This was posted 6 years 11 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

(NSW Wollongong) Cryptocurrency Course $55 + Free $20 Ethereum Gift (Save $95, Course originally $150)


We have a few tickets at sale price remaining for our Cryptocurrency course where you will also receive 20AUD of Ethereum gift on the day for the workshop. Was $150, but looking to sell out the last few remaining tickets for $55 on Saturday so that we can run Sunday classes.

I am not the owner or teacher of the course, I am the co-founder of the ticket platform, CourseCouch - happy to field any questions/comments.

This course will cover:

  • Practical experience playing with blockchains
  • Trading paper money made from cryptocurrency
  • How to set up wallets and manage them across different places
  • Introduction to the most popular coins and their technologies
  • Creating an account with the most popular exchanges
  • A demonstration of how to trade between currencies

You will leave with $20AUD worth of cryptocurrency in your account!

If you are confused about how to get setup and buy in, this is the easiest way. I spent 3 weeks getting an account setup and missed a huge surge in Ethereum. I have set this course up so that you can take advantage of the low price at the moment.

What you will receive:
- 3 hour, in-person, hands-on workshop.
- Course resources
- 20 AUD of Cryptocurrencies
- Special future pricing for the Zig-Zag space

What to bring:
- Your Laptop

Zig-Zag Coworking space
95-109 Crown St,
Wollongong, NSW

This course was featured in the Illawarra Mercury:…

Related Stores

Course Couch
Course Couch

closed Comments

  • +7

    So it's not free, it's actually $55.

    • +2

      Meow is not selling Ethereum, you can't buy more on the day and you can't buy it without the course (which is priced at a reduced rate of $55, which is a fair price for a 3 hour, in person workshop). I haven't marked this post as a freebie. The crypto is free, it comes with a course which we have reduced the price of the course by $100 and have clearly stated 'with cut price course' in the title. The effort involved in making people who want to learn crypto have the crypto pre-class would only waste the time of the course itself.

      • +1

        I think the problem is most people see "Free 20AUD of Ethereum" without reading the rest of the title, get over excited, then feel let down that this isn't actually a way to earn $20 for doing nothing. I think it would be better to word is as "includes 20AUD of Ethereum", seeing as you can't get the "free" product without paying for the course.

        Upvoted as I think the course sounds like a good deal for those in the area, but I think rewording the title would be a good idea.

        • Thanks! Agreed, my original title included 'with cut price course' and I see the error of my ways haha.

          This was pretty quickly edited and I am happy that it is more informative now, wasn't out to scam anyone but it appears I copped the downvotes in the meantime - lesson learned.

  • +2

    Price in title

    • Thanks - more than happy to have the course price in title.

  • +1

    If you need a misleading title like that, it's overpriced.

    • -1

      Hi Expon, happy to hear why you would think a 3 hour in-person workshop with limited seats at $55 is overpriced. Especially considering you receive actual cryptocurrencies on the day which you could sell after. Any feedback I will provide to the course provider.

      • +1

        Its an actual fraction of a crypto currency, the price of ethereum ls about $380 AUD, so $20 worth is a tiny fraction of a cryptocurrency.

        • Correct, there is no need for more than $20 for demonstrations in a workshop.

          Most non-trading transactions occur in fractions, as the value of items are determined in local currency. The class can have you swapping the Ethereum for other coins etc if you like, in which case you may have more than just Ethereum by the end of the course but the value given will be $20AUD

      • Title, has also been amended to accurately reflect the offer.

  • +4

    $55 for $20 of ethereum

    • +2

      I would agree, if this is how the title was worded or the offer was reconstructed in a different way:
      (NSW Wollongong) Free 3 hour, in person cryptocurrency course with a $55 purchase of $20AUD Ethereum

      The instructor is not selling cryptocurrencies, he is selling his time. Anyone offering you a free course is just hiding what they are selling, we are not.

      • +1

        have to agree with everyone here. The instructor is taking advantage of a new way of investing and trying to make a buck off it. if anyone needs to pay $55 or even $150! to learn what is being offered then trading crypto isn't for them. Spend your $55 on Ethereum rather then only getting $20 worth. Spend a little time researching and setting up things as you would want to do with any investment.

        by the way 3 weeks to get an account setup? that is a major over exaggeration or if it did take that long I cant imagine what you did. Any decent exchange will require a number of ID's to be sent to them to enable purchasing power, no course can stop that from happening and in that time any surge can be missed.

        Hell I might offer the same for $30 if people actually need to buy this….

        • I think the op meant exchanges like coinbase can take up to 3 weeks (at least in the past) to verify your account, not to set it up.

          It happened to a few friends of mine.

        • +1

          @lucas001: Correct, the process is a pain and that's just to play around with the tech.

        • +1

          @worth1 I am the co-founder of CourseCouch, not the instructor. If you want to offer an in-person course on the platform for $30 you are more than welcome and if you know what you are talking about I will have your back as much as I have Meow's now, I will even help you sell some tickets, we sold out Meows Saturday morning class in a day.

          As I said below, this is a technology course, not selling dreams. I'll just put a previous response I said below:

          …to clarify this isn't a crypto trading course in name or in content.

          I have personally spoken to some of the users, they are hearing so much about this technology and most Governments are talking about it and/or regulating it. The purchasers want it explained in an environment where they can ask questions and receive in-person help. The technology is taking off, I saw a corner store the other day accept Bitcoin. I wouldn't think upskilling about a potential technology that has a global impact as a bad thing. I wouldn't discourage free online research ever, but not everyone wants to learn like that. Not to mention the barrier to entry of purchasing them blocks a lot of people from hands-on learning.

          There is a definite future in cryptos, maybe not for trading but for the application of the technology (distributed ledgers) underlying it. Sure there is information free online but most are all selling something and most are focussed on trading.

        • @lucas001:
          Which is fine (although my coinbase access took less than that) but if that is the case it is being mentioned above that this course will ensure it doesn't take that long and stop you possibly missing a surge. I stand by what I say that the course wont get you setup on an exchange any quicker then the process takes. And as the OP said correct to your statement then he should not even mention the 3 weeks above in that manner.

          There is absolutely nothing difficult in setting up access on an exchange. Knowing when to buy is the hard part and there is no way that can be taught. If it could then we would all be millionaires, much like the share market. People will tell you the price is about to skyrocket and sure enough days later it drops like crazy. They then tell you its dropping and up it goes. As a crypto investor I know how volatile this world is and if you have to go to a course for the basics without knowing this then it is a bad investment. I find it hard to believe the instructor will caution people on this otherwise people will walk out. Dangerous to go listen to someone with an invested interest on ensuring people are interested….

        • @worthy1: As a crypto investor you should be happy people are doing these type o courses charging very little to teach people who can't teach themselves.. I have friends who can't be bothered setting up their accounts, they are that scared of technology. Mind you the same people have multiple investment properties etc, but they are scared of anything to do with tech. Ok, maybe these people shouldn't invest in crypto or maybe a short course like this will help them.

  • +3

    All of this information is available for free online.
    If anyone has trouble finding the information themselves, they shouldn't get into this.
    This course would only encourage vulnerable people to lose money in a field/market they don't understand.

    • +1

      Everything is available online for free but I would like to get some knowledge in a better environment than a bunch of random sites can offer.

      • +1

        Good luck, let us know how the course goes.

        • I can't go, I am in Melb. I would like to make the point that each to their own and it does have value for some, but not for you.

          People always seem to look down on other peoples choices.

        • @hell0: I'm just trying to warn people. These courses are at best, a waste of time. At worst, people will lose money chasing whatever coins are promoted here.

          To be honest, it's in my best interest for more people to pour money into crypto.

        • +1

          @idonotknowwhy: There are no coins promoted at this event. This is a technology event, not an ICO.

          This is why we give you the crypto in a major coin you can do whatever you want with it and it is immediately tradable. I know the kind of event your friend went to, I have seen them and this is not that nor is it a course in crypto-trading.

      • then pay away…

    • +2

      Thanks for your comment, to clarify this isn't a crypto trading course in name or in content.

      I have personally spoken to some of the users, they are hearing so much about this technology and most Governments are talking about it and/or regulating it. The purchasers want it explained in an environment where they can ask questions and receive in-person help. The technology is taking off, I saw a corner store the other day accept Bitcoin. I wouldn't think upskilling about a potential technology that has a global impact as a bad thing. I wouldn't discourage free online research ever, but not everyone wants to learn like that. Not to mention the barrier to entry of purchasing them blocks a lot of people from hands-on learning.

      There is a definite future in cryptos, maybe not for trading but for the application of the technology (distributed ledgers) underlying it. Sure there is information free online but most are all selling something and most are focussed on trading.

  • +2

    I'm upvoting just to counter argumentative dicks in here. I have no affiliation with op.

    Looking forward to the downvotes.

    • -6

      Here's the first one, enjoy ;)

      • +3

        Touche. Looks the the dicks are in the house.

    • +3

      dose of reality = being a dick….riiiight…..

      • +3

        I'd like to point out this is my first post and I think that I have addressed every single comment and actioned every suggestion. I worked hard and chipped in from my own pocket as a new business owner to get the cost this low, the course has previously run in Sydney for $150 and the instructor has to travel to Wollongong from Sydney.

        Not sure what I am doing wrong to keep receiving downvotes, happy for your 2c.

        • +8

          Here's the thing. This is Ozbargain. So if you're not selling a physical product like eneloops at 90% off, or god forbid a phone that doesn't support band 28 you'll be downvoted into submission. Likewise if you're selling an intangible asset then you'll also be down voted.

          If I personally was interested in cryptocurrency (which I'm not as think it's way too risky of a investment vehicle to own) I would readily pay $55 or even $155 to attend in person. Yes I know I can find it all out for myself and could save the cash. But some else has already done the work and is saving me time and effort along the way, that is the value add right there.

          You need to decide is it worth $55 - $20 credit to you. If it's not you could just comment here abd say you don't see the value instead of outright downvoting the offer. I usually on reserve down votes to really shonky offers and or frequent spammers etc. Some here aren't so reserved.

          I have to regularly present at conferences and I know how much effort goes into producing and prepping for say 45mins of presentation and say 15min of questions. You're looking at easily of a 1-2 days of prep work. Let alone producing material for 3 hours of courseware.

        • @BlinkyBill: bravo

      • +2

        I upvoted. As much as I agree that you can learn everything online these days, some people are either lazy/don't have time/ initiative to learn by themselves.

        Also if you're into crypto you should know that the more people get in and start using it the faster the market cap will grow.

        Plus running courses are not free, neither is the time spent.

        Well done OP.

        Ps.: I'm not affiliated with OP in any form, just saw this post here and a crypto enthusiast.

        • So as a crypto enthusiast like myself you would know how volatile the crypto space is. Now as someone that is making money off a course like this do you really think he will mention that? people will walk right out the door as they see how risky the space is. Even I know that there is absolutely no real reason why bitcoin is worth as much as it is or any alt for that matter. Unlike a share which is based of certain company aspects.

          I would caution anyone that thinks taking a course with someone with an invested interest word is gospel. If you don't do your own research for any investment or a lazy and don't have initiative then what the hell are you doing investing in anything! and if you already have done research then you would know how easy it is to get started.

    • ditto :)

  • Can you explain why I should pay for this over say actually listening to the 100 odd self-proclaimed cypto gurus in my workplace bang on about it?

    • +4

      Sure, if the guys at work can sit down next to you and give you the following:
      - 3 hours of their time
      - Practical experience playing with blockchains
      - Trading paper money made from cryptocurrency
      - How to set up wallets and manage them across different places
      - Introduction to the most popular coins and their technologies
      - Creating an account with the most popular exchanges
      - A demonstration of how to trade between currencies

      and give you $20AUD worth of cryptocurrency in your account from their own pocket then I would say save the travel on Saturday, no need to buy a ticket. This is a technology workshop, not selling dreams.

      I honestly know what you are talking about, I use to work in the same environment. I know they wouldn't be able to take me through all this, at the least they wouldn't do it for $55. This isn't the first time this course has run, it was well received last time it ran in Sydney, I just wanted to bring it down to the South Coast, at least once.

      • +1

        Personally I'd give them $55 and $20AUD worth of their favourite cyrptocurrency to not mention it ever again. I'd much rather go for something like you are offering however my money is not my money to gamble.

      • +1

        Introduction to the most popular coins and their technologies

        Which coins are you covering?

        • Creating an account with the most popular exchanges

        I assume you're going to cover "don't store your coins in the exchange", and point out how exchanges sometimes steal/lose coins?

        and give you $20AUD worth of cryptocurrency in your account from their own pocket

        Doesn't that come out of the $55AUD for the course though?

        • Which coins are you covering?

          The demonstrations cover transactions between Ethereum <-> Dogecoins, most discussion is around FIat vs Crypto and then discussing mainly BTC/ETH.

          I assume you're going to cover "don't store your coins in the exchange", and point out how exchanges sometimes steal/lose coins?

          Yea, that is covered, and the recent shut down of btc-e is a timely reminder. The hands on component covers wallets.

          Doesn't that come out of the $55AUD for the course though?

          Correct, I was simply differentiating between this course and '100 odd self-proclaimed cypto gurus in my workplace' and what they offer.

  • +5

    People on here are so touchy about cryptos and guns, jeez.

    Good on you OP, im still learning, i think everyone in cryptos is always learning, noone knows it all, some people just know more lol.

    yes the information is out there if you want top find it yourself but its an overload and without the right guidance its a nightmare. Having said that, i really actually started learning once i opened up a wallet and started trading, and learnt from my mistakes.

    Am hoovering up some alts in this current mess though, hope they crash hard before the fork.

    Best of luck with your course! :)

    • +1

      Thanks for the vote of confidence!

  • +2

    OZbargain is a community where most people would swap their own children for a free dominos pizza… to get them to PART with money for anything but physical goods is a impossible task.

  • +1

    lol i learnt all of this online for free when i got started in Crypto…

  • +4

    Not the slightest interested in Crypto but… thought I'd chuck an upvote to the OP for coming back again and again to be punched in the head and answering all complaints and queries in a polite manner.

    Well done, sir. Well done.

    • +1

      Yeah, I know it's just the OP's job to sell this to us, but professional respect from me. They remained clam, positive and polite.

      • +1

        FWIW It's not my job to answer these. I've been working with my team building CourseCouch for a year now and have quit my job to launch it. I'm the co-founder and I feel it is pretty important to answer public questions. We literally launched last week. This crypto course is something I have been putting planning for months (and I didn't ask just someone random to do it, I personally planned this out). To be honest, there is nothing in a sale for us, this is our first course and the discount comes from a personal subsidy. The biggest thing we get out of this is feedback which is why I aim to get back to every comment that I feel could misconstrue what this is. Meow is an independent operator that kindly offered to travel and discount his time for our first course.

        A little bit about us if you are interested:…

        • +2

          It's worth quite a bit. I've asked the mods to revoke my neg vote on the deal.
          I can't believe that speaker actually (legally) named himself "Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow".
          Good luck.

        • @idonotknowwhy: Cheers, appreciate the gesture. Haha, I haven't been able to get out of him what he was called previously, I can only imagine.

  • I followed the deal the price is $75.00 not $55.00. Is there a coupon or has it changed? I would love to go @ $55.00

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