Pedestrians Walking around Completely Oblivious on Their Phones

So today I was reversing out of a car park, checked behind me and made sure it was clear, as I'm reversing someone walks directly behind my car, completely oblivious to me reversing I slam on the brake and all is well….. he was so immersed in swiping away on his phone he didn't even realise he was almost just ran over.

Now I realise the law states you must always give way to pedestrians and provided you always look backwards when reversing you should always see any obstacles but surely this doesn't mean pedestrians have a free pass to not even pay attention to where they are walking…

Were does the law stand if someone walks into your car, is it still your fault… what if they are injured, it got me thinking we don't really have any laws regarding mobile use and pedestrians…

I propose people should have to start getting a "pedestrian" licence and after 3 years they have full open pedestrian licence, like a drivers licence, just the car is your body. You may also not operate a mobile device while operating your body in certain environments and must pay a yearly registration.


        • -2

          @MrTweek: repeating the rules ad nausem
          The issue is people putting their lives at risk by not watching where their going
          A judge may apportion some blame to the victim if their not actually that inclined to stay alive
          I saw three Chinese girls glued to their phones walk infront of semi loaded with steel coming down a hill .
          I glad the driver was on the ball
          Everyone at that intersection could have been killed

        • @Beach Bum:
          Cause females of any other ethnicities wouldn't have been a hazard.

        • @tshow: cause that's what I saw

  • +2

    Always park in reverse. That way you wont have to reverse when getting out.

    • +2

      Ah yes, because they never walk behind you when reversing into a space, only out of it.

    • +1

      I do that when I know I won't be using a trolley and need to use the car boot.

  • The point of this post is not to point out who has right of way or who is at fault. It is more pedestrians and drivers should be aware of their surroundings.

    Pedestrians can have all the right of way they like but if they get run over because they were too focused on their phones and blindingly cross the road. They still lost the argument.

  • -1

    We have Steve Jobs to thank for that. People just walk around in their own world. Same with people who got their headphones plugged in, taking disability or pregnant women seats and don't give them up. Either use the device to pretend they don't know or inside their own world.

    People on train and bus are the same. Yet alone pedestrians

    Because people comes first here vs drivers, people also abuse their rights to no end.

    Apparently you are at fault even if they are in the wrong no matter what

    Supposedly it's shared responsibility. However I have seen too many times jaywalking with headphones and looking down,not pay attention where they walk, don't give a stuff whats around them etc. Poor attitude, poor form and this has became worse thing in the nextgen

    If there was one reason smartphone shouldn't have existed, this will be my top of the list

  • Just a post that was a bit more understandable and readable would have been good
    1/2 + to you

  • -2

    Lot of idiot pedestrians in this thread…. Driver clearly was aware and looking out when backing up, you can't always see everything 100% of the time and stuff can sneak up on you. Get over yourselves.

  • A pedestrian license… For goodness sake, as if the government doesn't control enough of lives already!?

  • This is happening to me a lot of times but then I realised you can't control how people walk and what they want to do as they walk. So I have learned to be more careful not to hit anyone walking around because that's what I can control although require more effort from my side.

  • I gotta agree, a number of times I've encountered people jogging with headphones on, who don't bother to check for cars before crossing the street.

    I mean, even some 8 year olds know how to do that.

  • This is why they are now considering placing traffic lights on the ground so that people like me and you don't end up in jail for hitting a pedestrian running a red light while playing Candy Crush.

    • I immediately despise anyone playing that game. Damn King and their unethical stealing of other people's IP.

  • +1

    I propose people should have to start getting a "pedestrian" licence

    good luck with that.. we cant even get cyclists to get a license

  • That won't change a thing. Replying to a tweet or msg is more important than crossing a road safely to some people. Unfortunate as it is, those people will only learn their lessons the hard way. The best you can do as a driver is just to stay extra vigilant in places with pedestrians. Keep yourself safe, don't make it your problem. Those oblivious pedestrians will one day cross with an oblivious driver and you'll be watching the aftermath on TV, safe at home with your friends and family, knowing that you're not the one on TV because you have spatial awareness.

    My tip when you're in a car, assume everyone around you are fking idiots, you're the responsible one and you show them how it's done.

  • I like driving, it's probably my no1 passion in life which I do every day. Feel my engine vibrations, listen for weird noise, feel the road surface.

    As a drivers responsibly is to minimise chances of accident by driving in a safe manner. These electronically attached 'walking obstacles' are as hazardous as a Roo by the roadside. The faster and nearer you go the more likely they will pounce on you.

    You cant expect everyone to wear a high vis jacket at night but yet majority of people wear a black winter jacket, the best for night camouflage. You can say these people are also looking to catch the express heaven train. I almost hit one near a busy pub if not for his scantily dressed companion.

    It's best to treat them as small kids or extremely low iq adults then you won't be emotionally challenged as driving these days can be pretty stressful with the traffic.

  • other cars in car parks are worse. I can't remember the last time someone gave way to a car pulling out of a spot. most just scream round like it's a normal road. even if I'm already halfway out of a spot I always have to slam on the brakes as someone comes blasting down and inevitably gives me a dirty look because "I" almost hit their car.

    I think I need to move to a deserted island for a few years.. moved 40kms out of the city and it's just as bad. I'm over it.

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