Urgent Help Please. Wife Needs a New Phone, and of Course It's My Fault Somehow

i need some advice please, and need it quick as I have one unhappy wife.

Looking for a phone right now for my wife, her Sony c4 has decided to have the screen not register touch properly. I think humidity and a little rain got the better of it but can't tell. Switch on glove mode and having it in dry air con room makes it useable but go outside in hot and humid weather and it's useless again.

The phone was pretty good, especially for the price of $299, big screen, good camera front and rear ( camera is a heap better than my Z5). Memory was not so great she kept running low even though the added mem card was only half full, seems social media fills up internal memory.

Main uses, phone, txt, social media and camera. Camera is important. And big screen. We don't want Apple, although I think she'd think it's easy, her tablet is android (she bought a Samsung S2 4g) and I think it's best not to have two OS devices… she's not into tech, just want to use it without tinkering.

I think price is important 😀

G6 or the new OPPO R11s , both about the same price.
OPPO looks really nice, is brand new model and cameras front and rear seem to be good from tests shots in store and reviews.
G6 also seems ok but reviews say front camera is very poor.

Any other phones around we should look at around the $600 mark? Prefer in store or online is OK but an Australian model, I don't want grey stock.


  • I've quickly read your post and in a rush so haven't read the replies yet but I'll duck in to give my 2c.

    A few months ago I imported a Xiaomi Mi Max 2 after my Samsung battery died. Got for around $350ish. I couldn't be more happy. Bigger screen, battery last for around 3 days of decent use and does everything a Samsung does. The only issue I've had is the Bluetooth won't connect to car. Will connect to everything else and housemates car but not mine.

    I find this phone better than Android phones twice the price.

  • Bought the wife a Xiaomi redmi note 4x for about $183.
    Then modded the home screen/icons to look like apple (as she uses an iPad).
    She couldn't be more happy and it only took less than 1 week to arrive


  • A colleague at work has this and he says its the best phone he's ever owned.

    Huawai Mate 9


  • +1

    Samsung Galaxy A series are great value for money.

  • +1

    Show me on the doll where she hits you.

  • her tablet is android (she bought a Samsung S2 4g) and I think it's best not to have two OS devices

    I've never used an Android device, so be gentle with me, but doesn't the interface vary dramatically between different manufacturers and releases?

    • it can yes. but it can also be changed, by installing a new launcher, so you can have consistancy

    • yes, but they are similar, i guess.

      I meant I didnt want to look at an Apple phone as it doesn't work as smoothly with google apps.

      We like our notifications that pop up saying the traffic is bad up ahead, or reminders to leave home because theres an email with a flight booking, stuff like that as well as gmail etc integrated, rather than awkwardly added in ios (I have an ipad pro and would rather the samsung S2 tablet my wife has)

    • It varies, but not dramatically. If you can use one android device you can use them all.

  • DWI is selling a HTC u ultra for $365 and considering the price its a great deal for great build quality, screen, camera and specs

  • Probably worth getting this: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/363865. It might be cheaper even if you do get a $600 phone considering the monthly plan that you end up getting.

    • thanks, that wouldnt have been suitable, good deal though.

  • +1

    I have had the last two Sony phones die the same death (C4 and Z5 Compact) - really liked them before that; the touchscreen just (profanity) stopped working out of the blue; really surprised me on the Z5 to be honest, but it's obviously a systemic issue… Anyway, never getting a Sony again.

    Really enjoying the Pixel, FWIW.

    • We have had seven Sony Xperia, all been good apart from dropped and broken.
      But the C4 was good, wife loved it. Strange how the screen went like it over night, just like how yours did.

  • Why don't you want grey stock?

    Honestly, QC is good enough that I don't expect you'll have a manufacturer problem with a phone that's not just DOA.

    Any other problem, good luck getting support… Most of the ways to break a phone are your fault, not the manufacturers and they'll fight any claim every step of the way. Don't know how you could prove a phone has 'jusy died'. They're just disposable commodity items these days.

    Save loads of cash and get a Xiaomi redmi 4 for $200 grey import. I'd never spend $600 on a phone these days, just no value in it other than the luxury factor.

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