. It isn't 'stupid' to say that the cheapest that something can be found is a bargain, yes, a bargain can indeed be viewed as something that you want at the cheapest price possible, on the other hand it might be something that someone else wants at the cheapest price possible that you have little to no interest in. Is it no longer a bargain just because of your lack of interest? Maybe to you, but to others it is still a bargain. Therefore cheapest that something can be obtained for is still a bargain, just not to you. That is all I was getting at, it isn't stupid, it just isn't for you.

                      • -2

                        @[Deactivated]: That's what I mentioned already a few times. I'm arguing about the generalisation for 'EVERYONE' about it being cheap so its a bargain, if you didn't mean that from the start, its just my misinterpretation of your statement. Of course its not a bargain to me, but I've mentioned since my first post it will be a bargain for many others. What are you trying to get at?

                        • @[Deactivated]: What I'm trying to get at:

                          The Mummy Trilogy Bluray Collection - $26.36 = A Bargain.

                    • +3

                      @[Deactivated]: jarred44 I would pay $26.38 to not have to read your above comment

                      if you can find a cheaper place go there this is about bargains and the rock + mummy for 26.38 is certainly a bargain period!!

                      • -2

                        @aussman: What is wrong with everyone?! It's going to be a big bargain for everyone who loves the film/s. But for people who don't, it isn't a bargain. Sheesh… I think people are just trying to troll, I think I'll stop.

                        • @[Deactivated]: Thanks for stopping, did aussman pay you the $26.36 in advance?


                          P.S. I could hardly troll my own thread though could I?

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Yes, it does really depend on if you like it or not.

              Which is why people who browse ozbargain don't just buy everything listed. They choose the things they like.

              It's a complicated system, sure, buying the things you like at the best available price is a hard concept to get your head around, but it works.

              • -2

                @[Deactivated]: Of course its a complicated system, there's a whole profession dedicated to such topics. It's called Economics ;)

        • +3

          lol what an idiot, this isn't a review site, it's a bargain site and this is a really good price, 6 negatives already lol.
          (make that 7)

        • +1

          And this is just the icing on the cake. Yes Beaker clearly works for Zavvi.

    • So you can't think for yourself? You need a website to tell you whether you like a movie or not.

      • -2

        Using RottenTomatoes is quite good for movie reviews, quite accurate. It's not for the sake of telling me whether I will like it or not, its just reducing the chances of me wasting my money on something that is MOST LIKELY going to be not enjoyable. There are quite a few movies that are crap but enjoyable for some or a minority, but most movies rated highly are going to be liked by the majority.

    • +3

      funkioto, please read the following voting guidelines:

      negative vote revoked.

      • awwww, and he was on track for the record (of most - votes for a post) -22 in less than two hours, I lol'ed

        • -1

          You've just demonstrated your age.

          • @[Deactivated]: sorry, did i upset you somewhere along the line?

            you've just demonstrated your lack of a sense of humour

            and my age, it's 30, though I still feel 29 and a 1/2 to be honest

            • @[Deactivated]: i thought you seemed more like a 43 year old

              • +1

                @tomsco: Housecat would have you believe I am 66 and from Guildford, NSW.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: i wish we all could be as mature as you jared, you are so cool

            • +1

              @Housecat: You want to know my secrets? I'm going to be selling a book on how to be kewl. Want it? 70% of the time it works all the time.

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: ahhh see he does have a sense of humour after all, it must have an on/off switch though :)

  • Event horizon and fracture are good prices too.

  • +2

    yeh even usually a fair comparison is 16.89 pounds delivered.

    $28.99 converted on XE……so cheaper but I wouldnt buy if you wernt sure

    Ben 10 4 season box set for a couple pounds more on dvd is good…

  • +1

    Good price!

    Alternately, you can buy the three films locally for $40 delivered with the Sanity deal if you don't want to order from overseas or if you want to pick and choose:

    • That's pretty good also.

      I suppose I should have made a separate thread for this but I also saw in JBHifi yesterday a pack containing Batman (Nolan) The Dark Knight & PS3 Bluray Controller for $49. All came in a nice package as well, would make an excellent gift.

      • That set has been available for a while. There was also another alternative which came with 300 and some shizzle movie called 10000 BC.…

        The two Batman movies are a much better option and $49 is quite a good price providing you were going to buy the remote anyway.

        • True, to being better value and it being out for a while. Pack came out a few days after I paid around $60 for my remote :s

      • post was duplicated…..weird.

  • -3

    booooo! @ mod removing my go easy post, I mean seriously? I'm busy this week, it's not like I'm going to hunt down and stalk someone at the moment right? uhhh yeah that's right…

  • What is the delivery cost of a game or dvd on this site? I can't find it anywhere. I'm not going to sign up just to find out. Really hate it when sites force you like this.

    • £2.49. It says 2.50 in the OP, but he was rounding.

  • Hey guys check out…

    £11.95+ £1.00 for shipping equals about 22.33 aud

    • ignore that i guessed the shipping charge based on a ps3 game i ordered a while back its actually 5.99 pounds my bad

      sorry guys


    they have ultimate bourne collection on blu ray for 16.95 + 2.49 postage… works out to be about 34ish aus dollars which i reckon is a good deal

    saw it while getting this deal :D

  • +1

    i think i recall the bourne collection being cheaper than that from, i haven't time to search now as i'm off to work but that's where i bought mine from

    • +1

      yeah it works out to 18.57 pounds with postage if you get it with

      • +1

        Is that including the VAT or did you remember to remove it?

        • +1

          yeah thats without the VAT

          • @zooboy: Thanks, got my copy of The Ultimate Bourne Collection on bluray today.

  • Rachel Weisz has a hot accent…

  • and remember that with Amazon UK when going thru checkout, they remove the VAT on DVDs etc which gives you a further 17.5% discount.

    This is also a great UK price compare site:

  • +1

    what about the credit card surcharge you have to pay for foriegn trancation and currency exchange. I think my one is like 4% for currency coversion and flat 6.95 for transaction outside australia( other one i have is 25 $ for a transaction).
    So if you buying in bulk, it is okotherwise check your credit card statement in few days for all the levies and surcharge.
    so $28.99 + 4% of 28.99 + 6.95/25 ? == ??? for 35 ~ 55 range , ll pass it!

    • Where are you pulling these numbers from?

      I did a US credit transaction on the 15th of June for $USD13.50 and it cost me $AUD16.29. No extra fees or levies.

      • CBA charges me $1.00 each time.

        • cba is 4 % atm

          I always prefer paypal, they convert and charge exact xchange rate in AUD, no matter what i pay in

          • @777: er, paypal charges 2.5% extra, not the exact exchange rate.

            Currency Conversion Fee
            If your transaction involves a currency conversion, it will be completed at a foreign exchange rate determined by a financial institution, which is adjusted regularly based on market conditions. This exchange rate includes a 2.5% processing fee above the wholesale exchange rate at which PayPal obtains foreign currency, and the processing fee is retained by PayPal.


        What is a Foreign Currency Conversion fee?

        Since you own an Australian credit card, your balance and credit is automatically in Australian dollars. When you make a purchase overseas, say $50 US, it will not only convert to roughly $80 AU, but you will be charged a foreign currency conversion fee as well. For instance, that $80 AU purchase in America on a St George Credit Card would impose a $2 AU fee (2.50% of 80 = $2).
        Visa and MasterCard automatically charge a 1-2% fee on foreign currency exchange, so this minimum can at least be expected. Anything in excess is generally a small margin of profit for the bank.

        What is an Overseas Transaction Charge?

        Regardless of the currency, purchase, or cash advance, a couple of providers impose an overseas transaction charge, which takes a clean 1-3% figure off the total transaction amount.

        CBA is 4 %

        city bank 3.40% for MasterCard 3.30% for Visa

        plus you have to pay currency conversion 1- 3 %

        • Well, the maths on my transaction, using the 15th of June exchange rate for USD—>AUD means with no charges or percentages it'd be $AUD15.75. Which means I paid an extra $0.54, about 3.4%. I'm with Westpac.

          I've checked and double checked to make sure there were no extra fees before or after, but I can't find any.

  • +1

    Oh I never knew that, so this actually cost me closer to $27

    Damn it!

    Call the bargain off! I'm changing my vote and suing myself and the St George bank

    • +1

      Dammit why did i go easy then, i mean 40 cents is 40 cents ….. lolz

    • +1

      sirens wailîng Thats torn it - here come the Bargain Police!!!! hehehe

  • Shame this deal had to end, I was enjoying this thread.

    • that makes one of us

      • you really need to get a quackulator

  • The deal is still on? The price is still GBP 12.85?

  • Perhaps they decided to keep it at that price for the time being or overlooked it, who knows? It's a bargain I tellz yer.

  • It's now £14.68 delivered from

  • Mine got here yesterday

    Love this store

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