LG Makes up "4K Sound" with New Soundbar

LG has decided to continue the long standing industry tradition of confusing people with stupid names by claiming that their new Dolby Atmos SJ9 sound bar produces "4K" sound.

Apparently this sound bar plays the completely unnecessary 24-bit/96kHz audio format which will sound just as good or slightly worse than CD quality. And because the bitrate of this audio format is er … over 4000 bits per second they said screw it, dumbos will believe it's better because it's called 4K. Dumbos and also smart people who are ignorant.

The "dumbos" might include audiophiles because, according to LG, this soundbar includes the ability to upsample "standard audio files" to high-def 24-bit/192kHz audio, "sharpening the subtle details and nuances of each track."

Subtle details and nuances are exactly what the audiophiles will claim to hear of course as they continue to insist that confirmation bias doesn't aspply to them because of magic ears :p



  • -1

    How do yo upscale music like that? That's not how speakers work.

    • It's not the speakers that upsample, but the DAC. Almost every modern DAC is at least using a chipset that processes at 24bit/96kHz or above.

      You certainly aren't going to hear any difference on a soundbar.

  • Silly.. 24-bit/96kHz is usually labelled as HD Audio.

    • So 4k would be 72-bit/288kHz?

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