This was posted 7 years 2 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Oculus Rift + Oculus Touch $449USD (~$590.95 AUD) Delivered @ Oculus


This seems like a crazy price on the Oculus Rift, cheapest I have found is about $850AUD so this is a significant reduction in price and it is a great VR.

I have used Mastercard exchange rates to get that price.

Includes: headset, 2x sensors, Touch controllers, Xbox One controller, remote, necessary cables, and seven free titles available when you set up Rift+Touch, including Lucky's Tale, Medium, Toybox, Quill, Dead and Buried, Dragon Front, and Robo Recall.

Edit @ 12/7: X1 Controller and Remote doesn't seem to be included anymore.

Edit @ 13/7: These accessories actually do seem to be included and you should contact Oculus if you don't receive them.

Enjoy :)

Thanks to keengeorge for commenting the US price.

Wow, Oculus offers a much better deal. Thanks to twocsies & Trobed

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Referral: random (469)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      That's only recent. Interesting.
      Mine better come with the controller and remote!

      Fyi it just shipped too.

    • Maybe we should all post on their facebook page and say poor form lol

    • I ordered yesterday morning, in my order form it says Xbox controller and remote. Can they not ship them to me now?

      • I wouldn't worry. They were included in the original sale so if it said remote and xbox controller when you bought it then you should receive them. I think they've just run low on stock so they removed them from the future sales. From what I'm hearing some people are getting their orders cancelled. I'm guessing that's 'cause they ran out of xbox controller and remote stock 'cause they still have the other package up.

        • Yeah, I am not too worried now as I saw my 3-piece parcel tracking has been received by DHL in Hong Kong last night and departed earlier this morning for Australia.

        • @edfoo: Now I'm getting a little concerned. Everyone is getting 3 packages but my tracking says "2 packages". I ordered when the deal first went up so I'm sure I'll get the whole bundle. Just wondering why it's only 2 packages.

        • @GunnerMcDagget: The bundle should only be 2 packages - One box with the headset, 1 sensor, Xbox controller and remote. The second box with Touch controllers and 1 sensor.

          I ordered an extra 3rd sensor, that's why mine is 3 packages.

        • @edfoo: cheers. That explains it. A bunch of others said 3 boxes, they must have done the same. Meanwhile I'm ordering my extra sensor later when I'm not ozbargain level of brokeness

        • @GunnerMcDagget: yep 2 boxes

    • I couldn't get shipping to Australia using amazon

  • Awesome, mine has just shipped also. Shipping is by DHL so we should have them by this Friday (they also deliver on weekends).

  • Super excited until I saw they removed Controller and Remote. Bollocks to that, they can keep that deal now.

  • +3

    Sneaky, it's $399 usd including remote and Xbox controller for delivery in the US, but $449 usd without remote and Xbox controller for delivery to Australia. I guess that's how they make up for the free delivery, but it's a bit sneaky. You have to notice the items included changed when you select Australia.

    I don't know what it included when I ordered yesterday, the order summary doesn't say.

    It's now shipped as 2 parcels from Hong Kong using dhl

    • I ordered it 2 days ago money already pulled out but no tracking or email it being shipped

      Nevermind should be here friday now to look out for a new gpu :(

    • Not sure if anything's changed, but I'm fairly sure Australians still get the remote and Xbox controller in their headset kit

    • Just to confirm mine did come with both controllers, and it's excellent

  • Just now, the xbox one controller and oculus remote are gone from US as well. I did complain to them about the disappearing controllers for Australia couple hours ago and people must have been doing the same. I imagine xbox one controller is almost a given for PC gamers, but it's still sneaky and and discount is actually less than they have advertised. Still a rocking deal. Can't decide.

    • Mine just came (ordered late on 10/07 from and it has the XBox controller.

      I can only assume that they always planned to remove the controller when they reduced the price but still had some stock left with it in the box, they should have been more transparent about that though.

      • Ahhh I should have been more swift like you. Good on ya mate. Enjoy the experience.

  • I ordered the touch bundle and an extra sensor from Oculus at 7PM on Tuesday (11th). Order still hasn't been processed and no money has been deducted yet.

    A few people have been saying their orders have been getting cancelled.

    So far I have no idea if I'm getting an xbox controller with mine. At this stage, I'm not even convinced I'm getting a rift :(.

    I've emailed Oculus support for an update but right now I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about the whole situation.

    Fingers crossed I guess.

  • +2

    Got a response from Oculus for my support ticket regarding the controller and remote:

    "Yes you should still receive the Xbox One controller and Oculus Remote for your purchase; however, please let us know if you do not receive either or both of these items when you receive your Oculus Rift and we will be happy to look into this for you."

    So it seems we are in the good.

    • So you haven't ordered yet?

      • I have. Last night. At 3 am haha. Before the response was received. Just couldn't resist. Not charged yet.

    • +1

      Awesome. Cheers!

  • +1

    For people fascinated with VR but not keen gamers buying into this deal, please share your experience! I have a PC more than capable of playing most current games but I simply don't desktop game anymore. I'm deciding whether to get the oculus and keep my pc or sell my pc.

    • It's a whole different level of immersion. You are actually there in the game/activity, not just looking at it. You back away from things coming towards you and horror games really get your heart pounding.

  • +2

    Sent an e-mail, got this response.

    Hello FabMan,

    Thank you for contacting us today. This is a very good question.

    The XBox One Controller and Remote are still included in the Rift + Touch Bundle, that has not changed.

    Let me know if I've addressed your concerns and I will close this ticket.

    Oculus Support

  • What is the best way to pay to avoid bad exchange rate? Paypal exchange rate is 1 aud= 0.7428 usd.

    • Yerrrrrr PayPal charge me $19.00 extra for exchange rate fees :(

      • Did you get an extra sensor? I've heard a 3rd sensor makes the experience more pleasant.

        • Yes I bought the extra sensor too .
          Ordered 11/7 at 19.49
          Sent today 13/7 at 18.00
          3 Boxes being sent , so must be including Xbox controller and remote :))))

        • @Scofffy:
          The headset box has a camera, and remote and xbox controller in it as well, the second box will be the touch controllers and another camera, third will be a extra camera and an extension cable USB. Actually I'm not 100% certain on the USB cable but I did read they included a 5m extension with it.

        • @Scofffy:

          Argh! Ordered mine 5 minutes before you. It's now 12 hours later and order is still at status: Order.

          What the f Oculus?

        • @bertusaurus:
          I ordered 1800 on Tues 11/7 and my order is the same still sitting on status Order :-(

          Hopefully they get onto our orders today

        • @Scofffy:
          Sweet ordering today. So keen!

        • +1


          I emailed support yesterday about it and they finally got back to me today with:

          "Due to the exceptional response to our Summer Sale, we've seen an increase in demand and are working hard to keep up.

          There is no ETA at this time, but we will be sure to email you with your shipping confirmation as soon as we ship!

          Kind regards,

          Oculus Support"

          So looks like they are just super busy handling all the orders.

        • @bertusaurus:
          Thanks for the update.

          Hopefully its not a long delay, my son and I are quite keen for it to arrive :)

        • @jfive78:

          Orded tuesday morning 10:00am arriving today looking out for a gpu as my gtx680 wont cut it :(

        • @jfive78:

          I'm tipping that wherever they ship the Australian orders from (someone said HK I think?) did not have enough supply to cover demand.

        • @bertusaurus:
          It's definitely looking that way. :-(
          Still no changes on my order, hopefully they get some more stock very soon.

  • thanks just ordered !

  • Just ordered, should have pulled the trigger straight away. Would have arrived already.

  • +1

    Wohoo, it came in just 3 days! Can't even get local stuff delivered that quick.

    Came with the controller and xbox controller.

    And it's freakin awesome, far better than gear vr.

    Runs fine so far on:
    I7-2600K,16GB,R9 290 4GB

    • Good to hear, basically got the same system and was a bit worried it wouldn't work well

  • Just received mine! Ordered it on 10 July 2017. Stock came from Hong Kong and delivery company is DHL.

    Running a Ryzen 1700 OC to 3.6 GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia Gtx 970

  • X1 Controller and Remote no longer to be included in the bundle. I hope that everyone that made the order thus far will get them.…

    • Maybe there contract finished with Microsoft
      The reason a drop in price after sale even without controller still a great price

    • The article states it will be removed after the sale.

  • Was tempted but this really seems like something that will be awesome to get into in about 2 years when the software / games have matured.

    • In 2 years, there will be different hardware.
      Current software and games are mature, stable and very well adapted to vr, especially using touch controller.
      Roborecall and luckys tail have fantastic graphics and user interface
      I downloaded Bridge crew today and that too is simply amazing. You feel like you are there on the bridge.

  • Since the xbox controller and the remote are no longer included the amazon deal is cheaper , comes to USD $434.43 delivered "$554.74 AUD " unless i'm missing something ? delevery says 7th of august.

    • Oh yep that seems like you're right, they dropped their price after the change. But I guess people get this in 3 days compared to 3 weeks for an additional $35.

      • Yeah its weird that your buying something during the same sale but getting less value " controller and Remote " for the same price.

        • Not weird at all. It's a limited time sale, so when the bundle has sold out, the sale has to end earlier than expected. They just made up a new bundle (less value) but this is now a new permanent price.

        • @edfoo: Ok thanks i didnt realize the sale had ended , my bad

    • Mine says about $66USD shipping. How is yours ~$35?

  • So confirmed if you order now , no xbox one controller and remote for you?

    • +1

      It's very good chance that if you order now, you won't get them. It all depends on when they run out of the old bundle (which had 2 packages) that includes the remote and the controller and start shipping the new bundle which is one package and excludes the controller and remote. Read the link in my post above.

  • Ordered on the 13th, no attempts to take money from me yet, hope I put my details in right!

    • Same here, ordered one day after you. No money taken yet.

      • Same, nothing at all keep checking but no update just has Order Status Order Tracking numbers TBA

    • I'm assuming just a large influx of orders and they may take a little longer to process than usual. Which is fine. I just expected instant payment.

    • Well, they've finally deducted the money from my account. More a case of it's at the "pending" stage, but at least there's been progress! Just thought I'd provide an update based on my order on the 13th. Nothing on my order page has changed as of yet, nor I have received any emails.

      • +1

        Maaate, we seem to be in a same batch. Also ordered on 13th. Finally charged few hours ago. Also nothing has changed on the order page. We are Oculus-order-buddies :P

        • +1

          Here's hoping status changes to "shipped" soon! Fingers crossed, Oculus-order-buddy!

    • +1

      Your order has been processed! Look for a shipping confirmation email with tracking information soon.

      • Same here, buddy.

      • Hey buddy. Just got an email with two tracking numbers for UPS. Both from Netherlands. I'm guessing they are scraping the bottom of their distribution warehouses to deliver the orders with Xbox controllers. I hop you got your email as well.

        • +1

          Yup, same deal here, except for a lovely little message on my tracking, both of the tracking codes.

          "Your package may be delayed. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible. "

  • +1

    I ordered mine in the 11th, still haven't taken money out yet. Also emailed them about the xbox controller being included and they said depending on availability they will ship the original bundle (w/ xbox controller) or the new bundle (w/o controller).
    Complete BS!, I wouldn't have ordered it if it was the new bundle.
    Sounds like they have run out of the original if they are taking so long.

    • +2

      This whole purchasing experience has been a bit of a nightmare. You get yourself so worked up and excited for it only for them to basically go cold on you and not be the slightest bit transparent about what is happening on their end.

      If they said that they had to order more in that would be fine and I could relax. But the fact they haven't said anything has me checking my emails pretty often and is causing me a heap of anxiety! All for a silly purchase. I wish I could just forget about it and just wait it out but I can't for some reason.

      • -4

        Sounds like you two should just cancel your orders and have peace of mind.

        • +1

          Easy for you to say when you had no dramas getting yours. I still want it, why would I cancel?

        • -3

          @bertusaurus: OK then, two options for you: Cancel the order and forget about the whole experience, or keep waiting and feeling anxious (otherwise learn to distract yourself with other more important things in life).

      • +1

        I'm not so worried about them posting my order as I'm fairly certain they will otherwise they would have said something straight away. The annoying thing is it seems to be a lucky dip if you will get the controller or the new bundle without it. This is ozbargain after all, we're all looking to stretch our cash and get the best deal.
        Changing a bundle to one that gives less value for the same price and not being clear one which one you are going to get isn't right.
        Just hope that they send us the same bundle that you guys got.

  • +6

    Day 4 since the order was placed. Patience is wearing thin and the last wine box is getting lighter by the hour. I can see the hopelessness in the eyes of me. If only I can see the Oculus and touch the Touch.

  • +1

    Ordered mine as soon as seen the deal on 10th, got delivered on Friday, plus haven't seen xbox controller as part of the deal, but still got mine, so I would suggest wait until there is somebody to report that there is actually a new bundle with no controller before assuming anything. Box has special place designed for controller, and it would look weird without it.

    • Enjoying it? What type of games are people using the VR for?

      • My most played game so far is Hotdogs Horseshoes and Handgrenades (H3VR). It's a fun fun simulator.

      • Would like to play rpg games but current titles like "chronos" or "mage's tale" is looking kinda mediocre, so really waiting for fallout 4 vr and skyrim vr. Current favorites judging by spent time are Subnautica and Lost Echo.

    • aerondir: I don't know why you are being negged, must be someone is jelly of you. I upvote you.

      • thanks ^_^

    • This seems like a decent replacement for the GearVR. Won't challenge the PC VR headsets though.

  • +2

    If you use a freight forwarding company i noticed on the microsoft store they had the Touch Bundle $399 USD deal also it shows the xbox controller etc.
    So possibly another chance to get the controller deal.

    I got lucky and the rift was bought for a christmas in july present for me " its from Amazon though and its the new bundle " its a pre-order and the new bundle $399 USD .

    For FREE GAMES and APPS for the rift go to this link from reddit must be about 60 links…

  • Amazon isn't shipping any Rift + Touch bundles until after the 24th

    Due to much higher than expected customer demand, any outstanding orders submitted prior to Saturday, 15th July 2017 will be shipped between 24th July 2017 and 7th August 2017. Orders will be fulfilled in the order in which they were received.…

  • +1

    Showing my age, but I still have a VFX1 in its box somewhere around here. Hard to believe it's over 20 years old now.

    Was a PITA to set up, ISA cards and feature connectors, but its game support was pretty good at the time.

    Haven't tried any current gen VR, would be good to see how its changed over 20 years.

  • Just got an email saying my order got cancelled without any explanation. Pretty disappointed with Oculus after this first experience.

    • Just order the amazon $399USD bundle available 7Th august , i think the cost is $573 AUD delivered.

      • Thanks I may just do that, it works out slightly cheaper and have never had any issues with Amazon.

        • Just an update got an email from amazon and the estimated delivery is between 18th and 23rd of august so a few extra weeks wait but i prefer amazon just incase there's any warranty problems as of reading the oculus forums " Oculus " can be a bit of a nightmare.

    • May I ask when did you order and did you order from Oculus or Amazon?

      • It was two days ago from Oculus, I didn't use paypal as others have found may get cancelled if the account used is different to the purchasers.

        • I ordered on 14/07, using 28degrees cc for payment, haven't heard anything since then, order status remains unchanged :(

      • Windbox It was ordered from amazon on the 16th this month .

    • My order was cancelled as well. They made an absolute as* of themselves with this sale.

      • I believe Oculus have told others, that if the order has been cancelled, to contact them and make no attempt to reorder. Problem on their end.

        • I'm confused why they're still listing it for sale if they are having these problems and are unlikely to fulfil.

          4 days later they're still 'looking into it' without any explanation.

  • Damn still no news, not had order cancelled or anything, but have bought a few games now.. well the Oculus Explore Pack (The unspoken, Space Pirate Trainer & Everest VR) , Eve Valkyrie, Dragon Chess, Titan Slayer, Batman Arkham VR & Arizona Sunshine so better send it !

  • Any updates guys ? People that ordered on the 11th and 12th receive there orders yet ?

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