• expired

NSW Family Energy Rebate 2017/2018


NSW Family Energy Rebate, similar to previous years.

Applications for the 2017-18 rebate period are now open.

Who can apply?
You can apply if you are:

A resident of NSW; and
The account holder of your electricity account with an electricity retailer or an on-supplied electricity account holder; and
The recipient for the FTB during the previous financial year.

Please note: your FTB must have been finalised by the DHS before you submit an application for the FER. To check this you can contact the DHS on 136 150.

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NSW Government

closed Comments

  • What is FTB and FER ?

    I know DHS is Department of Human Services.

    • +1

      Family Tax Benefit methinks

        • neither is Gimli, but ya know English is a living language and the Australian version is pretty diverse & forgiving (Did you know that officially both US & UK spelling is acceptable?)

    • Family Energy Rebate. Family Tax Benefit.

      Also note that you are most likely eligible for the FER if you lodge a retrospecrive 16/17 lump sum claim for ftb and found to be entitled.


      • Yolo

  • +8

    FTB = Family Tax Benefit
    DHS = Department of Health Services
    FER = Family Energy Rebate
    OPP = Other People's Property

    • +4

      In other words, breed more and government will give you just enough money to help you survive so you can create more worker minions for them/corporations :) I'm no socialist, far from it, that's just pretty much how it is whether people like it or not.

      • Yeah, this is bollocks, where's my handout?

        Seriously, where is it? What's so special about Mr and Mrs 2.5 Kids?

        Grumble grumble it's so unfair…

        • +3

          Everyone gets handouts, look at the 30 million government payment to Foxtel. Maybe that's what paid for my three month free trial?

        • @nrg2010: Obviously didn't go towards showing GOT. Or it wasn't enough.

          How much would the guvmint gimmi if I torrented GOT on Foxtel's behalf? Wait, that sounds like actual work…

        • -1

          "Mr and Mrs 2.5 Kids" are the predominant voting populous who will vote black and white (labor or liberal). Why isn't it a surprise?

      • At some point that policy fails as you can't have infinite growth. With people living longer overpopulation is going to end badly at some point.

    • The government like those 3 letters words like RTA, RMS, ATO, BOM, DEC…

      WTF = World Taekwondo Federation

      • +1

        The community likes 4-letter words: IWTF = i want that flight.

        • Intergalactic Worlds Taekwondo Federation

        • @supabrudda: in case of stomachache, I Want To Fart…..

    • yeahh…

      OPP - Other People's Kitty ;)

    • FFS = ?

  • This will surely save hundreds for many families without any additional spend.

    Voting with hope that it gets on front page.

  • +1

    Funny that electricity costs keep going up, but providers can afford 20%+ discounts, then the govt gives a rebate to offset the hikes, despite a budget crisis.

    Why dont they just keep electricity prices affordable for all.

    Edit: great deal regardless

  • -2

    Where does the money come from? It's not fair to pay my tax for someone else's bill.

    • +2

      It's not fair to pay my tax for someone else's bill

      LOL. That is the purpose of a tax.

      • funny thing is that it's probably the Stamp Duty which funds these things. I doubt there's too many property speculators on here.

  • I went to a unit the other day where it was about 15 degrees outside (not cold) and the welfare recipient resident had the main sliding door open and one of those power hungry 2000 watt small heaters running to warm their feet.

    So yeah not totally supportive of my tax dollars paying for this rebate.

    • How did you know they were on welfare?

      • And what would it matter anyway.
        It's a rebate not free lectricity.

    • LOL. People underestimate the power consumption of those little heaters. They think because it is small, it won't use much power. I guess they will learn the hard way.

      • They don't though.

        Explaining it doesn't work.

  • +6

    Apply to the very thieves taxing you out of your home. Apply for relief. Don't think of going off-grid or managing wasteful living and giving the grid the finger. Apply for 'relief'. As they continue to rape you. Well over a dollar a day just for the privilege of having an electricity connection. When you turn that switch on, expect the highest electricity prices on the planet on top of those daily charges.

    Lucky to be livin' in a resource-rich country with the highest electricity costs on the planet. The biggest fraud…and most are sleeping.

    • +2

      So cynical, yet so truthful. This country is heading down the crapper.

  • Just new to this, how is this different to the energy supplement that is included in the ftb?

    • +2

      This rebate is provided by NSW State govt (originally an election sweetener that has continued well past its original 3yr life as they haven't been game to stop it).

      Anything included with FTB will be from the Feds.

  • I'm in SA THE State of Extreme Power …..
    This is not a deal for me haha!

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