What Is This Stuff in My Pork

Hi guys

Anyone have an idea what these spots are? Please dont tell me they are worms



Another picture


I think it might be tapeworm cysts like in this article



  • +12

    Sorry to tell you, but they are worms.

    • +12

      On the plus side they're gluten-free. Non-GMO too. And free range!

      • +1

        *free wriggle

        • Whew, I thought you said wriggle-free for a moment.

        • +1

          @D C: Get some pork on your fork.. hahahaha.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  • Confirming they are indeed worms.

  • Yup, worms for sure.

  • +1

    Definitely worms

  • Agree, looks exactly like worms.

  • +3

    Looks like extra protein to me

  • -4

    white worms.
    not black ones.

    • +3

      Reminds me of The Pogues song:

      The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out,
      The ones that crawl in are small and thin,
      The ones that crawl out are fat and stout,
      Something something about your brains falling out…
      Be merry, my friends, be merry.

      • The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
        The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
        The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
        Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
        Your brains come tumbling down your snout
        Be merry my friends
        Be merry


  • @hadz, R U OK?

    • +1

      No anymore, I'd wager.

      (Or he's out celebrating his bonus protein / free prize in true OzBargain style.)

  • Soft bone.

  • +20

    RIP me

  • Worms?

    Extra yum.

  • +2

    How can you guys tell that this is worms? If worms, then what type? Tapeworms?

  • Supermarket meat?

  • +9

    I'll look after your eneloops and Xiaomi USB fans when your gone

    • -5

      You’re *

      • +7

        you're *

        I fixed it.

        • -1


          No asterix plz.

        • +11


          No asterisk please.

          Fixed dat 2

        • @alxr0101:


        • @Yummy:

          No asterix plz.



          ur welcome. Typical (wannabe & unfunny) grammer nazi, cant speel & not funnny.

        • @D C:

          Sum1 call the policia grammer plz.

        • @Yummy:

          call the policia grammer

          I thought you were the (self-appointed (and unwanted)) grammar police.

          Great, so we've a confused and incompetent (well, that goes without saying) grammar Nazi in our midst.

        • @D C:

          Its monday mate. Long day…

      • Yuo're*

      • yaw

    • I'll look after you're eneloops and Xiaomi USB fans when your gone

  • Hard to spot what youre on about. Could ne maggots (fly larvae), laid after meat was cooked.

    Is this takeaway cooked pork?

  • +39

    It doesn't look like anything to me.

  • +5

    Are you referring to the huge "dots" on the main part of the meat that look like pellets?

    If you are, then that piece of meat is part of the area around the pig's head and neck.

    I always notice it when we chop up a whole roast pig during whatever asian festival. It looks gross and I don't eat those parts, but some people love it.

    • +3

      Yeah, I'm not sure what he's referring to, can't see any obvious worms by me, it's like "Where's Wally", can't seem to find him yet.

      • its those spots, it kinda felt like crushed garlic in the fat
        see this pic https://imgur.com/a/rdv4MR7

        • +4

          yes, it's normal pig head meat. I've eaten my fair share of roast pork in my lifetime so far and have seen it many times! haha.

        • Looks like normal meat protein to me! Worms are smaller.

  • +5

    Your pork was probably tainted, you live in lakemba after all

  • +5

    I don't see anything unusual? Can you circle what you are referring to?

  • +3

    Can you circle which bit you are referencing?

    • https://imgur.com/a/rdv4MR7 the spots in the fat

      • +7

        Yeah that's just regular meat! I was trying so hard to look for worms! Worms would not meld into the meat and actually be separate and easy to pull out.

        • +1

          Party popper.

  • They were joking…

  • What does it taste like? Worms or pork? If the meat tastes like pork then you are all clear! :)

  • -1

    No clue

  • +17

    Digitally magnified the image,
    yup it's a worm. (https://m.imgur.com/gallery/HGdJy)

    • +2

      Yep it is clear now thanks

    • +2


  • +6

    Just meat mate. Worms my arse….

    • +5

      You should get that checked

  • with high confidence after consultation with Dr Google, it is this worm you have injested

    • +1

      ingested *

      • He jested?

  • +2

    I dunno. Looks like worms to me. https://goo.gl/TeWnq9

    • +1

      What does that mean? Seriously, someone please explain. I don't get it

      • +1

        Depends on where you grew up and when. It's starting to make a comeback again I've noticed.


  • Your all being ridiculous.

  • +1

    I have a degree in pork, and to me that looks like a meat fibre. Nothing to worry about. Not worms.

  • -3

    I'm a Helminthologist (worm specialist) by profession, here is what these worms look like in their natural state

  • W O R M S

  • +1

    It looks like pork. Did you order pork with your worms ?

  • Unless you ate the pork raw, you're fine

  • Extra protein.

  • if it taste salty then its worms

  • +1

    ……i was expecting suprise dick picks, disappointed and relieved at the same time..

  • +1

    Looks like the oil that it was cooked in was not filtered well, strained well enough. Either old oil, with bits of burnt food - garlic is generally a culprit and any other bits which have been left in the oil. If you can remove those bits I'd be interested to know if it was hard/ carbon-like texture, burnt tasting.

    So what you have is possibly dirty oil, which when cooked will settle on the pork if the oil isn't properly cleaned or cooked at the right temperature.

    That's my take on it.

    Edit. just looked at your tapeworm link and probably now realise we're are not looking at the same thing. That stuff you think is worms is just… Pork. Next time you purchase fresh uncooked Pork fillet you will see the same pattern/ texture. Just eat it :)

  • +2

    fk this …I'm going vegan !!

    • There's worms/caterpillars/slugs in vegetables as well… Nothing's safe :)

      • Butter is safe

        • -1

          Butter is non-vegan.

          They have sad lives.

        • +1

          @D C: So do dairy cows!

        • -1

          @D C: huh? What has sad lives? I eat butter and I'm happy most of the time.

        • -1



          OzBargain really has dropped about 50 IQ points, or the "Me fail English? That's unpossible." crowd is expanding.

          Eat butter = non-vegan = happy.
          No butter = vegan = unhappy.

          Comprende mi amigo? (Yes yes there I go assuming gender, but I assume amiga is wrong.)

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