Express Delivery!......But Do We Always Need It?

Hello fellow OzBargainers!

I watched the following the other day (CLIMATE LAB S1 • E7) "The environmental cost of free two-day shipping", and it's been recalled in my mind almost every time I process my online purchases.

(For those who don't have time to watch the clip, it explained that the increased energy costs and greenhouse emissions are due to decreased flexibility of shipment consolidation and consequent increased trips the delivery trucks have to make to fulfil orders etc.)

How do you guys view about express and "green" delivery?

In terms of your purchases, does the majority of them require express delivery? Or will you actually be happy with a "green" general speed delivery option even when express delivery is free?

It'd be nice to know fellow OzB-ers' views on this, and I wonder what the shop reps' views are too.

Hopefully this will be a good discussion topic.

Happy shopping and bargain hunting this holiday period =)

updated with a poll

Poll Options

  • 5
  • 34
    If express delivery is free, of course go expresSSSssSS! (incl Fear Of Missing Out something free)
  • 12
    Happy to go "green" if not something urgent, even if express is free.
  • 1
    I thought our snail AusPost speed is already plenty "green" *facepalm and cry*
  • 17
    Never came across my mind before.


  • +6

    Have never considered the environmental cost. Probably never will. I'll get express post if it's free, or if I need something urgently and the expense is worth it. That's… it really.

  • I must admit this is not something I had given any thought to!

    In light of this information, I don't think one can justify choosing express post (even if it's free) when not in a hurry to receive an item. Would be interested to hear other opinions.

    We all need to do our part for the environment! Thanks for making this post!

    • Depends whether you think climate change is a complete crock.

      • The scientific literature and the vast majority of climate scientists agree that it is definitely occurring.

        The media provides a platform to the climate deniers making it appear as if it is a 50/50 split which is most definitely not the case.

        • +2

          The scientific literature and the vast majority of climate scientists agree that it is definitely occurring.

          You should listen to some of the testimonies provided by these climate scientists to the US Congress. It's quite funny to watch these clowns stutter and trip over their own answers.

          No-one denies there is climate change. The question is.. to what extent do humans contribute to this supposedly harmful change? (I suspect it is a very small percentage).

  • +3

    I don't see how the environmental impact of express is much higher? Trucks still have to drive the same distance to your house to deliver a package it would just be a few days later.

    • I can't watch the video as I am at work but I think there is more to it than that. Ground transport vs. air. Packaging type used. Consolidated packages etc.

    • Same truck can deliver multiple parcels to you or to your area for the entire week, therefore one commute from dept to your home (and others in your neighborhood) rather than perform 5 trips to your area to deliver individual parcels each day.

  • Amazon's express delivery costs a tad under $20 (non-metro otherwise more than two weeks for free delivery)or $10 (metro otherwise a week for free delivery). Is it worth it? Do I need it now? I'd have to answer those questions when ordering what I want/need.

  • +2

    Don't need express delivery. Recently we bought some new cat scratching posts and an Anova at roughly the same timeframe. interestingly enought both got delivered by the same courier, even though they were completely differenct companies. I wonder if there is some sort of consolidating happening in the background? More than happy to wait a few days if that means I get one delivery rather than two or three. I would also be happy to have a pick up point so the trucks don't need to cruise the neighbourhood as well.

  • +2

    I haven't been able to watch the video.

    But besides food, water and shelter, is there anything else that we truly need?

    Also, I don't think Australia Post Express Post can be counted as "express" (from my most recent experiences anyway!).

    • +2

      We need eneloops.

      • A working vibrator is not a need! haha

  • Welcome to England many years ago.

    They built all of the canals to be a very efficient (cheap) way to transports material around the countryside.

    Problem was it was a bit slow, it could take 3 weeks for your stuff to show up.

    No more canal deliveries, let's build railways instead!

    Well, rail is a bit slow, let's build roads instead! Trucks can deliver right to your door!

    Occasionally someone has the idea of resurrecting the canals for 'non critical' deliveries like raw materials, but just like when people suggest that perhaps we should ship more by rail than by truck nothing ever comes of it.

    I want my 1 cent piece of crap from Zapals, and dammit I want it now!

    • +2

      I want my 1 cent piece of crap from Zapals, and dammit I want it now!

      Pretty sure Zapals, Gearbest, and the rest of them already use the most efficient method from my experiences. Sometimes they just don't send the item at all.

  • +2

    If I need something in hurry will just go to a store and buy it.

    • +1

      but the tree huggers will be angry that you're burning fossil fuels if you drive there.

  • +3

    Where's the dilligaf option?

    • +1

      And yet you felt it necessary to inform everyone reading this post of your position??

      • +2

        Why not? Is it not allowed in a forum?

        • +1

          Absolutely, no problem with it. Everyone's entitled to their views and opinions, and allowed to express them, and an open forum like this is an ideal setting.

          I just find the irony of caring enough to ask where the option is to vote that he doesn't care is amusing. Most people who don't care just move along…

        • +1


          I read it as he doesn't care about the environmental cost.

        • @MrB: Yeah fair enough.

        • +2

          I used to care a lot about the environment, but when i think about how many people throw out their old things and buy new ones simply because they've gone out of style, or drive 100metres down to the shop because they're too lazy to walk, I thought why bother, and started to care a lot less.

        • @Super Kami Dende: I know what you mean :(

  • +1

    Come on, it's still better than people getting in their cars and physically going to local stores which chew through huge amounts of electricity and other inefficiencies.

    It's just picking on an issue where there are bigger unaddressed issues. Imagine how much better off we'd be if most of our shopping was done online. Whole streets of deliveries can be made and many cars kept off the roads.

    • I'm imagining a brave new world where people drive around delivering bread, and maybe even milk…

  • Environmentally friendly solution: send everything by people on bicycles instead :P
    Otherwise nothing is really a 'green' solution to shipping.

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