Apple iPad for My Toddler

Hello I'm after a apple ipad to buy for my toddler who always uses my phone to play games and watch YouTube

These will be the main reasons to buying a iPad unless there is a cheaper device

Can anyone help me with this
I have no idea where to look or what's best for my toddler


        • @UFO: Which app is that?

        • +1


          Replying to all these comments in general… I was also in the "I can't believe those parents give their children ipads" camp before I had children. It obviously depends on how much screen time the kids get and whether the parents are managing the kids time with it. Too much of anything would probably be bad.

          Luckily my kids don't complain too much when I take away Peppa Pig on the iPad, they just want to be engaged by something else and we give them coloring or an activity book and help them play. The iPad is literally there to give them some variety, because it means I don't have to sing and dance for them all the time. My kids have learnt many nursery rhymes and songs I wouldn't have been able to do on my own.

  • Also just take extra care with the iPad - its pretty expensive to replace the screen. But my toddler is pretty careful as long as I'm with them when using it.

  • -1

    Get cheap Samsung tab as u u dont know when they gonna break or put it in water as my iphone was dropped into the water by my beautiful toddler.

    • -1

      If this is the case, Get a Apple Protection Care Plan for it, like you bought for your SE apparently !!

      Unless you can't afford an iPad, that is a different story all together

      • -1

        You dont wanna spend more than $500 to buy ipad plus protection plan the toddler. Its always better to start with $100-$200 tab and u can buy ipad or watever once dey r grown up. But for the toddler it better to get cheap tab.

        • -1

          Why ??

          Do you mean your toddler doesn't deserve an iPad ??

          And why does he/she has to deal with Android specially when you believe iOS is better.

          Why dont you provide better life to ur kids ??

        • -1

          Better life doesn't start with iPad

        • +1

          @aman00024: it's a part though

        • -1

          @aman00024: but you always say iOS is better than Android

          Then why don't you give ur daughter a better product or platform

        • -1

          When they are grown up, they will need a Macbook for their uni, not an iPad

        • -1


          They dont need mac for the first years schooling

        • -1

          @aman00024: My niece has an android device. She prefer the apple ipad because of the main learning programs are easily accessible on itunes and sometimes arent on play store.

          If you doubt what i say you should look into reading eggs and math eggs, they are a perfect example of interaction with tech but a learning experience with a fun exciting overlay for the kids.

        • @aman00024: I'm still waiting for ur answer

          Why dont you give your daughter a better platform.

        • -1


          there are plenty of terrific tablets for kids out there. Some are specifically made for kids and others incorporate parental controls to ensure your child doesn’t go anywhere that they shouldn’t.

        • @aman00024: but iPad is far superior than all of them

        • @OzSikhs:

          iPhone is superior too?

  • Your toddler doesn't need an ipad lol

  • +1

    Guys, I came across this kickstarter concept. I like the idea in mirroring your phone with a tablet. Better specs than a cheap android tablet and cheaper as well.

    Thoughts about it?…

  • +1


    Very young for that age to play these things. (Though I understand it is very popular and convenient from parental perspective)

    Could cause issue with eyes and mental/physical development anomalies. Not to mentioned health issue arising from lack of movement and addiction.

    Make sure you watch how many hours he or she uses the tablet, and make sure to give your toddler the care and attention they really need (Not saying you didn't but just to make sure), make sure to do other activities that is more appealing than playing games/watching video on the iPad….

    Actual answer

    With that said, seems you don't have an iPad/tablet already. In which case, it is a good thing to have anyway. So you don't ruin the phone's battery too quickly.

    This iPad Air 2 (128GB Wifi) is a bargain at $599. It just doesn't have the cellular and GPS function. But no biggie I suppose. At that price, I wouldn't complain. The screen on the iPad Air is really good. The high pixel density and viewing angle stability will reduce your kid's chance of being cross-eyed (lazy eye, cylinder, etc.).

    Might be a good idea to get a case for it, in the case of accidental drop.

    Lifeproof Case (spendy at $168 - but is waterproof… probably overkill..):…

    Apple Air 2 official Smart Case in Aniline Leather ($129)…

    Or Logitech Blok Currently on special at HN $25 (I'd probably go with this considering your criteria)…

    There is also a cyan colour, which has a really captivatingly attractive hue. Could be good for the developing mind to get to know different colour. He or she will remember this well into the adulthood. (The black on the otherhand is more functional, so the focus is on the screen content and not the bezel… and it probably hides mark and ages better. Tough choice..)…

  • +3

    I got 2 kids, one 2 years old and one 4 years.

    Neither of them watch tv or play on tablets/phones. Neither of them wants to do so because we didn't provide that for them. When the tv is on in the house, they simply ignore it and go play with… whatever. They invent their own toys/games and actually use their imagination.

    Today we came back from 4 days camping where they had no toys/phones/etc. They ran all day around the tent and talked about the things that they discovered. They actually enjoyed the nature.

    Don't pick the easy way for you, it will hurt you more later on. And when I'm saying that, I'm saying it knowing what your kids might potentially do later on as my business is to clean up the shit after them. And trust me, it's not pretty, especially for the parents and grandparents.

    • What is you business exactly?

      • +4

        Cool story zapy. Hope you understand that when your 4 year old goes to school in a year or two, they will already be behind the eight ball. Like it or not mate, technology assisted learning is already happening. It's already being phased in to primary school level, and is gradually making its way down to Year 1 and 2, and eventually Preschool.

        Camping and nature is great. But preventing exposure and not teaching your child the correct way to use technology is like putting your head in the sand on the inevitable. And to their detriment.

        It's not the "easy way" as you refer to it, so stop judging. That's not fair and not helpful.

        • +4

          Thank you for the insight UFO.

          However, I'm well aware of everything you said and I don't want to prevent them having contact with technology. But if I can help delay the addiction a little bit, it might help them on the long term.

          Few years ago, I used to work as a software developer. I'm well aware of the technology around me and I try to teach my children to be sensible about using anything in life, including TV, computers, etc. It's easy to get hooked on something.

          You say the kids will be behind in school due to technology. As this might be true, they will catch up rather fast. It's called learning.

          Why I say "easy way" ?

          I stood home, with my 1yo for 11 months. I'm speaking from experience. It is easy way. Shove the thing in his arms and he forgets about the world around him. No crying, no food, no nothing… zombie.

        • +4


          I get you 100%, and completely agree that if you are going to use the device as a 'baby sitter' for hours per day… then yes that's very wrong. It can only be bad.

          But that's not what I'm advocating. Everything in moderation, including iPads.
          You can't tell me that no parents out there plonk the kids in front of the TV for hours a day- of course they do.
          But there's also moments that a little TV won't do any harm. And everyone is afraid to admit it, but the vast majority of parents are very thankful for that moment they can get dinner sorted or the washing on.

          It's not all day every day, at least not in my house. But technology for entertainment is ok. At least some interaction with iPads helps with fine motor skills, and they most definitely can learn from it.

          TV can also be a good learning tool, but has far less potential as there is no interaction… its just zombie land as you say.

          Zombieland only occurs from absent parenting. Very controlled iPad use (and even restricting its physical access as I do), is perfectly fine.

          I think we are kind of on the same page. I completely advocate outside play above all else. That's how I was raised too. But iPads used correctly can be of great assistance. Education, entertainment, and yes I admit… quiet time as well.

          And what's wrong with that? I remember Saturday morning cartoons in the 80's as nearly everyone in my generation does.
          I think back and I know now my mum and dad probably appreciated them more than I did :).

          But I also remember them flicking that switch off and kicking me outside. Protests for 5 minutes, and then I'd forget all about the TV after that!

        • +1


          Agreed. I'm in the same boat here.

          Whilst we have no Apple products in our house we are not against the kids using technology. I do watch a full animated movie with them every Saturday and Sunday morning usually, and they do have about 10 - 15 minutes each morning after they wake up whilst we get meals/clothing/etc ready for the day.

          As I'm writing this now, the T.V. is on (movie) and my 5yo is doing a 200 piece puzzle on the table, ignoring the darn thing.

          As for the playing on the tablets/phones, I'm not for that now. When they'll need/want to play on one, I will make sure they will start doing something useful on them, like programming:…

          P.S. Just completed the puzzle.

        • +1

          Hope you understand that when your 4 year old goes to school in a year or two, they will already be behind the eight ball.

          No they won't. Creative play is better for them at that age. It's at around the ages of 7-8 they can begin to get real benefits from technology that they can't get from just playing with traditional toys.

        • @zapy:

          Zapy, I totally agree with your comments and have brought up my 8 yr old boy the same. Yes, he gets to play education game on my phone when he wants (he doesn't ask for it every day), I have decided no individual tablet for him yet. At the same time I have continued to tell him pros and cons of technology.
          I am sure moving on he will not be addicted to the device once he has own one. The reason is because I have spent quality and quantity time with him and he loves human interaction and physical play more than anything.

          But sorry to says parents are finding easy route and then many kids are getting weaker eyesight.

    • -3

      lack of tech use early on will hurt your children later on.

      • +1

        Let's agree to disagree.

        How many of us started using computers after 12 - 15 or even the age of 20 ? Anyone behind ?

        If you have a desire to do something, you will do it.

        I started learning about computers when I was 20 years old. I became a software developer at the age 27. I believe, I am ahead of many people who adopted technology since infancy.

        This makes sense ?

        • I not sure what you mean by "started learning about computers when I was 20 years old" but I'm assuming your parents had allowed you to use technology as a kid, and you didn't turn on your first PC at the age of 20. I had a hand-me-down PC in my bedroom from the age of about 7. Bought and built my own a few years later after saving pocket money like a fiend. I got a job as a software developer when I was 24 - and it only took me that long because I stuffed around getting a law degree first. As far as I'm aware, there is no proper longitudinal research on the effects of technology during early childhood development. All I can say, anecdotally, is that my particular circumstances didn't stunt my development.

      • Alisdair Meredith once said:

        Modern capitalism is not about free markets, it is about building sufficient mass that the market gravitationally collapses around you.

        Won't hurt.

    • +1

      What do you mean by "my business is to clean up the shit after them"?

      • +1

        The bored/mindless kids usually have more problems than normal active people do. That's one of the reasons they anxiety and depression is skyrocketing everywhere in the world. You see, it imbalances those chemicals in the brain which are released when we exercise or are active. That's why sports are such a good thing for stress management.

        We, as a species, are made to be mobile/active. In the history of human kind, we haven't been more static than now. That throws us off.

        When this happens, people usually do stupid things, for a number of reasons but in the young generation is manly due to boredom and lack of excitement. Most illegal drugs don't lead to anywhere good, no matter who says what. Here I come in and try and deal with those who are drug addicts or suffer from depression and anxiety.

        Yes, the world and society is much much more complex than what I've laid here and I agree that you can't single this one thing out of the context for another, however, the idea was to try to, as best as possible, eliminate some of the things that can lead there.

        Everyone is doing whatever wants, of course, but if you think the kids need an iPad to be happy, think again. Let them be bored and the mind will start working.

    • Good Kids

  • -1

    Your toddler doesnt need an ipad
    Your ipad needs a toddler

    Have you considered getting a surface pro 4 with a core i7?
    This will be much better equipped if they get into photo editing/graphic design.. Probably a lot more programs to play with if they get into C++ programming etc

    Maybe get 2 or 3 surface pro 4s actually, as they would be quite easy to break by a toddler I would imagine.

  • +2

    An Ipad at such a young age? Don't be surprised that when the kid gets older they'll need glasses due to being shortsighted, thanks to having their eyes glued to a screen.

    • totally agree with you and it is already happening everywhere I see. Parents still dont understand why kids eyesight is getting weaker.
      The tablet companies are never going to do research for you and tell that.

      • Exactly. I understand that there are educational apps, but what I stopping th parents from educating their kids early? Why rely on an iPad?

  • -1

    Just keep taking the tablets.

  • -8

    Your toddler DOES need an iPad.
    My 3 kids (all under 7) have iPads. There are a stack of educational and interactive apps that can assist greatly in not only educating your child, but entertaining them too.

    Then there's also ABC iView and Play School downloads as well. All schools are moving to online programs like Mathletics, and my Year 1 child is already expected to go online with parents assistance to learn. If your child have any development issues, there are also apps specific to their needs and endorsed by all the appropriate bodies.

    Ignore the haters, do what's right for your child. You can pick up second hand iPads on Gumtree or Ebay, but bear in mind they typically have low memory and will fill up very quickly with the multitude of apps available. The kids WILL drop the iPad, so invest in a decent cover for them.. I suggest an Otterbox Defender. A bulletproof case that is perfect for little hands who don't understand that computers and water, or computers and dropping dont mix.

    Lock down the purchase ability of the iPad though, as some apps make it too easy for enquiring button pushing to purchase additional parts. PM me if you would like any further info.

  • +3

    Simply amazing to see how the multi-billion dollar companies have already brainwashed some people that they even personally attack other persons by calling them morons and haters if they do not share the same opinion (and love to a particular kind of technology). Technology is really becoming the new type of religion. In a time where scientists are not even sure what the effects of cellphones have to the human head, people should be a bit more cautious on these electro-waves emitting devices.

    Glad to see that the majority of people are still knowing these facts and are still not brainwashed. Your toddler is in disadvantage if you don´t give it a tablet by the age of 2 because everyone in school is going to be ahead of him? How pathetic is that thinking.

    And this has nothing to do with hate against a type of technology, cause hey where are all writing this replies by using it. I guess people born in the 80s or 70s have a quite unbiased view compared to others

    • -1

      You've completely missed my point.

      OP asked a simple question about an iPad for her child, and hundreds of people tell her she's wrong to even consider it, and then some decide to judge her negatively and even question her ability as a parent.

      The effects of cell phones on the brain?

      Come on man, overdramatise much? None of that relates to the topic in question- an iPad for a toddler to use.
      I'm not suggesting the child is implanted with an Apple device and programmed to worship The Apple Almighty with hours and hours of uninterrupted use.

      I'm sad that you are glad and agree with the majority in here. People scared of technology and of course assuming the very worst and extremes of iPad use, of which no one here is propagating.

      I was born in the 70's/80's… so yes, I think I do have an unbiased view. Thankyou for the compliment.
      Telling me I'm brainwashed tells me you're afraid of the technology available to your children.
      And that's most definitely their loss.

  • +2

    Sheesh, I couldn't will myself to sift through all the judgemental comments so I'm not sure if anyone had already suggested getting a refurbished iPad.

    They're much cheaper and if it's just for your bub (not for when you need to sneak off to the toilet to finish a Candy Crush level or two), it doesn't have to be a pricey venture.


    • Thank you

  • +2

    Your toddler doesn't need an iPad lol

  • +2

    Unfortunately this is probably going to be too far down the list of comments to be noticed.

    I recently gave my toddler (2.5 year old) a "DreamTab". Which is a cheap Chinese made Android device with a rubber skin and a real kids mode.
    Cost $111 AU delivered from Gearbest, doesn't appear to be available from there anymore.
    Working out really well so far. She has to earn tickets (tidying up, helping pass pegs for washing etc) which she exchanges for tablet time.…

  • Setting aside my above comment, get something cheap for your toddler for youtube:…

  • +1

    Your need doesn't iPad a toddler lol

  • Looking at getting a Ute for my Toddler, any ideas of what is the most reliable model and best fit for under 4s?

  • Your toddler does not need an iPad lol

  • -1

    Dont know wh yso many negs.

    Anyway it is actually a good idea to let them play with technology within moderation because this is a form of exercise for the developing brain to utilise and progress the motor skills needed in using tech like playing a game where its all about puzzles and thknking also play games to develop reaction times…..
    In the world we live in today with technology being the forfront of everything it is good to keep them in the loop, when kids go to daycare i see that they do interactive works with tech and it now progresses theough into school as well.

    My daughter has an android device. She and my wife prefer the apple ipad because of the main learning programs are easily accessible on itunes and sometimes arent on play store.

    If you doubt what i say you should look into reading eggs and math eggs, they are a perfect example of interaction with tech but a learning experience with a fun exciting overlay for thw kids.
    My daughters school uses these apps and as dose my wife who os a techer as well.

    • -1

      Thank you very much this is exactly why I want a iPad for
      For his learning skills also

  • +1

    Lovely, fostering new generations who can't look away from their tablet/phone screens for two minutes to notice the world around them. Starting young these days! Sad times.

  • I used to spend hours in front of a computer screen when studying at Uni, my family and friends ridiculed me for being anit-social and always on the computer.

    Fast forward to today and these same idiots are glued to their phones doing Facebook updates for the NSA…

    I was actually doing something productive (most of the time), they're socialising thru a phone.

    My kids both have ipads since around 2-3 and it is was great to get some good apps for spelling and maths, the downside is in my opinion youtube, if I see they are on youtube I try to limit there use/time.

    All these people commenting about not exposing you child to tech perhaps forget some of us had commodore 64's and ataris growing up.

    As soon as I brought the ipads before I gave them to the kids I put a gumdrop or similar tough case on it. So far these two ipads have lasted 4-5 years..

    • Reading eggs and math eggs are a perfect example for games that wducate and are supported widely by the ed.

  • Dont do it

  • My daughter got an iPad mini for her 2nd birthday. She watches ABC Kids and plays some games. We have recently discovered YouTube for kids and she loves to watch the nursery rhymes. Some days she'll spend an hour on there other days two. Some days she doesn't use it. She is now 2.5 and has a wonderful vocabulary.

  • Your iPad doesn't need a toddler lol

  • I reckon Ozbargain has finally topped Whirlpool in terms of total number of (profanity) registered.

  • Just buy a moto force z, with its shatterproof screen you bound to save thousands by not having to pay for screen repairs.

  • You want the best for your toddler, so would your accept second best if you were buying something for yourself? Just buy a top of the range iPad for your toddler. Your toddler will appreciate the speed and enhanced features. Moreover, other toddlers will see it and would want one too!

    • Wow.. What a great suggestion :) lol

  • Hello I'm after a apple ipad for my toddler

    results in 300 post thread


    • If you read the posts it might help you understand.

      • +1

        ive got stuff to do this week

  • If your toddler needed an iPad or any other device, they would be born with one.

    Now the box might be another story…….

  • Actually, based on my experience, giving an Ipad to a toddler is not such a bad idea. I gave my son my old Ipad when he was 18 months old. I needed it as I have just given birth to his sister, and I wanted to make sure he is safe while I breastfeed or cook, or do other chores. There was a short phase when I thought I made a mistake as he was getting more screentime than I want, but eventually now that he is 3.5, he hardly uses it. He prefers to play with his toys, run or do some crafts. I did not force him to abandon the Ipad, he still uses it several minutes a day, like 1 youtube video and then play Marvel, but wil turn it off afterwards. Surprisingly, I met some friends who had similar stories, their parents said that they have all outgrown their tablets, and they are the same age as my son.

  • our little bloke has had his for about 2 years we bought him Ipad mini with a tough case that could take spills and the odd drop

    We locked down certain aspects of it and hid some others so the pages he goes to he can get to the apps he plays with. but can't get onto the net stuff like that and whenever we download a new app we make sure it's locked down so he can't get to places he shouldn't be.

    A couple of other things we use it for is at night as a white noise generator

    Invaluable on flights if you travel for the games and etc. for his age.

    Going to the doctors take the ipad and headphones and he sits and plays while were talking to the doc.

    He has a couple of toys that run from the Ipad which is actually getting him interested in cause and effect (basic programming) he has one that he can put a sequence of events like turn left turn right go forward etc. just by dragging and dropping different coloured blocks.

    Obviously i help him with those ones at first but he soon gets the hang of it.

    If he starts getting cranky about things we take it off him and let him play with toys or something else

    Were lucky he has been demanding with it he'll play for a while even draw etc. on it then go play with toys and if it disappeared for a couple of days he wouldn't actually miss it. (out of sight out of mind i guess)

    He has started taking a liking to my Game Consoles i only let him play mario kart from time to time.

    I guess thats our experience but we said we wouldn't at th beginning then we thought what the hell before we start replacing phones it's been fine.

  • Make sure you get him Apple AirPods too.

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