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30% Off Car Batteries, 45% Off Tool Sets, Tool Kits & Tool Storage, 40% Off Coolants, 50% Off Seat Covers @ Repco This Weekend


Repco Sale This Weekend Only

  • 30% Off Car Batteries
  • 45% Tool Sets, Tool Kits & Toll Storage
  • 40% Off Coolants
  • 50% Off Seat Covers

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  • Any bargains?

    • Well the battery for my car was the cheapest I could find when they had a 20% off sale.
      This one is 30%, bugger.

      • +6

        You need to remember to log into your other account before asking questions on your own post.

  • +6

    Given list prices are unknown at Repco…. hard to tell if ther'd be any bargains…

  • +1

    Discount applies to full retail price apparently.

  • +5

    Repco really need to visit 2017

    And jump on line with pricing

    • A bigger range would be welcome as well. Thankfully there's a SCA not too far from me, Well, almost 30 min vs 10…

  • Yeah dont rush in… maybe if you need coolant it might be reasonable priced (I think the Magenta Penrite concentrate was $39.99 for 5lt, before discount). The powered sub they were clearing a couple of weeks ago for $78, was at $331 today.

    Maroochydore store only had Repco batteries, and they are dear to start with (pun intended). Dont know who makes them for them, but I think Id prefer an Exide for street car, or Seamaster Gold Marine for off roader/boat.

    • Some of them are Century batteries, arguably better than Exide.

      • My understanding is Century no longer make them like they used to. Trading on reputation.

        • "Several of the batteries in the new Repco range are manufactured in Australia by Century Batteries, Australia's most trusted name in automotive, commercial and industrial battery manufacturing and marketing."

        • @Possumbly: Maybe you got the wrong end of the stick, Im not saying 'Century' dont make them for Repco, Im saying they dont make batteries like they used too under the Century brand. That is the reputation for being one of the better batteries in Aus is a thing of the past, and they are now just cashing in on brand recognition.

          Yuasa owns Century, and Exide and if you want quality from them, Optima is probably their flagship battery. But at 1/3 or more more expensive its not cheap. In 4x4 circles, Exide have a better rep than Century. I chose the SeaMaster Gold because it can be bought for $30 less than Exides Extreme duty, but has the same robust design for vibration being marine, plus some degree of deep cycle character.

        • @Tuba: Yes I misunderstood your meaning. Same objection though. What evidence do you have that Century is no longer a quality maker of car batteries? Optima is a totally different kettle of fish to "standard" batteries. Tiny part of the battery market for obvious reasons. There's now a large range of specialist batteries for 4WD as you probably know, many made os.

        • @Possumbly: The experience of a network of 4x4 owners that have had Century fail and among them people that have worked in the industry. While members of that same group have had good resutls from Exide Extreme (and others), and I personally have good resutls from SeaMaster Gold, which was under $200 for an N70Z sized battery. The Century version of that SeaMaster is closer to $250, and more likely to fail due to corrugations despite being a 4x4 battery. They are no longer worth the premium.

        • @Tuba: Can't recall anyone suggesting that Century "4WD" batteries were the bees knees, nor have I heard bad reports about them in 4WD circles. Even taking your anecdotal "evidence" as representative (it's not), that doesn't justify your generalisation regarding Century one bit. The simple fact is that most readers of this deal drive on-road cars, and Century still makes good quality car batteries in Australia. Exide batteries on the other hand are mostly made OS since the company was bought out. Plenty of discussion around on that if you look.

        • @Possumbly:

          You cant recall anyone suggesting Century were the bees knees because you just tipped it in the discussion as if it was said. You brought up Century, not me. And you did so by suggesting they were superior to Exide, with no evidence at all, then have the audacity to suggest my reasons are anecdotal. Well, anecdotal evidence is more than you offered. Bees knees is not the issue, its whether or not a person should pay the premium price for Century, or save some bucks and buy the Exide or SuperCharge, and by many accounts get a better battery and the saving. However, Century was the comparison battery you put forth suggesting it was better than Exide, with no evidence at all. I prefer anecdotal evidence to no evidence.

          And labeling it anecdotal is a distortion of the concept. Its a wealth of experience and information from a diverse bunch of consumers. Its actually the best kind of evidence, as its real world. Its like the difference between a guess, and an educated guess. They arent even close to being the same.

          Are we done?

        • @Tuba: wrong on many counts. You claimed, without any evidence, that Century was quote: "Trading on reputation". Big claim, and given you were aiming at a highly rated Oz manufacturer I expected you'd have solid evidence to back it up. What I got was a claim that a few of your mates didn't like them - unconvincing at best. Subsequent searches of the internet turned up sfa, which is surprising because as we all know web chatter abounds on all manner of supposedly "lesser" quality products.

          I move in 4WD circles and regularly read forum posts which are riddled with complaints about all manner of things yet nothing appears which would suggest your claim has any legs. But even that's largely irrelevant because heavy duty 4WD batteries are a small percentage of the battery market.

          When I was last looking a few years ago for a CAR battery I searched the net and asked my local auto electrician about recommended battery brands. Century got a thumbs up across the board. I've seen nothing which - anecdotally or substantively - suggests they aren't still making quality batteries.

          Moral is - if you're going to rubbish the reputation of a good Australian manufacturer then you ought to have FAR more to base your claim on than the experience of a small number of very specific users. Australian manufacturing is already under the gun without rubbish claims like yours adding to the burden.

        • @Possumbly: You just make this up as you go…

          I have proof, a wealth of the 4X4 forum members that spend huge amounts of money on gear. More than that, at least one will contact manufacturers to ask them about products and report back his experience, such as was done with just about every winch available in Australia. It had nothing to do with how well the winch worked, just how well they looked after customes that had problems with warranty, like getting it wet. Its an extensive thread, over several years with contact with each manufacturer, and its updated. Call it anecdotal all you like, youre still wrong. But Im not surprised you cant tell the difference, you buy into the buy Aussie thing. Theres one born every day. Ill spell it out, the relevance is how much effort they put in to their opinions.

          So your reasons are not anecdotal? You checked the web, LOL, and asked the seller of a battery? Double LOL. All this is a rant about buy Aussie LOL.

          Moral is learn what the hell youre talking about. Youre a hypocrite. Nothing youve said is evidence, its sales and ANECDOTAL.

          And customers dont need your rubbish weighing them down with business decisions you know nothing of. Its not Australian, the money still goes OS.

        • @Tuba: I'm familiar with the modern 4WD wank as much as anyone. "Anecdotally" it's well known that self important tossers abound in some sections of the "community". And this is relevant to Century batteries how? Are you suggesting their customer service is poor? Their batteries are generally poor? Their QA is poor? They've dropped their quality? Nothing suggests this at all. Sales are still very strong at more than 1.5M annually, revenues of $250M+. Reputation among those who actually know something about the products appears to be very solid. Even a nupty would recognise that retailers will quickly drop products which are unpopular with customers or which fail earlier than might be expected. Battery World suggests Century is a "leading brand" but you know better. Roflmao. Your attempt to run Century batteries down is pathetic, but not as pathetic as your supposed evidence for doing same. Junior primary school stuff.

          It's largely irrelevant to this argument but it's no surprise at all that you wouldn't recognise the value of having local manufacturing in this country. If the product was second rate Century wouldn't have survived, because as you (cough) know OS manufacturing is killing ours for a range of reasons - not just price.

        • @Possumbly: Wait… you think retailers dump products that fail? Well bugger me, theres a huge number of people that have bought dud products, and had poor after sales service, that would beg to differ. Many of them, here on OzBargain. Apparently you think companies come from Narnia.

          And that revenue you claim, but fail to source, has no context of the market size. You left out the relevant part of what the numbers COULD mean, market share. Additionally, and accepting its an accurate revenue figure, you failed to address if its purely from the Century brand, or includes all sales from their other brands, including its cheaper batteries made OS like oh I dont know, EXIDE or Optima.

          So far weve got,
          - It's Aussie made, must be better.
          - Somehow these Narnia shops only stock better products proving that Century is good, but Exide is less good despite being stocked by the I assume non Narnia shops.
          - Century make lots of money, must be good
          - You asked a retailer of Century batteries and people on the internet and they said it was good. That wasnt anecdotal, but everything everyone else says from the internet and retailers of other battery brands is unreliable because its anecdotal.
          - Everyone elses argument is flawed and anecdotal, except yours

          Good stuff mate. And funniest still, you still dont get whats wrong with YOUR argument. If thats the best youve got, we are done. Jnr primary stuff indeed.

          Keep context, I said Century dont make them like they used too. Not that every battery they make will fail. Theres no reason to pay the Century premium any more. Unless you like to donate to the save Aussie manufacturing fund… AKA, corporate donations with your purchase. Ill let the Surf Life Savers, or a thousand other worthy causes know I dont have the donation they seek as I paid $50 more for a battery than i needed to so Century could make a dollar.

        • @Tuba: Straw man argument at its juvenile best. No doubt draws the nods of similar empty heads around 4WD tosser campfires. Suffice to say you wouldn't have a clue whether Century did or didn't "make them like they used to", just as you haven't got the foggiest about battery prices. Last Century car battery I bought was a similar price to the "real" competition (Exide). Why? Because there's competition in the market. Using your ludicrous "logic" therefore we can say that all Century batteries are competitively priced. Puerile tosh. If indeed Century is able to charge a premium on their products (your claim) and still maintain sales that might suggest something - phone a friend and ask them to spell it out for you.

          Instead of expecting me to spoonfeed you information on the industry/company why don't you try reading yourself one day. Presumably you understand how to use google? Might help you be more circumspect with your ill-informed opinions in future, although I very much doubt it.

        • @Possumbly: You are autistic.

          You offered nothing. You just made assertions and then suggest anyone else is just making unfounded assertions, wheres your proof its better? That was your claim… Until you offer scientific evidence, youre doing everything you accuse me of. Asshat.

        • @Tuba: Some things are obvious to all but the supremely thick. Old adage you should consider applying in future: Better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to offer your opinion and remove all doubt.

        • @Possumbly: Again with anything but evidence, while demanding everyone provide it. You keep doing that, empty headed nothingness, Aussie made is better rah rah. You sound like a thousand dickehads at Cronulla.

          Go on, EVIDENCE, its your claim afterall. Put your money where your mouth is. Yep, you cant.

          As for keeping your mouth shut, that ship sailed long ago for you.

        • @Tuba: the evidence regarding the stupidity of your Century battery claim is right there in front of your eyes pal. You appear to have also missed that other well known adage - stop it or you'll go blind.

        • @Possumbly: Again, everything but evidence.

          I said I prefer others over Repco. You claimed that was Century, can you not read either? I never said Century until you did.

          You claim I need evidence to suggest that Century isnt what it used to be, you provide evidence it is? Until you buy 10 of each battery, and scientifically put them through the same torture tests, you have nothing but claims based on hopes and dreams. i base mine on the experience of a community with individuals that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on gear, and usually have several batteries in their campers, and a dual set in the 4x4. And many of them know damn well what theyre doing, many of them sparkies and mechanics. I have several myself, and I set up my sons rig. You, all youve got is the last time you bought a battery. It was your words.

          Evidence, you wouldnt know it if hit you.

        • @Tuba: you obviously think you're dealing with one of your nupty mates here. Whether they spend millions of dollars on gear they rarely use (except when out playing "tuff" boys and stuffing up tracks) has sfa to do with whether Century makes good batteries.

          Let me make it simple for you. Century continues to exist in a highly competitive market of cheaper-made OS batteries. They are stocked by numerous reputable auto outlets. They are recommended by auto-elecs and other independents. They have a very good reputation in the business. They have well over a million customers who keep coming back for the product year on year. Is the picture forming for you yet?

          Just fyi. I've owned 4WDs for decades and am very familiar with the whole scene.

        • @Possumbly: They arent teenagers, many are reitrees. They have campers and spend extended periods away from mains power and rely very much on batteries, they know what they are. Places like the CSR for example. Not teenagers going offroad for a day in the nearby forestry.

          Many companies exist, despite being rubbish. You said Century was better than Exide, but Exide exists, using your logic that only good companies survive as your proof, only Century would exist. Its your argument, but like all your arguments, they only apply to others, not you.

          Youre ridiculous and Im done with your bobble headed autism. Buying one battery every ten years, does not qualify you.

        • @Tuba: And most will be using specialist batteries which are capable of regular depletion and recharging, something which obviously doesn't apply to the vast majority of people reading this deal. Tell your mates to try Fullriver (not Oz made so that should appeal), to drive more intelligently over corrugations, and most important of all - don't run down the reputations of decent Australian companies when you clearly know zilch about them.

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